
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 19: Who's the toughest

The battle is already begun, The warriors from all the Villages of the Empire raged against themselves, There is no team..Only the strongest will survive this tournament and not getting Eliminated.

Warriors were blasting eachother vividly with their Energy blasts just as they were attacking with their swords, All the Royalties kids were watching with happiness especially Jade and Jace who were waiting to see Chad battle.

Meanwhile Chad could be seen glaring around the battle ring to see people fighting and attacking themselves, He noticed that it's been two minutes and no one has managed to eliminate anybody at all.

" Such weaklings, What a shame " Chad exclaimed,

He looked up to see Jade and Jace staring at him and he faced Drio James and that caused him to smile, Chad swiftly duck the incoming blade attack and he unleashed a blue energy blast from his hands which blasted the warrior down.

Two warriors charged at him with full force but with one single strike, They were all knocked out immediately, Chad lifted the three warriors and he tossed them out of the Gigantic ring without stressing himself.

" What a waste of time and energy " Chad stated.

" Jade, did you see that? Chad is super cool " Jace said and Jade nodded, All the children were now focusing their attention on the superior warriors in the tournament, After Chad eliminated three warriors instantaneously.

The strongest warriors in the Ring were now knocking out warriors, Tossing their bodies out of the Ring, the warriors present in the Rings slowly decreased from sixty to fourty nine and the victors were up to five.

" Zaibon! " Emperor Karsas called Out.

" Yes my Lord, What should I do for you? " Zaibon asked.

" Apart from that Chad of a man who seems Unbeatable, what are the names of those four fighters that are defeating their opponents without stressing themselves, They must be damn powerful as well " Emperor Karsas demanded.

" Ok my Lord, they are the warriors from the Harishama Village, It is said that the Village is host to strange things including some manner of divinity in them, They are the strongest Village so far " Zaibon answered.

" Their names? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" Their names are Quiren, Kuko, Quasmado, Rerine and Octaria, They are the strongest Harishama Village warriors so far " Zaibon answered, The Emperor made him is Prime Minister for the ability to have answer any question given.

He doesn't know that is part of Zaibon's dark magics!

" Well it's seems like this group of warriors are the dominant ones, I will need to give them a position after this tournament is over, Let's just sit and watch who will come out as the Victor of this tournament " Emperor Karsas stated with smiles on his face.

Chad eliminated six more people by submission, He unleashed a force that tormented them until they submitted in pains, He looked up to see the crowd cheering him and five other beings at once.

He looked left to see the five Harishama warriors knocking out people with their energy blasts and skills, Chad smiles after seeing them...He is now going to have a befitting battle against them.

Quiren, Kuko, Quasmado, Rerine and Octaria could be seen blasting opponents through teamwork, They were reducing the great numbers without pity and we're tossing the Weakened bodies off the Ring.

Renine and Kuko leapt up and unleashed rain of blue fire from his hands which blasted many warriors away, Octaria activated his super speed and he knocked down three warriors in a blink of an eye.

Kuko dodged an incoming fist attack and he lifted the warrior and slammed him hard on the ground, His hands glowed and he blasted the warrior to sleep and he then tossed the body out of the ring immediately.

Quasmado stopped an incoming attack with his energy shield and he caused the attack to explode, He created a sword sword and he striked the two warriors that were trying to ambush Rerine and he tossed them out of the Ring.

He turned his back to welcome an incoming energy blast that caused him to scream in pains, The rest of the Harishama warriors rushed to meet Quasmado to know what just happened, They trace were the energy blast came from and they meet Chad staring at them.

" Why? Why did you attack him with such a cheap shot? " Octaria asked in anger, He conjured a spirit sword with anger and that caused Chad to smile.

" You still don't understand the rules of this tournament do you? There are no teams in this tournament so why don't you finish all the remaining warriors and face me as a team, So pathetic " Chad said.

" This warrior seems to confident, Let's finish this " Quiren stated.

It's only remaining twenty warriors and the Harishama warriors started battling against the remaining warriors, reducing the warriors until they were the only remaining warriors left to face Chad the Destroyer.

" I think it's time for you all to witness the greatest part of this tournament so far, The Great Harishama warriors will be battling against Chad the Destroyer, You all can place your bet amongst eachother " Colos announced.



" This is really cool, So who are you betting against Drios? " Emperor Karsas asked, He snapped his fingers and two servants went before him with their kneels on the ground and they brought up the pot containing gold coins.

" I will be betting two hundred pieces of gold on the Harishama warriors, There is nothing like teamwork " Emperor Karsas stated.

" I will be betting five hundred pieces of gold on Chad the Destroyer, He seems pretty Invincible to me and besides he doesn't even look shock or afraid of being the only one alone, He seems over confident " Drio Obeton said.

" Let's just see, The Harishama warriors might win and they will face eachother to know the Victor of this tournament, This is really great " Drio Konin said.

" Lets just see who wins "



The Harishama warriors faced Chad with smiles on their faces, They surrounded Chad in a circular style, They were all prepared to launch their attacks and that caused Chad to smile, His smile is to die for.

" I have heard about you Harishama warriors before and now I don't feel disappointed at all, They praised you too well and your energies is really massive but above all, You all are still no match for me " Chad stated.

" Ok then Mr Chad, Let's see how powerful you are " Quasmado said, At once the team attacked Chad with full force but Chad blocked all their attacks, Rerine launched his attack but Chad counter it and blasted him away.

Chad stopped the incoming punch of both Octaria and Kuko with his fists and he unleashed a blue plasma force which blasted both warriors down to the ground, He evaded the spirit sword attack which aimed for his head and he landed a brute kick to the chin of Quiren which sent him crashing hard on the ground.

" You all are no match for a Destroyer like me " Chad boasted.

" Really? Let's see about that you moron, BELGAMO RINGAN!!!! " Quasmado screamed out, And everyone opened their mouths in shock, Quasmado body glowed and became completely purple, radiating outstanding energies.

" Oh, So you have the RINGAN abilities right? I was wondering if I am the only one who possesses the powers of RINGAN but ours is completely different " Chad said with smiles on his face.

" You think this is a joke, You will perish " Quasmado stated and he supersped and punched Chad in the face, He grabbed Chad by the neck and smashed him hard on the ground, Chad screamed out loud as Quasmado punched him numerously on his stomach.



" Wow RINGAN, What's that? " Jace asked in shock.

" Father, What's a RINGAN? " Jade asked his father.

" The RINGAN is a superior technique that only strong warriors possess, The RINGAN technique is in many forms both in Demons form and so many others, But this Quasmado BELGAMO RINGAN form is to amped his body strength and power, It's like it is doubling his powers and force " James answered.

" Wow, wow, wow..This cool! "



Quasmado continued to smash Chad down on the ground until Chad blasted him away, Quasmado swiftly charged at full force to strike but Chad teleported to Quasmado back and he released a massive amount of energy to knocked Quasmado off his feet.

" Your RINGAN doubles your strength and speed but doesn't make your power that effective against me, I have spent thirty years of my life being an Assassin, Don't think you can defeat me " Chad said.

He stretched forth his right hand and he unleashed a great deal of energy ball but the Harishama warriors appeared and blasted it away, The four were all fumming in anger as they glared dangerously at Chad.

" You are going down Chad, It's over " Quiren stated.

" And then what? You five will knock eachother out and the trust will be betrayed, You should be thankful to me for trying to defeat you all right now " Chad said, He evaded the plasma attack and he disappeared immediately.

" You should be grateful because you five will be defeated by a Destroyer " Chad stated, The four of them charged against him with full force and he disappeared once again, He appeared behind them and unleashed a blue plasma ball which blasted the four warriors down.

" And now do defeat you all, THE XONSTRATINE!!! " Chad roared and he released purple plasma force which blasted all the Harishama warriors out of the Ring immediately, He knocked out all four remaining Quasmado.

" Judges, I believe Quasmado has-been knocked out already, Declare me the winner " Chad demanded, He turned to see Quasmado slowly rising up to his feet and he frown, His body glowed and he supersped and grabbed Quasmado up.

" I knocked out your team before they even thought of transforming, Your time is up " Chad muttered and he tossed Quasmado up in the air, He looked up and he unleashed purple laser beams from his eyes at Quasmado.

Quasmado crashed down with a heavy thud after the laser impact, The Judges declared Chad the winner and Colos the announcer announced Chad the winner, Everyone shouted happily after knowing the winner.



" It's seems Chad the Destroyer is really a strong being after all, Let's see who he will choose to battle against " Drio Konin said, all the Drios stared at Chad the winner of the Tournament and James smiled.

" Chad, You are the winner of the Ultimate Tournament and I will grant you the two thousand pieces of gold as promised and you are to choose the Drio that you desire to battle against, Who shall it be? " Emperor Karsas asked, all eyes were on Emperor Karsas who could be seen eating fresh blueberries.

" Thank you my Lord and I shall choose battle against the Vragon Clan Drio in a one on one battle " Chad voiced out and everyone gasped in shock, Emperor Karsas stared at James who did nothing but smile.

" Very well then Mr Chad the Destroyer, I will face you in a one on one combat but don't expect to live " James stated, He disappeared from his throne and appeared on the Battle ground, He dropped all his swords and daggers on the ground.

" When fighting a strong warrior like you Drio James, I don't intend to hide a single bit of my Powers " Chad voiced out, He positioned himself for the battle and that caused James to smirk as he positioned himself for the battle.