
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chap 20: Leaving

'how do you enjoy..... you take a vacation, that's right it's time we take a vacation' "Alright guys I've got things to say" Jackson says to the forest with no one in view but once he finishes Arthur and Devion appear out of thin air, "What do you have to say Jackson?" Arthur asks Jackson who just smiles at them, "Why's he smiling like that?" Devion asks Arthur who just gives him a shrug.

"Okay, who do you guys think is the strongest person you know except for me?" Jackson asks his friends, "Uhhhh, I guess Odin..... Nah Hela would be the strongest" Devion answers with Arthur nodding along, "well guess what she is nowhere the strongest person in this world, okay this will sound crazy but trust it's real..... everything in this world from the planets to the stars are all in one universe but what if I told you there is more than one universe that there are hundreds to thousands of universes making a multiverse" Jackson stops to let Arthur and devion to try and comprehend what Jackson just said.

"I don't understand your saying there is more than one universe, that's in possible Jackson" Arthur says to Jackson but Jackson laughs "hahaha, you haven't seen anything yet like I said there are multiple universes like one where Odin had a brother or one where none of us exist" Jackson stops to looks at the shock on Arthur and Devion faces.

"Now, all of these universes need to be created by someone and that someone is the one-above all, an omnipotent being that made everything from this universe to the other thousands, so with that who do you think the strongest in the multiverse is?" Jackson asks his friends who just look with shock at what he just said, "Okay so you just said that there multiple universes, and in one of them we don't even exist or in another we could be bad, and you're telling me that someone made all of this?" Devion mockingly asks Jackson who just replies "yeah I know shocking right" "So how do you know all of this?" Arthur ask.

"Well, my friend what if I told you in one of the many universes Odin exists but he's not real, he is nothing more than a character in a book" "So you visited one of those universes, how?!" Devion asks, "I didn't visit one of those universes, I haven't even been to any other except for this one, which leads me to the last thing the omniverse, the omniverse is just a bigger multiverse, it is basically multiple multiverses, now the special thing about this is that in the omniverse the one above all isn't that special there countless beings that are stronger even a human in on the many universes is stronger than him!!" Jackson excitingly says "so multiverse means many of us, omniverse means other people" Devion says.

"Yeah I guess you could say that now where I come into play, I come from one of the universes where Odin is a fictional character nothing more than a myth, in fact, I met people who made Odin in their universe, so in that universe, I died and I met an old man and would you believe the old man is the one who made the Omniverse which means the one-above-all is nothing but dirt on his feet compared to this old man, so when I met the old man I made a deal with him letting me become very very very very strong, strong enough to fight the one above all, the old man let me come to this universe and that's how I came here and that's how the world works" Jackson says as he enthusiastically drops his hand.

Arthur and Devion look at him like a bumbling Buffon, "I just realized are you drunk Jackson?" Arthur looks at Jackson questioningly"No I'm not drunk, if you don't believe I can just show you guys a world where no one knows you at all, the world is not part of our multiverse and it's the perfect world for a vacation"

"So you made a deal with an almighty being and became another almighty being, and decided to come to this world all I have to ask is why?" Devion questions Jackson, "well I guess it would be the movies..... yeah definitely the movies in the world I come from this world from the one above all to Odin is documented in books and movies, so that means I know what happens in this world," Jackson says, "so you knew huh?... you knew that there would be a fight" Devion threateningly says as he brings out Midnight.

"yes, Dev I knew there would be a fight" Jackson says as Devion pounces on him swinging Midnight while "YOU KNEW..... YOU KNEW THEY WOULD DIE" Jackson skillfully dodges Devion's attacks and with a solemn face replies "I knew there would be a war but am not an omnipotent being so I didn't know the children would die, if I didn't come here those children would probably be dead at that settlement we found them" Jackson says as he grabs Devion into a hug

"Listen, Dev the giants weren't meant to be there they were meant to be fighting against the other Asgardians" Jackson says to the weeping Devion who slowly lowers his hands down, "If they weren't meant to be there how did the there then?" Arthur asks Jackson who looks at him with a serious face "Odin did" which gets Devion attention immediately "AND YOU DID NOTHING, HE KILLED THEM AND YOU DID NOTHING!!" Devion screams at Jackson.

Jackson sighs before speaking "I didn't kill him because he is my father". "it is recorded that Odin Borson is my father so I didn't kill him but that doesn't mean I didn't punish him I took his eye away and trust me this is enough because if things go the same way Odin won't live the best life" Devion calms down at what Jackson says "I apologize for that" Devion says

"Ah it doesn't matter if he wasn't my father I would have done far more so trust me I understand, so now I have a proposal for you gentlemen, we have nothing to do our children are dead, and we are miserable so I think we should leave, leave this universe, leave the multiverse, let's go somewhere else," Jackson says to Arthur and Devion, "where would we go?" Athru asks Jackson who just smilies at the question, "Well I'll take that as a yes then" Jackson says as a portal opens underneath Arthur and Devion who fall into it screaming "no wonder so many ROB'S love doing this, well let's go play some Basketball"

(A/N: Well what'd you think about the chapter, I didn't know what else to do here in marvel and instead of doing a time skip I thought why don't we go somewhere else and just let the things in marvel happen until it reaches a point I can add our 3 characters into, You can probably guess which world they're going to so I hope your excited cause I am.

Have a great day. Peace

ps: this is probably dumb seeing how I know nothing about japan's culture and I don't really know the plot well but I love the fanfictions that I read about them so I wanted to do hope you enjoy

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