
izuku: the kenjutsu master

disclaimer: this story is a creation i am working over on wattpad and decided to move it here as i am putting a bit of work into it this story will be primarily a BNHA/HSDXD story however izuku's peerage will consist of mostly characters from all over the place why because i want to also his powers will come from all over the place again cause i want to and i said so anyway this is my new story that i will probably be working on the most also don't expect grammar i suck at it

jexishere · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


izuku ryujin (astaroth)

izuku is as everyone knows him but his usual attire consists of the cover of the story for his combat attire or a teal kimono with maroon lining grey hakama and sash red tabi socks and a pair of zori


izuku is a master swordsman primarily focusing on katanas

breathing techniques: breath of winter

first form - over frost: i stab my blade into the ground and the ground is frosted over for a mile radius and anyone below my power level is frozen into place

second form - ice rose: this is an extension of first form wherein i have anyone frozen in place to be completely frozen over and ice roses start to bloom sucking away their life force which then gets absorbed my me and and turned into power which i send back at them in a powerful horizontal slash

third form - blizzard brilliance: i trace the side of my blade as a blizzard kicks up even if it isn't the proper weather for it making me completely invisible to my opponent i then strike them in the back with a diagonal slash

forth form - frozen moonlight: this attack sets an illusion in place of a full moon behind me i then strike at them ten times so fast it appears i teleported behind them and no one can see how i move unless they were taught this technique

fifth form - winter solstice: similar to hyorinmaru i draw a circle around me with my blade and erupt as an ice dragon wherein i charge at my opponent running them through

his zanpakuto is a combination of many weapons but izuku can only use them when he is in shikai or bankai:

relic eater lapis: which giving him ability to absorb magic (Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon)

demon sword-asuramaru: which creates a dozen floating katanas that izuku can command at will similar to how the chastiefol works (seraph of the end)

the demon fox kurama: which allows him to use special techniques called jutsu but he only uses it for clones (naruto)

the regalia nora: which allows him to summon his blade no matter where it may be or how far away it is by calling the blades name this does not release the blade into shikai as he has not stated the command to unlock only said it's name(noragami)

a soul weapon: which grants him the power to resonate with the sword itself making stronger attacks (soul eater)

ddraig the red dragon emperor: which grants him the ability to multiply his power by ten every ten seconds this ddraig is from an alternate universe which means there are two ddraig's in my story or at least this is before ddraig merges with the other weapons to create izuku's zanpakuto (HSDXD)

hollow zangetsu: this grants him the power to use ichigo's hollow mask which enhances izuku this is one of the two only abilities izuku can use when his zanpakuto is sealed (bleach)

imperial arms murasame: izuku can use the blade to instantly kill any opponent he wounds and izuku can turn this ability on and off at will (akame ga kill)

divine drag-ride bahamut sword device: the only ability that hasn't changed izuku can call upon the drag-ride bahamut when he needs it (undefeated bahamut chronicles)

demon sword-yamato: this grants the ability to cut through everything even dimensions it also grants izuku a devil trigger this is the other ability that izuku can use with his zanpakuto sealed and he can use both his hollow mask and his devil trigger in tandom

babylon tower: this ability is the combination of unlimited blade works and the gates of babylon allowing izuku to create exact duplicates of blades within babylon that are equal to the original he can then take these blades and merge them together which he did with the different excaliburs and the holy lance combining them into the master excalibur this ability can be used when his zanpakuto is sealed but he can only open a single portal at a time and he can't create any weapons

do to izuku being having very little devil blood despite being a noble he can use holy weapons without being wounded


his zanpakuto is simple katana with a green hilt and a gold guard with a black sheath the sageo is also green

shikai: bring justice, sekai o kaeru ken

in this form his zanpakuto is now two katana like blades that are identical except on the pommel of each is a crystal one is red one is blue besides the powers previously stated the sword with the red crystal can control fire the blue can control ice

bankai: shinjitsu ni sakarau yoroi

his bankai is a full set of samurai armor that is bright red and two katanas that identical and are red and gold in this form all of his abilities are tripled