
Izuku Midoriya: The Worthy Recipient Of Gluttony

In a world where superpowers are the norm, Izuku Midoriya is marginalized and ridiculed by society for not having one. Is this world unfair? He thinks so, not because he wasn't born with a special ability. It's the opposite. He was born with an ability, rather a curse that was imposed on him at birth and that he must not use under any circumstances. Because if he does, he won't be able to stop devouring the names and memories of the people around him.

Thewitchcult · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Dreams

On a hot summer day, a blue sky with long, long columns of summer clouds.

The scenery slowly sways with the heat, the voice of the cicadas..

The sound of the cicadas, the cry of the cicadas

Chiirp, Chiirp, Chiirp, chiirp, chiirp

There are empty cicada shells scattered on the park floor, as if the sun were right next to them, everything was roasting.

A hot day in the middle of summer, as if the whole world had turned into a frying pan a voice was heard in the midst of all this heat.

"That's cruel Kachan, he's crying, if you're going to continue, I-I, I'll never forgive you!"

The voice of a green-haired boy was heard shouting at three children who were in front of him, while trying to protect a child who was kneeling behind him. The yellow-haired boy who seemed to be the leader was a little surprised and then showed a confident smile

"Even though you don't have a quirk, do you pretend to be a hero, Deku!?"

After saying those words the three children rushed towards the young man. Seeing them coming he could do nothing but stand still trembling. To receive a beating a few seconds later...

"H-hey, are you okay?"

After they finished beating him up the three children walked away when they got bored of hitting him. It was at that moment that the child he was trying to protect approached him to make sure he was okay

"D-don't worry"

While trying to fake a smile like his hero's, it didn't work. The wounds he had hurt him a lot, enough to make him cry. But he didn't do it. He didn't want to make the child feel more guilty

"I'm sorry, I didn't want this to happen"

As tears welled up in the child's eyes, he immediately got up to show him that he was okay

"L-look, everything's fine. They didn't hurt me"

While swinging his sore arms he could fake a smile to reassure the child

"I-I see, that's a relief"

As he said those words the child showed a smile. At that moment he felt something in his heart. He felt a very comforting feeling. So that's what it felt like to save someone he wondered. At that moment he remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yet.

"I-I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Izuku Midoriya you can call me Izuku. What's your name?"

While extending his left hand to the child who was still on the ground he asked for his name. Taking his hand the child answered him

"T-that's right. M-my name is..."

On that hot summer day. In a park that was roasting from the heat. In a completely blue sky. With increasingly thick summer clouds. With the sound of cicadas getting louder and louder. Like a cicada shell. He had turned that child into an empty shell.



A loud scream was heard. Izuku jumped up from his bed while exhaling heavily. He immediately touched his forehead which was all sweaty. There he remembered what he had dreamed a few moments ago. That nightmare. That stupid nightmare. Why now? Why after so many years does he have to have that dream again?

"Why do I have that dream again?"

With an agitated face he immediately looked for a cloth to wipe off his sweat. That was a nightmare that he hadn't had for several years. Why did it come back now? He thought he had overcome it when he stopped having it, although it seems that he still hasn't overcome it. Although it was obvious. A sin like that would never disappear....

Knock, Knock, Knock

"I-Izuku, are you okay? I heard you scream"

On the other side of the door he could hear his mother's voice. Did she wake up? When he glanced at the clock he saw that it was early in the morning. How long had he been screaming? As he sighed he answered her

"It's nothing mom, it was just a nightmare"

While trying to calm his mother down he told her that, although he achieved the opposite result.

"I-is the night terror back? We can go to the h-hospital if you're feeling bad."

After saying that, Midoriya sighed and opened the door.

"Don't worry, mom. Look, I'm fine. This happens to me spontaneously. It's not serious."

As he raised his arms to show that he was okay, he said that.

"I see, if you feel bad, let me know, okay?"

After saying that to him, Izuku urged her to return to her room. She obeyed and did so. At that moment, he threw himself on his bed with exhaustion.

"I should sleep..."


As he was heading to the academy, he was touching his eyes very often. He had hardly slept at all. That dream didn't let him close his eyes again. Besides, he left his house later than usual, as his mother was very insistent that he rest. Although in the end he was able to convince her to let him go to the academy.

"Even so, how long has it been? 10 years since then, right?"

As he said that, with his hand he took a strand of his now completely white hair.

That was one of the consequences of that incident. An incident that no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to forget, even if everyone else does.

As he continued walking, he noticed a commotion. As he turned his head, he noticed many people gathered in one place. That was...


When he noticed it, he immediately ran towards the crowd. When he arrived at the place, he noticed that people were already dispersing. Apparently everything had ended recently. He regretted having left his house so late because of that he could not see the heroes' combat. At that moment he could hear the murmurs of the people who were moving away. Apparently the problem was a pickpocket who was making a fuss with his quirk, and the person who subdued him was...

"Mt. Lady, she's a rising star it seems."

As he watched her posing in front of the cameras, he turned his gaze to one side, towards the street that was completely destroyed.

"She has the ability to increase her size..."

He kept his gaze fixed on the street.

"Even so, wasn't it a bit reckless? She caused a lot of damage to the city just to catch a pickpocket."

After whispering that, he took out a notebook from his backpack and a pencil to start writing down his impressions and thoughts about this incident. When he noticed someone approaching him.

"Hey, you're taking notes. Do you want to become a hero? If so, work hard kid. I'll be supporting you."

A man had noticed him looking at the heroine and taking notes, so he deduced that he was taking notes to become a hero in the future. Which certainly was true.

"Thank you... I'll work hard."

After showing a smile, he responded with slight enthusiasm. His dream since watching that video long ago has been to become a hero who can save people with a smile. He has been training hard to achieve it. He has studied, strengthened his body and watched hundreds of videos related to heroes. It is his purpose in life. He is sure that even someone who cannot use their quirk can become a hero.


"As you are all third year students, it's time to seriously think about your future."


"I have passed out pamphlets for your future plans but... aren't all of you trying to get into the hero course?"

After the teacher said those words all class started shouting. Everyone was planning on becoming heroes after leaving school; it's normal; it's anyone's dream who was born with a special ability.

"Sensei don't put me in the same place as these losers; I won't be at the bottom with all these failures."

A boy with yellow hair suddenly threw out that insult for everyone in class which made most of them angry so they started yelling at him and telling him to take it back.

"Could you shut up, damn extras? You're too noisy."

With a confident smile, he responded that way to everyone.

"Now that I remember, you want to go to U.A high school, right Bakugo?"

The teacher spoke after realizing that. Everyone started murmuring when they mentioned that academy, as it is one of the most prestigious in the world, with an acceptance rate of 0.2%, one of the lowest in the world. While Bakugo showed a smile of superiority, he climbed onto his chair.

"I am the only one in this academy with a chance of getting in. You extras will only serve to watch me when I do it. I will definitely become the best hero this country has seen and my name will be marked in history."

As he declared that in the middle of class, several students looked at him with astonishment and admiration. At that moment...

"Oh, right, Midoriya also wants to go to U.A., doesn't he?"

Izuku's shoulders trembled slightly. He was surprised when his name was suddenly mentioned. He was absentmindedly looking out the window and was not paying attention to the class at all. At that moment he heard the whole class laughing loudly. Were they laughing at him? He wasn't sure.

"Eh, Midoriya, seriously?

"You can't get into the hero course just by studying, idiot."

"A guy without a quirk applying for U.A is laughable."

As he looked around the class, he could understand what it was about. At that moment he backed off when he noticed something heading towards him, although it was a bit late. A small explosion sent him straight to the wall.

"Hey Deku, you're worse than all these losers here since you don't have any quirk. So how dare you try to get into the same place as me?"

As he watched Bakugo get angry over something totally selfish, he could only quickly stand up and adjust his uniform, then set his gaze on Bakugo.

"Why should I explain to you? It's my decision where to apply. It has nothing to do with you."

As he gave a totally logical argument, he noticed a vein bulging in Bakugo's head. Why is he angry now? The one who had the right to be angry was really him, wasn't it? He really didn't understand it. He's known him for so many years and still doesn't understand how his brain processes things. When things were about to escalate, the teacher intervened.

"Guys, don't make a fuss. If you do, I'll talk to your parents."

After saying that, everyone who had been murmuring just now fell silent.

"Tch, damn loser."

As he let out that insult he returned to his seat. Izuku did the same and sat down.


The end-of-class bell rang. Izuku immediately started packing up his things to go home. He had to get home quickly. There were rumors on the internet about his favorite hero being in town. As he was about to pack up his notebook someone snatched it from his hands.

"We haven't finished talking yet, Deku."

Looking up he could see it was Bakugo who had snatched it away from him. Why does he have to deal with this every day? He thought to himself as Bakugo's two friends approached.

"Katsuki, what's that?

"Hero analysis notebook for the future?"

"Hahaha, seriously? Mirodiya.."

As Bakugo's two friends looked at his notebook and laughed at him, he could only sigh.

"Can you give it back? That's something im-"

He couldn't finish his sentence because Bakugo suddenly set fire to his notebook. Seeing him do that he could only sigh again. Why does he have to go through this? This kind of humiliation just for being someone without a useful ability? He didn't understand it at all. Luckily there wasn't much content in that notebook but this kind of thing still bothered him.

"Deku, even though you try to hide your cowardly personality behind that calm face and that stupid white hair you paint to look more mature, deep down I know you're the same coward and crybaby as always."

As he spoke with clear anger, he suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to bring him closer.

"I'll make it clear to you, idiot, if I find out you applied to U.A., I won't let you go as easily as that time, keep that in mind, damn loser."

As he abruptly let go of his collar, he headed for the exit of the classroom with his friends.

"I feel a bit sorry for him. Even now his reality is totally warped."

"In the end, he will collide with the truth. After all, someone without a quirk can't possibly get into the hero course."

As Bakugo's two friends spoke loudly while leaving, he suddenly stopped at the door.

"If you want to become a hero so badly, why don't you try being born with a quirk in your next life? You can start right now by jumping off the roof."

With a provocative smile, Bakugo pointed at the ceiling. After that clear provocation, they left the classroom. He simply did not reply and sat in his place. The best way to always deal with these situations is to ignore them. Although, did he incite him to commit suicide? This was going too far in his opinion. But it didn't matter, he would ignore his threat and apply to the academy anyway. After all, if he doesn't do it and ignores his purpose in life which is to become a hero, then he...

"Certainly, if I do that, I should just die..."

His whole life has revolved around heroes. Even if his Quirk is not something usable, he thinks he can still become one. After all, the person who inspired him would not give up because of an obstacle like this. Saving people with a smile, standing tall in a desperate situation, showing a calm smile to people in times of crisis. That's his ideal hero. One that he will aspire to become at any cost.

N/T: That's it for this chapter. I was planning on writing more but it was getting too long. If you notice any mistakes let me know.

N/T:Remember, this is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English. If there are any errors in the grammar, it's due to that.

Thewitchcultcreators' thoughts