

Ivysharna has been suffering from her stepmother, Victoria and her big brother Lumiere.. she only have her big brother, halmiere and her stepfather, kaisen. but kaisen's disease got worst and worst, kaisen told Ivysharna that her real father is still alive and ask her to search for her father and live happily.. "what! wait father! father! tell me more! k-kaisen! " (...) "do you want to marry me? "said Edward "your eyes is pretty, believe me, I'm telling the truth, my lady" said Harry "Ack! p-princess! are you okay? y-you not hurt right? I-I promise not to try to k-kiss you again! this time for sure! I'm really really really sorry! " struggle danielle will Ivysharna be able to live happy this time? and will she be able to choose her true love? read Ivysharna diary!

IvyLie_purple · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


What sort of situation is this!

'calm down, and put your knife down! '

One of the knight shout

The man behind me clench his knife

'hand over my brother first! '

He shouted

This.. This is so awkward ! Ermm.. I want to screaming! B-but my voice doesn't come out! What should I do! Just get it over so I can see my father! Why it has to be me! S-should I do that? The self defense that kaisen teach me? B-but if I don't.. Then I will die! I hope this will work! No! Please work!

I grabbed his hand that he sworn my neck and bite it .


The man shouting ..

I kicked his feet and run towards the knight.. (Sigh).. Gratefully, I've learned self defense from kaisen.. Back then kaisen using telepathy magic to me for learned any of self defense..

Everyone looked shock..Do they doesn't see any kid bite a man?..looking their face, I guess it's their first time..

I shouldn't have do that..but if I don't, I will be deadmeat!

The knight grab the man and put it in a carriage. Thank god! Everything seems fine now..

'q-quick, bring rigordio! I d-don't have time for this man' I'm trembling while ask the knight..

Suddenly a man with a brown hair and dark skin appear.. He look exactly like that green woman knight! Are they siblings?

'I am rigordio, the vice captain of the roselia knight,may I ask why you want to see me little heroine? And are you okay now little heroine.. You're so brave that moment'

He smiled and pat my head.

He's the same!

So he is rigordio.. I sensed he is strong..his emotions is pure yellow means happiness overflow.. (haha) What now! Is he that happy see a kid?

(Sigh).. I guess he see the first kid bite a grown man for the first time too..(hehe) well I guess this time I'll be the first kid who bite a man arms.. Hmm.. Thinking about it again.. I feel embarrassed! Let's forget about it.

'my name is Ivysharna von vecenna and this necklace is belong to my mother.. Kaisen gave it to me..he said that you can bring me to my father'

I said it straight. I hope he will quickly bring me to my father..

For the first time .. I-

I really want to see my father..