

Ivysharna has been suffering from her stepmother, Victoria and her big brother Lumiere.. she only have her big brother, halmiere and her stepfather, kaisen. but kaisen's disease got worst and worst, kaisen told Ivysharna that her real father is still alive and ask her to search for her father and live happily.. "what! wait father! father! tell me more! k-kaisen! " (...) "do you want to marry me? "said Edward "your eyes is pretty, believe me, I'm telling the truth, my lady" said Harry "Ack! p-princess! are you okay? y-you not hurt right? I-I promise not to try to k-kiss you again! this time for sure! I'm really really really sorry! " struggle danielle will Ivysharna be able to live happy this time? and will she be able to choose her true love? read Ivysharna diary!

IvyLie_purple · Fantasia
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17 Chs

IVYSHARNA DIARY chapter 12 : Yvonne want to be my friend? necklace and I had an argument!


(look.. I don't want other people to dirty their name just because they want to protect me.. I don't need people to protect me.. Are you satisfied now?)

((WHAT! DIRTY THEIR NAME? hey princess, what are you thinking about dirty name? Do you get the situation right now, she just want to be your friend, not do something bad, and if you worry about other nobles that humiliate you, just ignore them, why you always be so sensitive? (Ugh) I don't get it!)

(tsk- stop it, you always nagging)

((WHAT! (sigh) so.. You just want to sit and watch and doing nothing about yourself?))

(w-what! is not like tha-)

((after you been through all the hellish situation, you don't want to people stay by your side! How dumb are you ! ))

(no! It's not like tha-)

((I'm disappointed ))

(huh? (Aarghh) Wait! Don't go yet necklace! Are you sleeping on there! Help me with this situation! necklace! )

'um.. are you okay princess Ivysharna? '

Asked Yvonne .


Is it true that necklace said?.. Am I that dumb because I'm not accept her friendly request? I really don't know how to make a friend. Well, she's not even the one that I make a friend, vivian is my first friend

But she.. Somehow, I feel like I will make her trouble if I friend with her.


I looked at Yvonne

' Y-yeah I'm okay, I think '

I said.

I don't want situation got worst after I had an argument with necklace.

Yvonne quickly read the situation, but she seems don't know why and how.. But somehow she knows that I having a hard time so she started to comforting me..

My face must be shown bad reaction, right?

( Hey necklace, come out..)


(I'm sorry, I will accept her request, okay..)


(tch- at least praise me more)


well ,

Yvonne, she's kinda trusty and friendly..

'um.. Yvonne, can I call you that? '

'Yes ! Of course! Is this mean you want to be my friend? Princess Ivysharna?! '

'please call me Ivy, well if you want me to..'

'then I gladly to be your friend! '

Said Yvonne.

She seems excited.

She even start the conversation if anyone make it look awkward.. She's really fun..

We have a good chatting! This is feel like I'm having a perfect friend!

[At home in the night]

I can't sleep ...

I wake up.. I hold the necklace..

Is it obvious that I am a sensitive girl?

It's not like I always like this before..


After I got out from that house, I mean kaisen's house, I feel like I have learned many types of aura or emotion, even when I try to mirror myself and learn to control my face, I really a fast learner, thanks to my power (haha) hmm..

I try to call necklace, but it's seems it will ignore me this whole day.. But still..

(I've got two friends, Vivian and Yvonne)

(hey necklace! How long you gonna stay in there?come out! I want to ask something about my mother! )

I want to know about my mother!

(( ... ))


( How does my mother make a friend?)

((... ))

(Tch. You're really ignoring me! Fine! )

(( Her Majesty, Lilith really beautiful and kind. She have a lot of friends. But she's too kind... I always envy her.. always... But she save me from get killed by the spirit king. That time i.. I'm just a weak spirit and always try to ruin human live.. Human all the same..that was I think.. But after I meet your mother.. I can tell that she's different..well, She's funny, kind and caring..sometimes she even do crazy things when she's alone(pfft).. Nothing about her that imperfect..and.. One day.. She got a curse that no one can cure it... ))