

Along the desert the herd came across cheetahs, zebras ,giraffs. The matriarch encountered the next sign to a water stop THE CARMINE BEE EATERS (BIRDS) all of this was really exciting and liberating to both boys

The herd got to a little pond on the mopani island and scared off all other a nimals away but the on e animal that won't give way for an elephant is the Buffalo

Elephants love nopani and its leaves contain some water ,after eating enough leaves they were driven off by mopani worms

While using van ocular cameras,the boys faked having fever but the team are fully prepared for their journey they 've solid first aid kid unknown to both boys they were given some pills and their temperature were taken Jeff told them they 're alright

Both Jamie and david decided that the best thing to do is to orchestrate an accident so they can be taken to the hospital


The next step for both the team and the herd is to journey across the salt pan to an islan with baobab trees the trunk of the trees are filled with stored water during the rainy season

Along the way the team had to stop to refill their tanks with fuel from gallons of fuel they've packed they camped on the island far any from the animals the adults took turns guarding the tent but jam8e sneaked out and tempered with two trucks, he altered the breaks

In the morning while driving through the woodland and planning on how to radio the others to join the team so they can attack and the herd including the perfect time and place the breaks fail and the trucks collided with one another but the accident wasn't fatal

Jeff contacted Kelvin who was surprised to hear that his son is with the team and not in France

The team got together two trucks and drove back and on their way called for an ambulance that met the team the parametic took care of the injured three men

While on the way to the hospital just himself and david are on driving g one truck while Jeff drove the other withe the others

Jamie used the radio to contact the authorities David's dad Jeff us a little hurt but can still drive it was david who persuaded his dad to let Jamie drive the other truck

When the got to the hospital the police arrived and told Jeff that when the three injured are recovered ,they 'll be arrested including Jeff

Jamie and david sneaked out took one of the trucks at night refilled with supplies and guns drove off to catch up with the herd.They drove for days across the salt pan and saw the herd afar off but they know to keep their distance

The herd follow the quelea birds through a passage high above the main river to get to their temporal destination Palm Island

While the boys followed the herd they took pictures and videos

The queen birds led the herd through a small stream where they drank they've been thirsty for days

The stream led them to the Zambezi River and Victoria waterfall