
Its Sudden but I Came to Another-World But I Hope to Live Safely

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasia
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196 Chs

Scheming for now

I am aware of my own dejected mood, and I am being way too moody

unlike a knight which brings me down even more.

My first job as a bodyguard. I was confident that they wouldn't get the

better of me with my strength. The reality was that I had a winning

chance against Girista, Ekdoik, and Pashuro if it were solely on battle


But what was the result? I couldn't protect him despite that being my

one job. I did win a 1 on 1 against Girista, but I had a hard time against

Pashuro, and Wolfe settled the fight with the granted knowledge of that


And then, when that man was once again exposed to danger, I couldn't

do anything and he himself settled things. I thought he would be fine if

it was him, but that wasn't the case. He stepped into the thoughts of

Pashuro and the others in order to get out of that situation.

The depth compared to the time when he fought Dokora was different.

He even looked like he was a whole other person entirely. If that was his

form when I met him by chance, I can say for sure that I wouldn't have

welcomed him in the country.

Seeing his face when he was talking with Pashuro who was on the verge

of death, I even thought it was already too late. But he managed to

return by his own power. That muddiness had returned to its previous

light in the time he was making eye contact with me.

He must have used my way of life as a landmark to return from the deep

darkness in him. But that also means that he was sunk so deeply that he

couldn't have returned without my presence.

Lunatics that would kill their surroundings without hesitation; he

probably would have been able to manage something while captured by

doing anything regardless of means. But I couldn't fulfill my mission to

protect him as a knight, and I couldn't even achieve my own personal

objective of not letting him walk the wrong path.

Also, I was once again reminded by him of the reality I tried to not think

about. The anger of His Majesty at that time was the real deal. He

directed anger at me so strong that it made even me falter despite being

far superior to him in physical strength.

There's no guarantee His Majesty will assign me as his bodyguard again

when he heads to Gahne. I may be able to continue right now

temporarily, but it most likely won't last long.

While I was worrying about this, we finished our meals, bringing us to

the present. I feel like he was talking to someone, but who was it…?

"—Let's go back."

"Y-Yeah…" (Ilias)

Looks like I have dampened his mood too. I feel even more bad now.

We meet a familiar face as we head to the exit of the castle.

"Oh, isn't that Lady Ratzel?"

"…Lord Leano." (Ilias)

The Leano Division that leads the most knights, and their Knight

Captain, Lord Leano. The top of the people that don't think fondly of my


"And the one by your side is… oh, it is you!" (Leano)

The expression of Lord Leano changed suddenly. Just where did his

disgruntled face towards me even go? He is making a face as if he just

met his best friend.

"It has been a while, Lord Leano. This is the first time we meet in the


"You said it. Even though I have told you to come meet me whenever,

you haven't shown yourself once. What a cold man." (Leano)

"His Majesty is the priority when I come to the castle after all."

"I can't say anything against that response. I was thinking about taking

care of you if you didn't have a place to go to, and yet, you managed to

get right by the bosom of His Majesty. You really are one man that can't

be underestimated. It seems like my eyes didn't deceive me though."


Lord Leano is laughing while talking with him.

I couldn't follow this unexpected development.

His first meeting with Lord Leano should have been in the barracks,

when the first meeting for the bandit subjugation was held.

At that time, Lord Leano was directing a belittling gaze and tone at


"What's with that dumbstruck face you have there, Lady Ratzel? I heard

about it, you know. Even though you were left with the job of protecting

him, you allowed him to get kidnapped by outlaws." (Leano)


Aah, there's no way he wouldn't know. Girista rampaged at such a

public place after all. It must have gotten to other knight divisions too.

There's no way he would let that topic pass by when he hates me.

"So stupid. Even if it is true that you failed, you safely rescued him.

What are they thinking about despite you having redeemed yourself?

Do they think you have already become a perfect knight or something?"


"…Eh?" (Ilias)

"I have heard about how you wanted to protect the citizens. You are not

telling me that those people should have died, right?" (Leano)

"N-No way!!" (Ilias)

"Then, stand tall. You managed to fix your mistake while protecting the

people as the chivalric code deems. Seeking more than that in your

standing would be presumptuous!" (Leano)

This… is Lord Leano encouraging me here? But it only sounds as if he is

insulting me. It is the very picture of a knight instructing a novice.

"Good grief. With such a tightfisted bodyguard with you, it is hard to

invite you to a meal. Let's find a different occasion to have a lengthy

talk. See you later." (Leano)

Lord Leano smiled at him at the end and left.

He saw that and sighed before turning my way.


"Y-Yeah. How you are close to Lord Leano and those words just now…"


"It is not really that weird though. Lord Leano is that kind of person to

begin with."

"No, but… you remember that time too, right?" (Ilias)

There's no way he doesn't remember. He was the one who planned

countermeasures after hearing about how I was being looked down by

the other knight divisions.

"It is true that Lord Leano doesn't think positively of you."

"Then why…? No, I am not in a position to ask you about how you are

close to Lord Leano though…" (Ilias)

"Ilias, it is the undeniable truth that you are being hated by the other

knight divisions. But do you think every single one of them hates you

for the same reason?"

"…What do you mean?" (Ilias)

Their reason for hating me… isn't it because I am a woman? No, there

should be no mistake in that. The reality is that they would always say

'even though you are a woman'.

He scratched his head and continued speaking.

"The reason why Lord Leano hates you is because a woman is in the

highly respected Ragudo Division."

"…So because I am a woman." (Ilias)

"I am saying Lord Leano would have treated someone the same even if

it wasn't you, Ilias. The Ragudo Division was the ideal knight division

Lord Leano aimed for when he was trying to become a knight. Lord

Leano respects the knight divisions that have kept on since time

immemorial; putting it in a bad way, he is a person trapped in the old


"…I see." (Ilias)

Lord Leano himself would be the one to know that. Did he hear that

from him?

"What's in the heart of Lord Leano isn't male superiority, but the idea of

'the man for the right job'. He wants to keep the historical form of


A newcomer girl showed up there, so he is simply feeling awkward. It is

because you tried to take everyone under your lead while ignoring the

other Knight Captains that he tried to steal your position. As if saying 'it

is too presumptuous of a woman to gather the venerable knight

divisions and try to command them!'."

"But isn't that the same for the others?" (Ilias)

"Lord Fohl is self-interest. You apparently defeated him in front of his


Now that he mentions it, something like that might have happened. He

challenged me, saying something like 'I will be your opponent for a bit'.

I just fought with everything I had like usual… I did get a hit on him at

that time if I remember correctly.

"He was thinking about testing out a new face, and yet, was shamed in

front of his subordinates. Of course he would hold a grudge on you

regardless of gender."

"But it was an official match, so holding back is…" (Ilias)

"I am not expecting you to read the atmosphere in those kinds of

scenarios. However, understand the results of it. Men are creatures that

care a lot about face."

"Mumuuh." (Ilias)

"There's a lot of other things. Some who had their beloved weapons

broken in duels against you; ones told by their cherished little sisters

the person they admire isn't their brother who is a knight but Lady

Ratzel; people who had their names spoken wrong and got that

nickname set in stone; people who don't really have any grudge

towards Lady Ratzel, but are riding the mood…"

He was speaking out one reason after the other.

I was being hated by so many varied reasons? This is shocking in a lot

of meanings. Or more like, isn't there stuff unrelated to me mixed in


"Yours is not the same as the united persecution of Wolfe. There's a

variety of reasons why someone hates others. However, you being a

woman is being used as the front. But it is not like it is all simply that. It

is because the numbers have increased too much that they began

looking the same to you."

"But when did you do all this…?" (Ilias)

"At the ceremony, there was a guy that clicked his tongue at you, you

see. I investigated a variety of things while I was checking the details of

that person."

"Since then…?" (Ilias)

"Don't worry. I have already made the noble that clicked his tongue

regret it, so just act as if you don't know."

He was doing something like that in the shadows… Well, let's just

believe that he has done it within reason.

"Even though you told me to change the anger to power, you were

punching back…? What do I do with you?" (Ilias)

"It would only make things more complicated if you were to do the

punching with anger clouding you. But here, a friend of mine was made

fun of. Gotta get a hit or two in, right?"

He made a mischievous smile. I really don't know what to do with this

guy. However, learning that he sees me as a friend and that he moved

for my sake… isn't bad.

"But… I was being hated by so many varied reasons…?" (Ilias)

"That's a given. You didn't make any friends since childhood,

concentrated the whole time in training, didn't learn how to form

human relations, and didn't spare a glance to your surroundings.

Despite that, your skills were high and would take the position of

others, pulling so many eyes."

Stabbed right to the heart.

Now that he mentions it, it is not like they hated me from the very

beginning. But I have lived my life prioritizing polishing myself rather

than my relationships with others. Trying to become a better knight…

No, it is obvious that I would be hated if I did as I pleased without

looking at others.

Was I missing something crucial as a person as I aimed to become a

good knight?

"You lost your parents at a young age and continued polishing yourself

while there was still no leeway in your heart. There's no need to blame

yourself at this point. But it is different now. You even managed to get a

friend, right? You can just learn a variety of things without getting


"—Right. I have gotten a friend like you. It might be better for me to

look at others more." (Ilias)

"…Aah, no, I was referring to Saira."

"…You called me a friend though!" (Ilias)

"Did I?"

"You did! Is there any inconvenience or is it embarrassing to be my

friend?!" (Ilias)

"It is just embarrassing to be told that to the face. Think about it with

common sense."

I certainly did mess up. But it is not like that's the end of everything. If I

keep worrying about everything, I might not only fail to get them back

but link them to even more failures. It may be difficult to switch

completely here, but I can't progress if I don't face forward.

"Good grief… Anyways, let me show my gratitude. Thank y—Mgh."


He covered my mouth with his hand. If you do that, I can't talk, you


"No need to thank me. I am the one being helped out and I am in the

middle of paying you back. It is not like I have paid you back completely

yet. If you want to thank me, do so when I have finished. If you thank

me at each instance I help you, I wouldn't be able to pay you back


"…You are worried about the smallest of things. It is not like it would

lessen anything just from thanking you." (Ilias)

"It does. Thanking is also a veritable way to pay back a debt after all."

"—Seriously, men are creatures that care a lot about face, huh." (Ilias)

If he wants me to do that, I will do so. Let's keep this feeling of

appreciation for when he has been satisfied… But when that time

comes, will a single thank you be enough? Am I not already being

completely indebted here? I-Is it okay?


It is fine that her mood seems to have improved to a certain degree with

the arrival of Lord Leano. But I got flustered when she noticed that I

had deepened my connections with other knight divisions.

It is not like I doubt the personality of Ilias, but there really is an

awkward feeling to learning that I am getting friendly with people that

don't think fondly of her and harass her.

Ilias wraps it all in the same mantle. It would be troubling if she were to

see my friendship with her and my friendship with Lord Leano as the


As someone who likes deep but narrow personal relationships, creating

widespread personal relationships unexpectedly has a lot of hardships.

Also, trouble comes walking to you when your face is spread wide -just

like now.

"You are the Counselor Candidate that frequently meets His Majesty,


"Well, yeah, that's right."

The one in front of me is the daughter of a Taizu noble. Her name is… if

I ever meet her again, I will try to memorize it.

I was called to the residence of the noble, and when I asked what their

business was…

"I would like you to arrange it so that I am tied with His Majesty."

And well, it is a request smeared with self-interest. Can't really say

much myself as someone who is using my closeness with Marito to

expand my connections with the knights though.

"His Majesty is a really late-bloomer. Even when he shows himself at

banquets, he wouldn't try to meet a girl in particular."

I have heard that's because he simply didn't find any girls he was

interested in.

"I am from a distinguished family, cultured and elegant, and have been

polished to be worthy of His Majesty. That's right, I am the one who

should become the princess of His Majesty!"

I would like you to share 10% of that confidence you have to Ilias who

is on standby outside the room. Also, about half to Rakura. I think that

would make them into nice and graceful ladies.

"If it is you who His Majesty has taken a liking to and speaks to him on

the daily, you should be able to arrange a moment for the two of us to

be alone."

"I think I would be able to."

"Then, please do. As soon as possible."

She is not caring about my own convenience at all.

"I didn't say I accepted."

"No, you can't refuse. You have a peasant friend that is learning

tailoring, right?"


"Do you know that she has been practicing at a tailor that is under the

influence of my house?"

"That's a first."

"Do you want to crush the future of your friend?"

This is one confident lady. Quite the straight threat. It wouldn't be

strange for a store that makes high class clothing to have deep

connections with nobles.

Even if Saira is driven away from her current place, a new place could

be provided to her if we rely on Ban-san. But Saira said the place she

had right now was a good one. It would be a pain if it were to be stirred

up by the ones above. Also, I would not like Saira to suffer like that.

She may look pretty enough to make it understandable how she would

be confident about it, but the fate of people who have deluded

themselves to be the chosen ones is sad.

First of all, the fact that she has mistook my relationship with Marito

already makes her completely hopeless. She probably doesn't even have

an inkling of a thought that the king is friends with a commoner. I feel

like it would be effective just by pointing that out, but… it would be a

pain to just stimulate her blindly.

"It can't be helped. Then, I will try to arrange for you and His Majesty to

have dinner today alone."

If you are coming at me as such, I will answer in kind. I feel bad for

Marito, but I will be using that agreement we had before.

I was called that night soon after.

The noble daughter is not making too good of a face. Of course she

wouldn't. There's no way Marito would be able to get along with a girl

she doesn't even like after suddenly being arranged to have a meal with

her. She can't come out strongly with a king, so it is natural that she

would fail an arranged date without any plans.

"Judging from your look, it doesn't seem like it was a good result."

"No, it is just the first time, so it is natural that His Majesty is not

receptive yet! I will have you continue moving for me!"

"—Sadly to say, I can't."

"What did you just say?"

"Young lady, have you thought about why a commoner like me can

recommend someone else to have dinner with His Majesty?"

"That's—what are you trying to say here?!"

It seems like she does have the ability to feel a bad atmosphere. It

would be a lot of work to make someone understand if they are

completely insensitive after all.

"I have made a number of agreements with His Majesty. 'We will

definitely meet the girl that we are recommended to'; this is the first

one. That's how much His Majesty trusts me."

"In that case, a second and third should be—!"

"This will spread. When that happens, people like you will show up.

That's where the second one comes. 'People who try to take advantage

of this agreement will be judged as people who bring harm to Marito

Taizu'. There's no next time for you."

"Wa?! That's obviously a lie!!"

I take out a single parchment from my pocket.

The details of the agreement I mentioned before were written there. At

the place for the signature, there's the name of Marito and a seal which

only royalty can use. There's no way you wouldn't know about it if you

are a noble.

"It would be a bother for His Majesty too if the same girl were to be

persistently pushed at him. Therefore, we have made these


"No way…"

"His Majesty and I are trying to find a good partner for each other, you

see. However, a 3rd party would be a hindrance if we want to perform

this smoothly."

As per the agreement between me and His Majesty, the prerequisite is

to meet the girl you are introducing. It wouldn't d be fair for me if he

won't meet them because he is busy. However, if others were to learn

about this, there will be more people who would want to make contact

with Marito.

Especially ones who will try to threaten a commoner like me with a

weak standing. This is the special measure implemented for the sake of


Putting it bluntly, it is the agreement of 'we won't forgive anyone who

tries to take advantage of our friendship'.

"You were the one who threatened me first here, so I omitted this

explanation. However, it has properly been applied, so don't worry. Aah,

it is not like we will do something at once. This is not a trap set to make

the women into criminals, but a prevention for second timers."


If others knew about these agreements, the only ones who would try to

use this would be women who are sure they would be able to seduce

Marito, or assassins. Of course, there's a way too competent Anbu-kun

by the side of Marito, so there's no issue with the latter. As for the

former, if the first one fails, they wouldn't have the courage to keep on.

If they try to cling on despite that, Marito will simply get rid of them as

a nuisance.

By the way, when it is the opposite, if Marito tries to persistently

introduce me to the same woman, it is written that I will be cutting off

my relations with him.

As for other conditions, there's also that we can only introduce them to

1 a week, and we can only add more when we both have an interest.

Next would be: 'Let's not try to poke at the holes of the agreements,

okay?'. We both agreed immediately to this.

I most likely won't be meeting this noble lady again. And so, there won't

be a chance to remember your name.

The next day, I had a conversation with Marito at his office.

"Man, it has been a while since I have seen a woman that conceited.

Speaking of which, I think I have seen her a number of times at

banquets." (Marito)

"I did think you would at least remember her since she has a good face.

That said, sorry to trouble you."

"'It is a miss, but meet her please' -that one made me laugh though. She

hasn't done anything unnecessary to you, right? I personally find it

unforgivable with just the fact that she threatened you with your friend

though." (Marito)

"Forgive the first attempt of an ignorant recluse. It must have been a

good learning experience. Ah, right. I brought this today."

Saying this, I bring out the gift wrapped in cloth. The bribe—I mean, the

thing mentioned before. How's this?

"I was curious about it, but what is it?" (Marito)

"As an apology for the troubles. If you don't like it, I will take it back

with me. I personally like it after all."

"Let's see, let's see…" (Marito)

Marito unwrapped it and let out his voice in surprise.

It is the potted plant that I requested Ruko to prepare. It is a foliage

plant that looks like a pachira. It is an interior decoration that goes for

warmth more than flashiness.

"This is… quite the rare one." (Marito)

"Really? I requested this from an acquaintance and she readied it for me

in a day or two."

"So you say, but this is something that rarely goes around the market,

you know? Aah, but you might be able to find it in the Black Wolfkin

forest, so maybe there? But can I raise it?" (Marito)

"Aah, we considered that possibility, so we readied a manual on how to

raise it."

I see. When Ruko told me she would prepare an instruction manual, I

wondered if there was the need to go that far, but I can understand the

need of it if it is a rare one.

But that instruction manual, I checked it out and it was written in

extreme detail. I am still young and I wanted a monocle for it, you

know? Would he want to raise something like this?

"They are very well informed… But from what I have read, as long as I

am careful about where I place it and its environment, it looks like I will

be able to raise it in my spare time. I shall leave it in my room." (Marito)

"Isn't your office fine?"

"No, I would like to leave these ones in a place where I want to calm

myself. But this is a really good present. I am truly happy!" (Marito)

He is so excited that I wouldn't be able to believe humans if this is an

act. Marito seems to like it a lot. Looks like Ruko's eye is pretty good…


"Marito, I have used my turn for an introduction. Is there any lady you

want to introduce to me as of now?"

"Unfortunately, I am still unable to get a grasp of your likes at all. I am

thinking about introducing you to my unknown little sister or

something, but she is not in the country. Can you wait until I catch her?"


"A woman that would be tiring to be together with would be troubling.

Well then, maybe I should participate with you at the next banquet."

"Really? I am actually having it rough with the ratio of women being so

high. It would be a great help if you were to come." (Marito)

It is something that I brought up because he said he didn't like

participating in such banquets. My participation must be a happy

proposal. Even if we have our agreement, Marito is pretty much forced

to search for a marriage partner. I would like to reduce his stress.

"But that won't change the fact that you will be surrounded though."

"Yeah. Can you let me borrow Wolfe-chan?" (Marito)

Marito would be able to relax more if he is together with a girl I have


The personnel selection of Wolfe is not bad either. It is far from a

romance target and she is a familiar face for us both. We could also use

the excuse that it is an interaction with the black wolfkins.

"It is too soon for Wolfe. But I can bring someone who will not tire


"Really? If they are as docile as a borrowed cat, I won't complain."


"I am sure they will be pretty docile."

"Aren't you making a scheming face?" (Marito)

"Don't worry. I was just thinking about the shocked face of the person."

I want to think this mischievous side of me is because I am in front of

Marito, yup.