
Prisoner No. 201

Shiva was an ACP who had been newly posted to Delhi. He was just taking a round of jail. Then suddenly he saw a girl scrambling on the wall. He got curious about what she is writing and tried to have a look at it. He noticed that he was writing something like "Dev".

He got shocked that the whole lockup wall was carved with the name of Dev. Somewhere it was scribbled with blood and somewhere with dal (Indian common food) which she was offered to eat. He noticed that the cloth she was wearing was also covered with the name of dev.

He was shocked and started thinking about what could have happened to her that she is behind the bars and lost her state of mind. He tried to have a look at her face and found a beautiful face which was fully covered with dust with that look anyone can say she haven't bathed for a few months. Then Shiva noticed her eyes .her beautiful eyes were watery as she wanted to cry but she can't cry because those tears weren't enough to shed off. He stopped a jailor and asked her name…

Jailor looked him from up to down and replied

"Sir, she is Sneha who had been on the lockup for three years."

Then the jailor went away from there with a fast step. Shiva noticed those fast steps.

He started staring at her and thought

"Who's she? What's her story is. Is she a culprit? Whom did she hurt? Why do I feel that she is someone I know?"

Suddenly Sneha lifted her face and gave him a tight look.

He got scared and headed back to his office.

He closed his eyes to get some rest. With his eyes close he saw Sneha looking at him. He opened his eyes and had a glass of water. He still kept thinking about her.

Then he rang his office bell and called peon.

"Do you know the culprit in jail 201? Why was she in such a shabby state? Doesn't she get fresh every day?"

The peon stood quietly. Shiva stared at him for an answer .But he stood there still with no answer. Shiva sighed and asked him to bring the file of Sneha. But he stood still there.

"What's the problem why are you standing still here? Go and bring the file?"

He said as he was annoyed by the act of the peon.

"Sir her file was closed three years ago only … so it might be hard to find it." The Jailor replied nervously with his eyes down looking at the ground.

"What? Hard to find a file? Aren't all the files are kept in a series? Only three years had passed of her case and you are telling me that it's hard to find a file? Seriously?"

Shiva said angrily and glared at the peon.

"Sir all the files are kept in series but her file is somewhere in the rags that are kept in storeroom."

Peon replied nervously


"Sir, I am a small person in front of you. But I advise that you must stay away from the case of prisoner no. 201. It would be better for your family and yourself. I can't say anything else about the case. I am also pressured by the higher authorities. Sorry."

Saying this, the jailor left from there. But his words were still echoing. He was still thinking about her.