
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Practical lesson II

Samuel chose a spot for himself and then saw the exercise being started by other students, though his ocular powers might have helped him complete the exercise on the first try, to ensure not much attention is focused on him, he started following the standards of other students.

He made Yurial, Lith and Friya as his targets and started following the same.

While completing the exercise Samuel thought of spirit magic and why the hell it was not being used by everyone, he thought that more people having similar powers might exist but they are keeping the cap on the number of practitioners of the same.

While Samuel was day dreaming about the control of spirit magic which would have allowed the exercise to be completed in a jiffy.

He heard the bell ring and saw that Lith had completed the exercise and Professor Nalear was congratulating him, while Samuel saw that the Professor had changed the exercise for Lith asking him to move the jar slower or faster as per the command given by the faculty.

Not wanting to be left far behind, Samuel completed the exercise just at 29:59 minutes. When another ding was heard the Professor came near Samuel and said, "It's luck that another student managed to get an A just before time passed. It looks like both students who completed the task before the allotted time were commoners."

"Now both of you help me in teaching other students and so an extra ten points will be awarded to both of you."

Hearing this Lith and Samuel both moved at opposite ends and started helping the other students.

Lith first went towards a boy who was at the first step and wanted to explain it to at start but the look in his eyes made him understand that a noble will not take help from the commoner, hence he changed the target towards the commoner to the next.

"Need a hand?" Samuel asked. The student was a commoner too, and hence was not too stuck up

"Yeah, thanks. What am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing, is just that you failed to grasp the spell's explanation." The boy looked at him with a downtrodden expression, racking his brain while his neighbours at the fourth mark were sneering at her.

Samuel was really tempted to kick them in the nuts, but alas, too many witnesses.

"If you remember, it mentioned that this exercise requires creating five steps, right?"

"Right." The boy nodded, taking a break to give Samuel his undivided attention.

"Every step pushes the weight above a mark, so you may think that you need to create five steps, or if you prefer, five small pulses of mana, to push the weight up to the top."

He nodded again.

"But the book never mentioned that you need to generate them all together. Lift gives you a wide window of opportunity to create the steps."

Noticing that he still wasn't understanding, he dumbed down the concept.

"Imagine that you must walk a stair to get to an upper floor. You need five steps to do it, and it's your mana that creates them. Even if you can maintain only two steps at a time, it's plenty enough.

You just need to get up to the second step, let the first one dissolve, create the third..."

"Move up to the third, rinse and repeat!" The boy completed the thought. "That's why the book called them steps instead of pulses or pushes. To be honest the choice of words had puzzled me quite a bit."

Lith nodded.


"Otherwise it would require to be able to cast five pulses at a time, and it would be completely unreasonable for the second lesson."

But the boy was listening no more. After thanking him quickly, he went back to practice, managing instantly to always reach the third mark

His neighbours had long stopped sneering, and once they managed to find the courage for asking Samuel for an encore, he was nowhere to be found. The boy wanted to ignore their requests for help, working hard to master what he had just understood.

But Societal pressure forced him to teach other.

The next target Samuel chose was another commoner, while Lith went to Quylla, Friya and Yurial.

Though Samuel with his Sahringan could point errors faster he still decided not to be too dependant on the same.

Samuel went to any student who called for him, but due to their lack of talent or understanding, only one student was able to complete the ding before the end of the lecture.

While all of Lith's students had completed the task. Towards the Lith was awarded another 20 points while Samuel was awarded 10.

The Lunch was right after the lecture and since Friya , Yurial and Quylla were sitting together with Lith, Samuel decided to join them.

He took a bit of food and sat opposite to Lith and said, "Hi, I am Samuel, I believe this is our first official introduction."

Lith reciprocating the same said "Hi I am Lith from Lutia, yes hope to be off help in future"