
It Wasn't Easy

Lycoris Radiata, the boy who was left by his parents finally found a way to meet them again. But alas, it was all fake. Lycoris decided to end his life but a male hunter saved him. Lycoris was neither glad nor angry. His heart is wounded and only longs for comfort. What will happen between Lycoris and the hunter who "saved" him?

roberukun · Fantasia
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2 Chs

I did it!

"Lycoris Radiata". Such a weird, feminine-like name isn't it? Well, it's the only thing mother and father left for me. Besides all their journals that is. In the countryside where mother decided was the best place for me to grow up, I am now alone in the house they brought me to when I was still a toddler. With some lit up candles I made myself, I sat down in their study filled with "travel" journals. With mother and father were nowhere to be seen. Never have I thought that mother and father would just leave their one and only 15 years old son alone without a proper reason. No,they would never do so; just as the town folks say.

As I flipped through the pages of their journals , hoping to find a clue to where they are now for the last 4 years sometimes these clear pearls would drip on my cheeks as I read about mother's and father's feeling for each other. Oh how I wish that I would find someone to spend my life with such feelings. But that, is just some dream.

A few days back, I figured out there were some pieces of paper that were ripped off from the pages of this one particular journal. Some of the pieces were put inside an envelope in one of the drawers. I believed that mother and father intentionally left some clues for me to find a way to meet them again. Now all I have to do was find the fragments between their hundreds of journals in their messy study.

I knew that this is almost impossible. I knew what the old ladies in the pub said about me. But I, had no care for what they say. "He must've gone crazy being left alone!" "Well, it's his fault for being so useless! No wonder his parents left him!" They were always talking bad behind my back. Truth be told, they're the ones who deserve pity. Their husbands are cheating on them with the girls from the neighboring town! Well, it's not that I would care about their problems. All I wanted was to meet my parents again.

After a few weeks, I've managed to find all the information I needed. Finally, in the late evening of a summer day, I, Lycoris Radiata found a way to see them again.

"At a lake with nothing but trees, grass and spider lilies growing around it, no animals nor insects touching the cold lake water, there you will find a way to find us again. Take a deep breath and walk slowly into the lake from the path where there is just dirt. State your wish and don't turn back. Close your eyes and cross your hands. Walk into the lake up until your whole body is not visible anymore from the ground."

I packed everything I needed into one of father's travel bag. There is only one place as such in the continent. And it would take about 4 days to reach it. I set foot on the very day.

The summer rain had delayed my travel. But after 6 days, I've finally reached the lake. Feeling excited and glad I prepared my self for the next step.

I followed all the instructions. I stated my wish, "I want to see mother and father again." Suddenly, my head was aching and pulsing so much that I felt as if I would faint from the pain. "Lyco, Lyco! Is it really you?" The familiar voice reached out for me. "Mother?" "Yes, Lyco. You did it. That's my son." "Father? I have so many questions! Why did you leave me? Where are you? Why can't I open my eyes? Do you know how lonely I felt?" "Calm down honey, I'll answer your questions one by one. Firstly, we never intended to leave you. It's just some circumstances held us back." "..... Tell me the truth mother. Are you dead?"

No response from either of them.

"Mother, father please tell me the truth!"

Once again, no response.

"Are you even real?"

I opened my eyes as wide as I could. It was just pitch black. No sight of mother nor father. Once again, I was left alone.

"So this is how it ends, huh." I closed my eyes in hopes I could dream of mother and father one last time.




"Hey, hey! Wake up!"

A trembling, husky voice was calling out for me. Who is he?