
It Was ONLY Yesterday

This is for casual reading and I hope to improve my own writing with this novel. It is about how Cacy matures.

Akannoi · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1


WARNING (uhh not really a warning)

A little psychological and school life, but over all it's for casual writing and might not be updated often. I am NOT lying here....

So let's give our MC for today a little attention and affection~

Cacy here! This is not my real name though... but just call me Cacy~ heeheeeheee~

I was a little girl, I do not remember my exact age then but I would like you to listen carefully to what I am about to say.

Everyone has their own story. Each unique in its own ways. Each a recollection of memories itself. Many have had their share of ups and downs, many have had their pain and their sufferings hidden....

It is time to open THIS book of memories...

So ... Let me tell you MY story.....

MY story of how I am who I am today, of how I matured to be what I AM....

I used to be a naive little girl, I thought that all dreams could be fulfilled, I thought that life was meaningful, I believed in MANY stereotypes. How simple minded I was to think that the world was such a beautiful place. I was too childish back then.

I have learned a lesson for I was too gullible.

Chapter 1: (yes guys it officially starts here, don't worry the gibberish up there was additional and I had to start it here because of the word count per chapter criteria)

Brightly lit lights above, a math worksheet was in Casy's hand. Her vision blurred and her head ached from thinking long hours.

When will this end? She thought.

Cacy's younger brother was sitting in front and had his brows furrowed. He was thinking really hard but answers did not come that easily. To Cacy, Mathematics needed a clear mind. Unfortunately, her mind was in a mess, she would wonder and imagine all sorts of things from dragons to plots in books.

Cautiously, Cacy directed her gaze further. Her father sat beside her brother. He had his arms crossed.A stern and angry look he had. Cacy knew, Dad was not angry. Though he looked as if he could start shouting for who knows what, but he was probably just disappointed or was expecting more from us.

Mother yelled angrily from her room.

Cacy's vision blurred even more, she could not understand. Why can't they sit down and talk about it? They could have avoided a lot of misunderstandings and arguments. Why? Just why? Why can't our family come to a peaceful agreement to anything?

Dad yelled back, in an annoyed, angry and scary way. It is scary. After all, if their argument continues, a fight might happen. Cacy disliked it whenever her parents fought. It had always been an unpleasant experience, watching your parents fight. It wasn't just sad, but also very feared among the siblings.

What the siblings did not expect that this time, it was different. They were not prepared for the ever nearing event that was about to happen. They never expected it.

The peace was about to be shattered once more.