
it takes one gun to kill

Emine is a teenage girl surviving her way through in life even though losing her mom and dad she still want to survive and let her parents know above she's not giving up in life the only thing left given to her is an amulet and the color of the amulet is gold and Infront of it is circle shape and it's color is black Emine already know what is her parents job is to defend humanity from the monster and of course to thanks to Emine family human and monster is now separated and humanity become peaceful. but emine didn't know that her amulet has something that she didn't know and with her amulet she will find out what it has something to do with her parents death and she will know what will happen if she still look through with it

Jules_Simon_Villa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The untold secret

beep beep beep beep (Alarm) ahhhhhhhh it's morning already I don't want to get up fudge yahhhhh time to get up (looking at picture) mom and dad good morning if you're listening your daughter is still alive and still keep going and never giving up EMINE!!!!!!!!!!! Yes auntie Lora I'm coming down (chair in front) ack!!!! fudge fudge that hurt EMINE!!!!!!!! you're going to be late aunt I'm coming down Auntie lora: what are you doing up there Emine: ohhhh nothing I'm just preparing my things to go to school Auntie: really or let me guess you've probably awake until midnight studying about monster Emine: wow auntie how did you find out. Auntie: Emine why still studying those stuff human and monster is now in peace Emine I don't want you to get your self in something dangerous I'm worrying about you.

Emine: auntie I know that you don't have to worry it just a hobby Auntie lora: you have to promise me that you will not get your self in danger I already know what type of person you truly is you always wanted to get your self in danger promise me Emine: ok ok I promised not to get my self in danger and it's time for me to get in school Auntie: ok you have to promise now go upstairs to your room and take a bath never forget to brush your teeth your mouth stink Emine: ok ok I'm going jezzz I'm not a kid anymore Auntie lora: you're still under my roof and for me your still my baby Emine: auntie stop it's still morning stop it's cringe I'm going now(going up stairs) auntie Lora: becareful on going up you might step something. Emine: yezzzzzzz ( small block) FUDGEEEEEEEEE crap crap why I'm having a bad luck this day we'll time to take a shower I guess I hope I don't slip or something (opening faucet) life is not easy this day and I'm still studying in my mom book about monster and I really want to find out more what is the cause of their death and I hope everything will be alright mom and dad I want to let you know I will find out what truly happened and I'm not giving up I want you all to find out that this daughter of your is fearless and a fighter (turning of faucet getting a towel opening door of the bathroom and going to room opening the drawer to wear to school) ok I'm done and where did I put my pen again I always forget my pen (looking at under the bed) there you are wait Is that a box I forgotten about it I didn't look at what truly inside it beacuse of my parents death (opening box) what a beautiful amulet this thing looks cool and there's a letter in it from my parents (reading letter) dear Emine if you ever read this I want to let you know we truly love you and we want the best from you never give up and keep going (crying) fridge hahahaha mom and dad I want you all to know I'm not giving up and I never will Auntie lora: EMINE!!!!!!! let's go you're going to be late Emine: ok ok coming ohhh wait (wearing amulet) now time to go.