
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

chapter 8

  I glared at George in anger, he has just manipulated me and now acts like he knows nothing "you're mean"

"I love you too sister"

George was a manipulator, one that was credible for many things especially feasting on one's thoughts before the person can make a reliable decision. Most times he wins people by his looks and aura other times by tricks and pun with words.

"Cunning man" I hissed, my body felt squeezed in. The gown I had put on felt way more tight than I expected it to be.

"You look dazzling in the dress though..." He stared at me with a glint in his eyes. "I've never seen your full figure out like this hmm..., Makes me wan..."

I closed his mouth to avoid more rubbish from escaping "shut up, you  manipulating perverted scum" George laughed at my words non-stop.

I was in a sour mood as it is but right now he just ruined my day. I sighed and scrolled through my phone.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"We are standing in front Dad, since he's not feeling well" my Dad not feeling well no one told me about this. I passed glances at my brother without him knowing, he seemed calm but I could tell he wasn't telling the truth. "We are going to attend the party just to appeal the host and nothing more"

"If Dad didn't want to go couldn't he have declined politely why shove it over to you" I rolled my eyes, sometimes George's lies are easy to read especially when it comes to our family.

"Well I believe he's just tired and stressed out afterall he has been all work for the past days I've seen him, unless ..." He was drifting off again leaving me out in the woods again. Suddenly his phone rang and he picked it some how he looked odd. What shocked me the most was the fact he was speaking in a tongue I wasn't conversant with. Who was he talking to and why did he seem nervous.

"Kamu marí (hang up)"

"Who was that?" I stretched my neck to read the name of the person he had just called but he put his phone in his pocket and smiled

"A friend" that was all George said before the car was silent. He seemed more and more adrift after the call. What was really going on at home

Well ever since I got disowned, I've always felt a bridge between us.

We both sat silently in the car as we drove to the destination.

I stepped out of the car feeling car sick, I looked up to the huge story building in front of me. "Interesting"

"Yeah I know" George held my hand a led me inside the building. The building was nice well I guess to shinny everything was gold and silver, It could almost blind.

I could feel people's gaze on me and some how it felt awkward, I was never good at getting attention well I did but most times I'd preferred not.

"I told you, you were dazzling" George whispered into my ears.

"I don't like their eyes on my body, it's uncomfortable" I whispered back.

"I know" he smiled lightly and rubbed my hand "that's why I brought you along, not many people know about Gwendolyn Kingsley, the third daughter of Kingsley and also the founder of Gwendolyn's empire"

I smiled at his words "at least people would see another beauty from our home, just so you know Francis can't hold a candle to you"

" you're so good at making me smile, also don't overdo it" I looked around at the guest,there seemed to be important people around. I could recognize some faces, at least a handful of them had business proposal with me.

"This building is called the Star..." George led me up the stairs gently " it's built and sponsored by the Dwagan's family also the founder of Dwagan's luxury suit, they're quite rich and dad happens to have a contract with them. I'm just here to sign and retrieve a copy of the document "

I frowned a little"of so why bring me here..."

"Because there's a client I'd like to introduce you to later in" he smiled as we got to another room. This room seemed much more extravagant than the other." Welcome to VIP sister"


In a much more quiet room

Darren sat on a luxurious couch looking at those present through the TV in front of him.

"Aren't you going downstairs" German walked towards him, he wore a golden suit which matched his blonde hair and blue eyes.

Darren on the other hand, wore a black suit decorated with sapphire stones.

"No I'm not" he replied and sipped his wine.

"Interesting" German replied and sat beside him." I wanted to introduce you to a few guest you know"

"Yeah right" Darren sighed "I'm not going down there to meet your cousin, she irks me"

"You can say that again" German sighed " but you know her, if you won't come she will and I definitely don't want Jamie's incident to replicate on my cousin "

"Then warn her..." He turned to his friend with a deadly gaze "or better still I'll do it"

"The party will be starting soon come on let's get going" German stood up and adjusted his collar. "Kimi will be here soon and I want to welcome her, i wouldn't want to keep my wife waiting"

"Is my mom coming?" Darren rolled his eyes ignoring his friend's day dream.

"Yes" he smiled warmly "now get up and stop sulking"

Darren and German left.the secret room through a passage located at a book shelf. They walked in to another room that looked like an office. There was a huge desk at the end of the room with German's picture on the top beside his picture were some other pictures of blonde men.

  The two left for the party while talking about work.


    I sat beside my brother watching the people who danced elegantly at the center of the room. George was talking to one of Dad's client, at first I tried to catch up with what they were talking about but I got lost and decided to leave the words to the professionals.

  The song being played was quite classical and I like it a lot. I was gradually getting an inspiration for that 10 million dollars outfit. I picked my phone and scribbled down some words in my note app. As for the drawing I picked a handkerchief from the table and picked George's pen from his suit pocket.

My hands kept scribbling down and my eyes were Lazer focused on the imaginary man standing in front of me wearing the outfit.

I was drawn in by the music and my sketching that I didn't realize someone stretching his hands towards me all the while.



"Gwen" I felt someone tap me and I jolted, I glared at George while holding my tongue, I didn't want to scold him.

"Miss" I turned to the man standing beside me.

"Hello" I smiled while folding the handkerchief and placing it in my purse. " can I help you"

"I'd like to dance with you" the man had red brown hair and a smooth face.

I turned to George"if my brother would be willing to let me" i smiled. I was passing a message which meant George I don't want to dance.

But George had other plans, he smiled mischievously and my eyes shrank.

"Of course I'll let you dance, he's a friend after all" turns out I wasn't the only one shocked, George's aid who stood behind him hiccupped.

"Go on" he urged me and my face squeezed in annoyance. My brother has once more shocked and irritated me. I held the hand of the stranger and he led me to the dance floor

The music began to play, I hardly danced no I don't dance. I could already feel my hands getting sweaty.

"Are you alright miss" I turned to the cute man in front of me. Awww he looked adorable.

"Yeah" I smiled "I don't dance so well" I confess shyly.

"It's alright miss, I'll guide you" he wrapped his hand around my waist gently. My breathe hitched when last did a man other than George do that. Pulling me close I mistakenly stepped on him.

"I'm sorry" I quickly apologized, why was I acting like this.

"It's alright"the man smiled meekly "just follow my steps carefully" I nodded and followed him. He was a good dancer and I liked the way he went easy on me. "I'm Aden"

"Gwendolyn" I replied and followed his steps, I could feel eyes on me and some how I secretly enjoyed it. The spotlight the one thing I avoided while growing up. Well I couldn't avoid it at home cause my dad made me an obesse of it.

"Gwendolyn's Empire" he knows me well I was famous in the country since my plaza topped 4th in the fashion industry.

"I didn't know I had a fan" I joked

"Well, now you know. It's a pleasure dancing with you" Aden looked and acted cultured, wow I'm impressed.

"The pleasure is all mine" I smiled meekly and twirled before returning to his arms.

"You look stunning. This was your design in Paris when you visited one of Hermes conference right"

"Wow someone's been stalking " I teased him.

"Sorry I just love your collection. My wardrobe is full of them" he twirled me once more and pulled me back.

"I see..." The song came to an end and so did our conversation. I bowed to him and he led me back to my seat.

"Aden Carlson" I whispered, I turned to Aden and he smiled, I knew he was the one well I felt like I've seen him before. Aden was a transfer student back in highschool. He was an introvert that hardly left his class but we did meet coincidentally a few times. "Wow.. I'm surprised, you've grown a lot but the cute face still lives"

He laughed and pulled out my seat. I could see George staring at me and I felt ecstatic. I'll consider this as pay back for tricking me from the on set.

Aden sat beside me and we both talked. I laughed sometimes and sometimes I smiled all to taunt George and it was working perfectly.

George stared daggers at Aden, I doubt he was paying attention to what Dad's client was saying. A strand of my hair fell out of place and Aden stretched his hand to adjust it. My body was stiff as I saw his hands coming my way. Before he could touch me a hand held his and hit it on the table.

"Keep your hands to yourself" that voice, my head felt light but my heart was racing rapidly. I wanted to believe it's a lie or an illusion at least. I slowly looked up to the man standing beside Aden.

"D... Darren"