
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 72: Growing Bigger and Stronger, Creating Brilliance Again

For the next three days, Chen Shu shuttled back and forth in the black market, leveraging the name of Wang Qian from the Spirit Control Bureau to restore his reputation. At the same time, he sold all thirty-nine bottles of high-grade Vitality Pills.

"Now that I have four hundred thousand Huaxia coins, what should I do?" Chen Shu lay at home, contemplating his plan to become stronger.

Feeling bored, he opened an online Beast Tamer forum. It was not an official platform, and anyone could join without any restrictions.

The wisdom of netizens was boundless, and their collective brainstorming could surely provide some inspiration.

"I have four hundred thousand Huaxia coins and want to enhance my contract spirit's strength. Does anyone have any recommendations?" Chen Shu muttered, preparing to start a discussion thread. However, he suddenly deleted everything.

"Challenging opinions are welcome! Four hundred thousand Huaxia coins have no significant impact on enhancing contract spirits!" Chen Shu nodded in satisfaction. This was an effective way to seek advice.

Once he posted the thread, netizens began leaving comments.

"I can't believe you're so clueless. With four hundred thousand, you can at least buy ten bottles of the main attribute elixirs for contract spirits. That's a stable improvement," said User 'I Hammer You, Der.'

User 'Night Raid on Widow Village' commented, "Why waste money on elixirs? You should directly go to the Beast Tamer Dojo and train. With that amount, you could afford a top-level training room. Who knows, you might even raise your Beast Tamer level. Isn't that more cost-effective than doping?"

User 'Cultivating Wisdom to Strengthen the Country and Pacify the World' chimed in, "In my opinion, you should directly seek to buy a mutated-grade ferocious beast. What if you comprehend its skills? All-in is a kind of life wisdom. Do you guys understand anything?"

User 'Handsome for Life' added, "Thanks to the all-in brother above, I listened to your advice and worked hard for ten more years! I haven't paid off my debts from back then."

Chen Shu's mouth twitched. These netizens didn't seem reliable at all. He browsed through hundreds of replies, ranging from suggestions to train at the Beast Tamer Dojo, to hiring a Beast Tamer group for adventures in other dimensions...

The most absurd suggestion was to acquire a rich woman's contact list and reach the pinnacle of life from there.

However, the replies from the netizens did give him some inspiration. Although he couldn't buy materials from the shops in the market, he could issue Beast Tamer missions. Money could make the grinding devil!

Chen Shu picked up his phone and hurriedly went to the Beast Tamer Association.

"What? Thirty thousand for a Big Strength Flower?!" The staff member was dumbfounded, never having seen such a high reward before.

Although the market had affected the average price of Big Strength Flowers, which had now reached twenty thousand, thirty thousand still seemed too high. The profit margin for Big Strength Pills had already decreased, and no company would buy them at such a price, as it would only lead to a loss.

"That's right!" Chen Shu waved his hand with great confidence.

With the quantity of Big Strength Pills he could make, ranging from five to ten bottles, and considering his proficiency in potion-making, he could produce thirteen bottles at once. His profit margin was already much higher than other companies, so naturally, he could afford to purchase raw materials at a higher price.

Even at the high price of thirty thousand, the cost of producing high-grade Big Strength Pills was approximately seventy thousand. He could sell the thirteen bottles for a hundred thousand, still earning thirty thousand.

At the same time, Slime was about to become a Grade Seven contract spirit, so he had already prepared a supply of top-grade Big Strength Pills.

"Alright! But you'll need to deposit the Huaxia coins first so that we can distribute the rewards at any time," the staff member nodded. Although Chen Shu was only an intern Beast Tamer, he still had the qualification to issue missions at the ordinary level.

"For now, I'll purchase ten Big Strength Flowers!" Chen Shu deposited three hundred thousand Huaxia coins at the Beast Tamer Association and then left.

Little did he know that the buying mission he issued would trigger the collapse of the Big Strength Pill market in Nanjiang City.

After returning home, Chen Shu couldn't help but laugh while having dinner. If he continued purchasing at this price, he could earn thirty thousand Huaxia coins with every refinement. After just one summer vacation, wouldn't he easily earn millions?

"What are you thinking about? Eat your food!" Chen Ping, his father, scolded.

"Oh, nothing," Chen Shu shook his head and said, "Mom and Dad, I suddenly discovered a bug."

Both of Chen Shu's parents looked puzzled.

"I've been thinking about this recently. If two people have a child, it becomes fifty people. And then those fifty become twenty-five. According to logic, the population should be decreasing, but why is it increasing?"

As he finished speaking, Chen Shu's parents wore expressions of astonishment.

"I've been pondering over this recently," Chen Shu shook his head.

Chen Ping, Chen Shu's father, looked at him with a condescending gaze and said, "After giving birth to you, your old man still wants to live a few more years. Are you playing casual games here?"


Chen Shu's eyes darted around. Uh... it seemed like his father mistook it for a casual game...

At that moment, his phone suddenly rang, and it was a call from the Beast Tamer Association.

"So quickly received six Big Strength Flowers?"

Chen Shu was surprised. He didn't expect this method to be so efficient.

Who said that the materials from the alternate space were scarce? It was just a matter of offering the right price! As long as the purchasing price could compete with those big companies, the materials from the alternate space would continuously flow in.

Chen Shu quickly finished his meal, then rushed to the Beast Tamer Association to bring back the six Big Strength Flowers.

This was the beginning of his money-making venture!

"Come and take a look! Cheap and delicious Big Strength Potion!"

Chen Shu shouted loudly, displaying hundreds of bottles of Big Strength Pills. This scale was no smaller than a store.

Beside the stall, there was a sign that read, "Personally guaranteed by Wang Qian from the Spirit Town Bureau. Ten times compensation for fakes!"

Wang Qian didn't expect that by merely signing a word for the other party, he would become the image spokesperson for the stall. The key point was that Chen Shu hadn't paid him a single penny...

In addition to Chen Shu as the stall owner, there were six employees, one of whom was Wang Tianba, the previous "King Sky."

Not only was the other party's acting skills superb, but their work efficiency was also extremely high, making them exemplary employees.

In just one afternoon, all the Big Strength Pills on the stall were sold out.

"Closing time! Closing time! Please come back tomorrow!"

Chen Shu shouted, looking at his phone with a satisfied expression on his face, observing the balance.

"Boss Chen..."

The six of them gathered around, wearing restrained smiles on their faces.

"Five hundred each, five hundred each!" Chen Shu waved his hand generously.

Upon hearing this, all six of them had smiles on their faces. Wasn't this faster than deceiving people for money?

Wang Tianba took the fresh Chinese currency and asked, "Brother Chen, are you some big company's boss? Did you come specifically to experience the life of a street vendor?"

A small shop couldn't produce hundreds of bottles of Big Strength Pills every day.

"What are you saying? I started from scratch too!"

One of the workers asked, "Boss Chen, do you have any secrets?"

All six of them looked expectantly.

"Start small and then grow big, step by step, become bigger and stronger, and create glory again!"

Chen Shu turned around, facing away from them as he spoke, and then left the black market.