
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 52: Chen's Book on Divination with Basic Understanding

[Option 1: Proceed towards the left and challenge the Black Iron-level ferocious beast. Completion reward: +5% power for Golden Slime.]

[Option 2: Proceed towards the right and gather second-level Iron Core Fruits. Completion reward: +10% defense for Golden Slime.]

[Option 3: Proceed straight ahead and explore the Green Yuan Forest. Completion reward: Moderate level of Beast Taming Power.]

"Isn't this considerate? It's like a clear satellite map, isn't it?" A Beast Tamer looked towards different directions, appearing somewhat hesitant.

Just as Zhou Shi was about to make a decision, Chen Shu interrupted him abruptly.

"Wait a moment, Uncle Zhou. Let me divine it!" Chen Shu said earnestly.

With that, he took out a box... of playing cards.

Zhou Shi raised an eyebrow and stared, asking, "You can divine with playing cards?"

"I have a basic understanding, just a bit," Chen Shu replied seriously.

Chen Shu solemnly drew a card from the deck and threw it towards the front, but it ended up in the right direction.

"The divination result tells me to go right!"



"You seem to have that condition!"

The group was left speechless, thinking that there would be some actual divination, only to realize it was nonsense.

"Let's go right then since we have no idea which way to choose anyway," Zhou Shi, as the team leader, made a straightforward decision.

The group proceeded towards the right, and several hours passed.

"Boss, I feel like we took the wrong path. There are even fewer ferocious beasts in this direction."

Throughout their journey, they hadn't encountered any ferocious beasts. But when things deviate from the norm, there must be something amiss.

In an instant, a mysterious black figure appeared, accompanied by a flash of red light. The group had no time to react, not even the swift Claw Wolf.

"Be careful! Lao Deng!"

Zhou Shi's eyes widened in fury as a wild boar with two terrifying blood-stained tusks charged towards Lao Deng. If he were hit by the ferocious beast, the outcome would be dire.

Just as the red fangs were about to pierce through Lao Deng's body, a yellow figure descended from above.

"Do you happen to know a move called 'Descend from the Heavens'?"

Chen Shu's reaction time was almost at its peak, undoubtedly faster than Zhou Shi and the others by more than a beat.

The Golden Slime, still in a slumber, landed directly on the back of the blood-stained boar with its large posterior.


The blood-stained boar trembled, utilizing its formidable strength to send the slime flying. With a powerful leap, the blood-stained boar pierced through the slime's body with its sturdy limbs.

"Gurgling! Gurgling!"

The Golden Slime had teary eyes, filled with grievances.

"I just wanted to sleep! Why do I have to endure so much?"

"Come back." Chen Shu retrieved the Golden Slime. Although injured, the slime had resilient vitality and could recover in the Beast Taming Space.

As the blood-stained boar was about to continue its display of dominance, the black Claw Wolf stepped forward in an instant.

The two Black Iron-level creatures confronted each other, their eyes filled with a thirst for bloodshed.

"Well done, Xiao Chen!" Zhou Shi praised Chen Shu, feeling relieved.

"This beast is truly cunning. Lao Deng narrowly avoided a mishap."

In the alternate space, a saying often circulated: "You never know whether opportunity or death arrives first."


The hind hoof of the blood-stained boar trembled slightly, and its body instantly charged forward.

The Claw Wolf was equally unwilling to show weakness, its claws gleaming with a deep black light.


The clash between the two Black Iron-level ferocious beasts ended in a moment, seemingly evenly matched.

"A mutated Blood-Stained Boar?"

The Blood-Stained Boar is typically only an eighth or ninth-level ferocious beast, but the one before them was at the Black Iron level, indicating a different bloodline. Though not a fearsome Lord-level creature, it was undoubtedly a mutated variant.

With a thought in his mind, Zhou Shi summoned another contracted spirit. The Windwing Eagle took to the sky, its eyes sharp and emanating the aura of a Black Iron-level entity.

"Squeak... Squeak..."

Instead of making the Blood-Stained Boar flee, the presence of two Black Iron-level beings only made it more agitated. In an instant, its eyes were covered in a layer of blood-red, and its own ferocious aura surged.

It was utilizing its innate skill, "Frenzy"!

The Claw Wolf refused to back down, its body enveloped in waves of ethereal light, its speed increasing significantly.

The two entities collided, creating a loud and intense clash.

The tusks of the Blood-Stained Boar pierced through the head of the Claw Wolf, leaving two large holes from which blood flowed profusely. However, it also suffered severe injuries from the claws.

Both Black Iron-level creatures belonged to the type with high offense and low defense, ensuring a fiercely brutal battle when they clashed. It was a contest that would determine victory or death!

Gradually, the Claw Wolf showed signs of weakness, while the Blood-Stained Boar grew increasingly ferocious, its pain fueling its strength.

If the fight continued, the Claw Wolf would undoubtedly lose.

But there was the Windwing Eagle in the sky!

Seizing the moment when the two ferocious beasts below were locked in combat, the Windwing Eagle let out a fierce cry and swung its claws abruptly.

A invisible wind blade swiftly struck, dealing a heavy blow to the Blood-Stained Boar. It was none other than the Windwing Eagle's innate skill, "Wind Blade"!

The combined efforts of the two contracted spirits put the Blood-Stained Boar in a precarious state, completely reversing the situation.


The Blood-Stained Boar's eyes brimmed with ferocity as its two blood-stained tusks emitted a deep crimson light.

"Xiao Yuan, use Psychic Impact!" Zhou Shi shouted.

A black crow in the sky let out a raucous caw.

For an instant, confusion clouded the eyes of the Blood-Stained Boar. That momentary distraction sealed its fate.

The Claw Wolf and the Windwing Eagle launched a joint assault, ultimately annihilating it. If the Blood-Stained Boar had successfully unleashed its skill, there could have been casualties.

"Didn't expect to encounter a mutated Blood-Stained Boar," Zhou Shi breathed a sigh of relief. He then retrieved a green pill and tossed it to the Claw Wolf to accelerate the healing of its wounds.

The Claw Wolf was recalled into the Beast Containment Space, while the Windwing Eagle hovered at a low altitude, guarding the group.

"Mutated ferocious beasts don't appear out of nowhere; there must be medicinal herbs or minerals nearby," Zhou Shi pondered, relying on his experience as an experienced team leader.

Soon, the Windwing Eagle discovered a treasure—a large tree with a green plant growing behind it, bearing several fruits.

"Tier 2 Iron Core Fruit!" Zhou Shi exclaimed, surprised by their luck.

"Chen Shu, you're really the lucky star of the team. Your luck seems to work every time."

Aside from the topmost Iron Core Fruit, which reached Tier 2, the other three were Tier 1 Iron Core Fruits.

"One more day of exploration, then we'll head back," Zhou Shi made a decision. With the completion of two team missions and the collection of numerous medicinal herbs, not to mention the Blood-Stained Boar's carcass, their gains were substantial.

"Xiao Li, dismember the Blood-Stained Boar's body," instructed a crew member, a young man with a shaved head. He wielded a sharp boning knife and skillfully separated the vital parts of the creature.

Among them, the most valuable was the meat from the boar's heart. When a contracted spirit consumed it, there was a minute chance of comprehending the innate skill "Frenzy," making it an incredibly valuable combat ability.

Next was a red sphere found within the Blood-Stained Boar's body, known as a Beast Pearl. Once ingested, it rapidly enhanced one's beast-taming power. The vast majority of mutated or higher-level ferocious beasts contained Beast Pearls.

Humanity had developed Beast Pearls by analyzing the composition of Beast Pearls, but compared to the genuine Beast Pearls, these required beastmasters to refine them into their own beast-taming power.

With the battlefield cleared, the group headed deeper into the Qingyuan Forest.