
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 51: Worthy of You...

Chapter 51: Worthy of You...

Suddenly, massive mice, each about three feet long and covered in a sandy-brown fur, emerged. They surged forward like a wave, crashing into the giant trees with thunderous impact, causing the ground to tremble violently.

Their mouths revealed two sharp, metallic-looking fangs that gleamed in the sunlight.

Two middle-aged men were seen frantically fleeing at the forefront of the rodent tide, their eyes filled with despair.

Xu Xiaoyu's face showed reluctance as she looked at her uncle, Zhou Shi.

Zhou Shi, however, coldly shook his head and gestured for silence.

Chen Shu remained silent as well, tightly clutching two icefield rabbits to prevent them from falling.

To ensure a smooth takeoff, he had already abandoned two rabbits, but he couldn't afford to let go of these two under any circumstances.


One of the middle-aged men fell a step behind and was instantly devoured by the steel-toothed mice, turning into a puddle of blood with no trace of his remains.

The other person managed to scramble up a large tree, thinking he could catch his breath for a moment.

But the next scene left him trembling with fear.

A circle of steel-toothed mice gathered beneath the tree, opening their large mouths and voraciously gnawing at the wood.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

It sounded as if chainsaws were continuously cutting through the tree, which soon became dangerously unstable.

"Xiaoyu, get away!"

Zhou Shi's sharp gaze caught sight of the tree, which was likely to fall and potentially crush the phoenix. He immediately shouted.


The tree collapsed with a thunderous crash, narrowly missing the phoenix as it evaded in time.

However, Zhou Shi's voice had also revealed his position.

"Is anyone there?! Help me!"

The middle-aged man clung to a branch, his eyes filled with despair, screaming at the top of his lungs into the sky.

Yet, there was no response whatsoever.

The man was filled with astonishment and rage, shouting full of resentment, "Even if I die, I'll take you all down with me!"

Only to see a cyan-colored scarab beetle appearing, ferociously leaping towards Zhou Shi's direction.

As an experienced beast tamer, Zhou Shi was naturally prepared and managed to dodge in advance.


The man's expression turned hopeless as he fell into the swarm of steel-toothed mice, and the outcome was predictable.

His body was devoured entirely, leaving behind only a golden fruit.

A giant steel-toothed mouse approached, its eyes fierce as it tightly held onto the fruit, simultaneously emitting a menacing roar filled with provocation.

"A Lord-level steel-toothed mouse!"

Zhou Shi's expression changed, not expecting to encounter a Lord-level savage beast on the first day. However, he remained undeterred.

As long as the eight of them dared to land, the steel-toothed mouse would dare to devour them all.

Eventually, the leader of the steel-toothed mice issued a roar, and the vast rodent tide swiftly departed, disappearing from the area.

A black crow appeared, surveying its surroundings before confirming the dispersal of the rodent tide, allowing the eight individuals to return to the ground.

Xu Xiaoyu's face appeared somewhat grave as she spoke up, "Uncle, why did he...?"

Zhou Shi's expression turned serious as he replied, "You saw it too; he wanted to drag us down with him."

Old Deng, also present, let out a sigh, "Lanxing is different from the Otherworldly Space. There, strict laws and powerful law enforcement agencies exist. This place is lawless, and even if someone gets killed, nobody will know."

"I hope you won't become a villain, but also not a hero. Instead, learn to be an observer."

Zhou Shi looked deeply at Xu Xiaoyu and advised her.

Chen Shu clenched his fists beside them and couldn't help but exclaim, "Damn it!"

Seeing Chen Shu's expression, Zhou Shi shook his head and said, "Xiaochen, life and death are predestined..."

"My two icefield rabbits were eaten by those groundhogs!!" Chen Shu wore a pained expression.

Zhou Shi's words of admonishment instantly ceased, impressed by Chen Shu's character. Also, what on earth are these groundhogs? Can we please stop giving savage beasts random nicknames...

"Let's go. Whether it's good luck or bad luck, we actually encountered a Lord-level creature on the first day."

If it were a one-on-one fight, Zhou Shi could contend with a Lord-level being with his two Black Iron-level contracted spirits.

However, the opponent had too many underlings, and a single Clawsplitter Wolf would never be able to satisfy the appetites of so many steel-toothed mice.

To avoid encountering another rodent tide, the group changed direction.

Night quietly descended, with stars adorning the clear night sky.

Even at night, the Green Yuan Forest remained beautiful like a paradise, but unfortunately, the occasional roar of ferocious beasts echoed in the surroundings.

Crackling sounds...

Chen Shu deliberately set up a simple barbecue grill and skewered two giant ice rabbits with iron skewers.

The bonfire burned, releasing a tantalizing aroma of sizzling fat that not only soaked into the rabbits but also made them crispy.

Salt, cumin, and pepper were sprinkled over them, and as the flames soared, a tempting sizzle filled the air.

When the fragrance permeated, the driver, Lao Wang, couldn't help but salivate.

"Xiao Chen, Uncle Wang was wrong. What you brought is not useless," he said.

Wearing heat-resistant gloves, everyone quickly tore the ice rabbits into pieces.

As the tender and juicy meat entered their mouths, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

Undoubtedly, at that moment, Chen Shu conquered the entire Beast Control Team, albeit through the medium of food.

"It's a pity we don't have any sauce or alcohol," Chen Shu shook his head, feeling a bit regretful.

In the otherworldly space, everyone could only eat compressed food, as long as it ensured survival. Who would have thought to bring a bunch of spices and a barbecue grill?

The two giant ice rabbits were soon devoured by the eight people, and even Xu Xiaoyu patted her stomach, looking satisfied.

After dinner, the 666 Beast Control Team arranged their night watch duties, and Chen Shu and Xu Xiaoyu were no exception.

Bringing them here was not for leisure, but to make them familiar with the rules of survival in the otherworldly space.

Zhou Shi took out a bag of yellow powder and sprinkled it around the group. It was the feces of a Silver-level Lord Beast, worth thousands just for a small bag, and it could effectively deter low-level savage beasts.

The Clawed Wolf was not put away either; it crouched near the bonfire, its eyes slightly narrowed, vigilant for any potential threats in the surroundings.

The night passed peacefully.


Early the next morning, the group set off once again.

Carrying his marching backpack, Chen Shu conscientiously climbed onto the back of the Flamebird, causing it to emit a dissatisfied neigh.

As they ventured deeper into the Green Yuan Forest, encounters with savage beasts became more frequent.

The Clawed Wolf displayed its might, annihilating any hostile beasts that approached.

The group also succeeded in capturing three Green-eyed Snakes as they had hoped, using specially designed pouches to seal them and stowing them in their backpacks.

The group continued walking towards the depths of the Green Yuan Forest, attempting to find second-tier Iron Core Fruits.

However, even on the sixth day, they had yet to find any. Nevertheless, they managed to collect medicinal herbs worth over 200,000 Chinese yuan.

The entrance fee for the Green Yuan Forest was 30,000 Chinese yuan per person, so they had almost recouped their expenses.

"Uncle Zhou, over there..." Chen Shu, sitting on the Flamebird, suddenly spoke up.

In the distance, a towering tree was adorned with dazzling flags bearing the words "Spiritual Town."

"That's a supply point in the otherworldly space," Uncle Zhou also looked in that direction. "We don't need supplies right now, let's continue forward."

Since the supply point meant there would be no medicinal herbs or savage beasts in the vicinity, the group changed their direction.

The next day, as the group arrived at a fork in the path, Chen Shu's expression suddenly froze as options appeared before him once again.