
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 42: I'm Socially Anxious! Can't Participate in Group Activities

Chen Shu returned home to celebrate the successful completion of his final exams. His father specially invited the Zhang family, including Zhang Dali, and the parents of Fang Si.

The three families had always maintained a friendly relationship, but unfortunately, Fang Si was currently studying at a university in Huaxia and couldn't come back to Nanjiang City.

"In the blink of an eye, both Xiaochen and Dali will soon enter their senior year," said Fang Si's father, Fang Guowei, with a warm smile on his dark-skinned face.

Zhang Feng shook his head and chuckled, "Yes, but it's a pity that these two kids don't have the talent like Xiao Fang."

Having an S-level Contracted Spirit had a significant impact on being a Beast Tamer.

"I don't think so. Xiaochen and Dali are both different from ordinary people. Even if they can't become powerful Beast Tamers, they can still excel in other fields," Fang Guowei replied with a serious expression, refuting Zhang Feng's viewpoint.

Chen Ping, Chen Shu's father, interjected with a smile, "The younger generation will find their own paths, and we shouldn't interfere too much."

Despite Fang Si's notable achievements, there was no estrangement or unfamiliarity among the three families.

"It's a shame that Fang Si can't come back for the summer vacation. Otherwise, you three sisters could have a reunion," Fang Guowei remarked.

"Fang Si won't be able to come back for the summer vacation?" Chen Shu's eyebrows furrowed, and a hint of regret appeared in his eyes.

"Their Beast Tamer squad unexpectedly received a temporary mission in a different dimensional space. I'm afraid she won't be able to come back," explained Fang Guowei, thinking that Chen Shu was missing Fang Si.

Chen Shu let out a sigh. If Fang Si couldn't come back, then all the names on my enemy list would be in vain.

"Dali, aren't you reacting at all?" Chen Shu nudged Zhang Dali with his elbow.

"Don't worry, I'm in a promotion match," Zhang Dali replied, his eyebrows dancing with excitement as he focused on playing with his phone.

Chen Shu casually glanced at the screen and was instantly shocked, nearly wetting himself.

"You're already 0-10-0, and you're not participating in team fights? What are you doing, just fooling around here?"

It's only been a few minutes into the game, and you've already died ten times. You're either dying or on the road to death.

"I have social anxiety disorder and can't participate in team fights," explained Zhang Dali.

"???" Chen Shu was puzzled.

The three families had a harmonious conversation, reminiscing about the past. After a satisfying meal, they each returned home.


"Uncle Zhou, do we have Iron Core Fruits in our shop?"

Early the next morning, Chen Shu went to Zhou Xiaoming's shop.

Having just unlocked the defense potions, he naturally wanted to refine them.

"We have two in stock. I'll get them for you," Zhou Xiaoming's father came out with two black fruits in his hands. "We're currently out of stock for the Enlarging Fruits."

Most of the materials sold in Zhou Xiaoming's shop were from the Blue Star, but occasionally, they would acquire materials from independent cultivators in the alternative realm.

Most beast taming groups had their own sales channels, such as cooperation with prominent families or large corporations.

Many beast tamers also chose to sell to the authorities, despite the lower prices, due to additional benefits and subsidies.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhou." Chen Shu nodded and took the two Iron Core Fruits. "If you have Dali Flowers, Iron Core Fruits, or Enlarging Fruits in the future, please keep them for me. I'm willing to buy them at a high price."

After purchasing the two Iron Core Fruits, Chen Shu hurriedly arrived at the 666 Potion Company.

"Chen Shi, you're here?" Assistant Xiao Mao asked while inwardly sighing.

He couldn't believe that he, a graduate of the prestigious Beast Taming University, was now working as an assistant for a high school student. It was truly unfair.

Currently, Xiao Mao was already brainstorming and writing a book titled "The Days I Spent Muddling Through in the Mortal World."

"Yes," Chen Shu nodded.

The summer vacation had already begun, and he had made plans ahead of time.

In the morning, he would refine potions at the potion company, sell excess potions at the black market in the afternoon, and trigger system options by aimlessly wandering at night.

Ten days flew by in an instant.

With the help of potions, Chen Shu earned nearly a million Chinese coins, a money-making efficiency that would make countless people envious.

Although he made a lot of money, Chen Shu's expenses were equally high.

Since he couldn't buy raw materials, he had no choice but to purchase legitimate potions from the shops.

Of course, he didn't buy defense potions or size-altering potions since he could refine them himself, albeit requiring time to wait for the raw materials.

Chen Shu used all the million Chinese coins to purchase Basic Cell Potions to enhance the vitality and recovery speed of the Golden Slime.

While the contract spirit became much stronger, his own Chinese coins were depleted.

Chen Shu thought he would spend his entire summer vacation buying and selling potions.

However, early the next morning, Xu Xiaoyu's uncle, Zhou Cheng, walked in with three Dali Flowers and delivered some bad news.

"Xiao Chen, these are the last three Dali Flowers from the company," Zhou Cheng said, sighing lightly.

Chen Shu immediately exclaimed, "What? The company is closing down so soon?"

Zhou Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth. "You really speak your mind."

He was still an employee of the company. Couldn't he be a little hopeful about the company?

Zhou Cheng sighed and said, "The contract for Dali Flowers with the company has expired. It will take some time to secure new ones."

"No renewal?" Chen Shu was puzzled.

In theory, such a large company shouldn't encounter such a situation. If the supply of Dali Flower potions ceased, it would undoubtedly impact the company.

"A new force has signed a contract with the material company, taking the lead temporarily," Zhou Cheng said with a hint of anger in his eyes. Losing the supply of raw materials was like cutting off the company's lifeline.

"Okay, does the company have defense potions or size-altering potions?" Chen Shu didn't understand the business side of things, he just wanted to know if he could still earn potions.

If the 666 Potion Company couldn't provide Dali Flowers, his money-making plan would fall apart.

He was just a student, without connections or a potion master certificate, making it difficult to consistently purchase materials from the alternative realm.

Zhou Cheng hesitated and said, "These two potions are the company's main products, and they might not need additional staff temporarily..."

Since they were the main potions, the potion masters responsible for their production received extremely high salaries. It was impossible to have a temporary worker like Chen Shu join. It would mean paying a salary while also causing dissatisfaction among other potion masters, not to mention Chen Shu was just a high school student.

"I will find a new material company to cooperate with as soon as possible," Zhou Cheng reassured him, patting his shoulder. "Your salary won't be halted."

Chen Shu shook his head. His focus was on the potions, not the salary.

No windfall, no wealth. The meager salary no longer satisfied Chen Shu.

Zhou Cheng admitted, "Recently, the company's beast taming group will personally venture into the alternative realm. They should gain something from it."

Just as he finished speaking, another option appeared in Chen Shu's eyes.

[Option 1: Apply to accompany the company's beast taming group on an adventure in the alternative realm. Completion reward: Exclusive skill book for the Contract Spirit]

[Option 2: Speak up and say, "Why don't we hurry up and go? Chop-chop!" Completion reward: Moderate amount of Beast Taming Power]