
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 4: You Can Call Me Uncle Chen

"Um, my current beast taming level is Level 1," Chen Shu spoke up.

Upon hearing this, both of them turned their attention to him.

Suddenly, with a thought in Chen Shu's mind, a golden slime appeared in his hand.

Every beast tamer has a dedicated beast space where their contracted spirit resides when not in use.

Previously, Chen Shu had only treated the slime as a decorative pet and kept it at home.

"That's indeed true."

Both of them sensed the strength emanating from the slime, confirming that it had become a Level 1 contracted spirit.

As a beast tamer's level increases, the power of their contracted spirit also improves, along with various attributes.

If the potential rating of the contracted spirit is high, there is even a possibility of awakening new talents or skills.

After Chen Shu made his previous choice and received the reward of moderate beast taming power, he was able to advance to Level 1 beast tamer.

"Now, Old Li, is there still a problem?"

Chen Ping didn't expect that his son had unknowingly advanced in level. It seemed that Chen Shu was not just playing around.

"Well, since you both insist so strongly, I will talk to the school," Chen Ping said, satisfied with his son's progress. Father and son left the office contentedly.

"I really don't know if this is a good or bad thing," Li Yuan sighed, about to light another cigarette.

"Huh, where's my lighter? Damn it, that Chen Pi took it again."


Chen Shu returned to the classroom, immediately surrounded by a group of classmates offering their concerns and well-wishes.

When they confirmed that Chen Pi was unharmed and intact, everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"We thought we could have a feast, what a shame... I wanted to sit at the same table as the kid," Zhang Dali sighed, wearing a regretful expression.

"A feast? What a load of crap!"

Chen Shu jokingly scolded Zhang Dali and took his seat in the corner of his mouth.

"Did Black Tornado really not give you a hard time?" someone asked.

Chen Shu replied, "Of course he did."

"Old Li insisted on me joining some 'Beast Tamer Class,' but I told him I don't want to go. I just want to be an ordinary person. I have zero interest in becoming powerful. But he kept persuading me," Chen Shu explained.

"Get lost!"

The surrounding classmates collectively sneered and turned back to their seats, ignoring him.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shu laughed even more joyfully and couldn't help but exclaim loudly, "In the northwest, the mysterious heavens are covered in clouds. Truly, a phoenix has fallen into a flock of crows."

However, all he received in return were scornful gazes from the entire class.

Clearly, everyone had grown accustomed to Chen Shu's personality, often referring to him as 'Chen Pi' or 'Chen Jian' instead.

Ding ding ding!

The bell for class rang.

The classmates sat up straight, took out their textbooks, and waited for the class to begin.

But instead of 'Black Tornado,' a genteel male teacher walked in.

"Who is Chen Shu? Please come out," he said politely.

Chen Shu slowly stood up and deliberately coughed a few times to make his presence known. Then, he confidently walked towards the classroom door.

"Is Chen Pi really going to transfer to the Beast Tamer Class with that teacher?"

"It seems so. He already has the talent for beast taming, but his contract spirit's rating is too low, which is why he chose to give up."

"Looks like the world will be rid of one troublemaker."

Whispers circulated among the classmates, and the atmosphere in the class unexpectedly became more cheerful.

"Hey, it's you? Your condition has improved?"

The teacher outside the classroom was none other than Fang Ke, whom Chen Shu had encountered last Saturday while wandering around.

At the same time, Fang Ke was the homeroom teacher of the Beast Tamer Class 5.

After a moment of contemplation, Chen Shu spoke up, "Well, it's better, but not completely."

Fang Ke looked speechless. "Old Li asked me to inform you to pack up your books this afternoon and report directly to Beast Tamer Class 5."

"Teacher, why is it Beast Tamer Class 5? Where is the homeroom teacher for Class 1?"

"What are you daydreaming about?" Fang Ke finally couldn't hold back.

Beast Tamer Class 1 is reserved for the top-performing students in the grade, and each student's contract spirit must be at least D-level.

Unlike ordinary students, the competition in the Beast Tamer Class was extremely fierce. The Beast Tamer students were divided into five classes based on their overall performance. The purpose was to cultivate their competitive spirit and make them more eager to improve their abilities. Chen Shu had initially dreamed of entering Beast Tamer Class 1, but it was nothing more than wishful thinking. Being able to enter Beast Tamer Class 5 was already a great challenge. Chen Shu sighed and accepted his placement in Beast Tamer Class 5. After all, his strength would inevitably improve in due time. With just one choice, he had become a Level 1 Beast Tamer. Wouldn't a few more choices propel him even further?

In the afternoon, Chen Shu had already packed up all his belongings and was waiting outside the classroom of Beast Tamer Class 5. "Students, today we will welcome a new classmate to Beast Tamer Class 5," said Fang Ke, wearing black-framed glasses, as he signaled for Chen Shu to enter the classroom. "He is Chen Shu from the regular class. Let's welcome him!"

"Hello, everyone. I am Chen Shu from Class 3 of the regular class," Chen Shu introduced himself, standing with his hands behind his back, resembling an inspecting leader. "I am in good health, with a handsome appearance, and have no vices whatsoever! I am proficient in language, mathematics, science, and various other subjects. They call me the immaculate beautiful youth, a trustworthy and reliable young gentleman! If you don't mind, you can call me Uncle Chen or Uncle!"

Silence filled the room as the classmates processed Chen Shu's self-introduction.

The classroom fell into silence, and no one expected such a ridiculous self-introduction. "Alright! Alright! That's enough!" Fang Ke forced a smile on his face, with sweat even forming on his forehead. All sorts of strange characters seemed to have joined Beast Tamer Class 5, and it seemed that leading this group was becoming more challenging.

"Teacher, I haven't finished introducing myself yet..."

"Chen Shu, your seat is over there," Fang Ke pointed to a seat at the back of the classroom, knowing that he might lose control if he heard Chen Shu speak any further. Just as Old Li had said, Chen Shu was definitely not an easy student to handle.

Chen Shu looked disappointed. He had prepared a thousand-word self-introduction, most of which consisted of praising words, but he didn't have the opportunity to showcase it. He returned to his seat with a stack of books, attracting the attention of many people. Chen Shu smiled and nodded, appearing approachable.

The number of students in the Beast Tamer Class was fixed, with only twenty-four students in each class. However, with Chen Shu's addition, Beast Tamer Class 5 became the only special class in the grade.

"Now let's begin the class. Chen Shu, since you're new here, I hope you can catch up with the class's progress as soon as possible," Fang Ke regained his serious expression and started the afternoon's lessons.

"Take out 'Three Years of Beast Taming, Five Years of Mastery.' Today, we will do a set of test questions from it. This will be our monthly exam, so I hope everyone will treat it seriously."

"This name sounds strange. It gives an inexplicable sense of oppression," Chen Shu muttered.

In Chinese, the pronunciation of "shu" is the same as "uncle" (pronounced as "shoo").

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