
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 36: The mentality of this year's candidates is not good

Chapter 36: The mentality of this year's candidates is not good.

Twenty bottles of physique potion increased the size of the golden slime by 15%, with a maximum limit of 30%. Another twenty bottles of physique potion need to be consumed.

Just increasing the size of the Contract Spirit by 30% would cost a whopping million Huaxia coins, which only a few people can afford. Chen Shu touched the golden slime.


Its pair of large eyes opened, filled with affection, and it continuously rubbed Chen Shu's hand with its head.

The slime's current size was about one meter. If it were to undergo further enlargement, it would be over four meters tall. Among low-level Beastmasters, it would undoubtedly be considered a colossal creature.

"I hope the final exams will give me a good score."

Chen Shu put away the golden slime. Seeing that it was already noon, he prepared to go out for a meal and then return to school in the afternoon.

"Boss, I'll have a green pepper shredded pork over rice with a cola."

While Chen Shu was engrossed in eating, he suddenly noticed a figure outside the restaurant.

"Oh, isn't that Wang Teng?" he exclaimed loudly.

A tall and well-mannered male student seemed startled and looked towards the restaurant.

Suddenly, he seemed to recognize Chen Shu and walked towards the restaurant on his own initiative.

"I remember you, you're Xiaoyu's classmate, right?" Wang Teng spoke up. "I heard about Xiaoyu's encounter with the wanted criminal in the black market."

He sighed, "Thank you for saving her."

"It's nothing, really." Chen Shu waved his hand and then directly asked, "You feel so guilty. Did you arrange for someone to do it?"

"Cough... cough..." In an instant, Wang Teng felt like he was being choked, and the words in his mouth were stifled. What kind of thinking is this? Can it be any more absurd?

"Of course not," Wang Teng replied, "But I have a favor to ask you for."

Although Wang Teng was somewhat displeased with Chen Shu, he hid it very well at this moment.

"Hmm? What is it? Just to clarify, I don't have any money to lend you," Chen Shu instinctively replied.

"..." Wang Teng took a deep breath, finding it difficult to accept Chen Shu's way of conversation. I, from the prestigious Wang family, one of the top families in Nanjiang City, need to borrow money from you?

"I want you to persuade Xiaoyu to join my team. With her on board, we will definitely secure a position in next year's Beastmaster Competition."

Chen Shu was about to respond when suddenly another set of options appeared before him.

[Option 1: Agree to Wang Teng's request, Reward: 100,000 Huaxia coins]

[Option 2: Shake head and refuse, while saying, "Are you worthy?" Reward: Great Power Flower]

[Option 3: Seriously say, "Whoever participates, we can still achieve a good result as a team!" Reward: 5% increase in all attributes for the golden slime]

Chen Shu didn't expect to see a reward involving Huaxia coins again, but unfortunately, they were of no use to him. As for the second reward, it was even more unappealing, not even comparable to 100,000 Huaxia coins.

Shaking his head, Chen Shu said, "I can't persuade Xiaoyu either. How about we team up?"

"What kind of nonsense is this?" Wang Teng had a constipated expression. How dare you say such a thing?

"How about my proposal? I don't mind if your strength meets my expectations," Chen Shu pondered for a moment and cautiously said.

My strength? Meeting your expectations?

Wang Teng rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"Hehe... hehe... You have quite a sense of humor," Wang Teng finally managed to say, struggling with the words. "Anyway, I hope you can help me with this favor."

Having said that, Wang Teng wobbled and left the restaurant. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would lose his senses.

Chen Shu had a smile on his face, and with a simple choice, the strength of the slime was once again enhanced.

"Boss, the bill!" Chen Shu had already finished his meal.

"That will be thirty yuan in total."

"Wasn't the rice dish twelve yuan?" Chen Shu had been feeling like he would encounter shady restaurants lately. What's the deal?

"The rice dish is twelve yuan, but the price of the cola is eighteen yuan."

"Why is the cola so expensive?" Chen Shu felt like he had been ripped off.

Although he had money, he couldn't just squander it easily.

"It's the kind of cola that costs three yuan outside," the boss explained in a serious tone.

"You... you're quite straightforward..." Chen Shu looked at the menu above, and indeed, the prices were clearly listed.

But the font for the cola was at least twice as small as the dishes, and most people wouldn't notice it.

He shook his head, paid the bill, and left the restaurant, making a mental note to add it to his blacklist.

After eating his fill, Chen Shu returned to school.


"Chen Shu, the exams are coming up soon. You shouldn't wander around aimlessly anymore," Xia Bing approached as soon as he arrived at school, kindly advising him.

"Not wander around? How can I get stronger if I don't wander around?" Chen Shu thought to himself, but on the surface, he nodded, promising to behave himself.

A few days passed quickly, and the final exams arrived as scheduled.

"Students, today is the day of the final exams. I won't elaborate on its importance. Everything depends on your performance!" Fang Ke said with a serious expression.


As a bell rang, the written exam for the humanities subjects officially began.

Apart from Fang Ke, three more invigilators were present in the classroom.

Four invigilators overseeing twenty-five students, which basically eliminated the possibility of cheating.

The humanities subjects were divided into four sections: history, materials, geography, and biology. Each section had a maximum score of one hundred, and unlike previous monthly exams, this one followed the standards of the college entrance examination.

Each subject had a maximum score of one hundred, naturally covering a wide range of assessment content, mainly testing the students' grasp of knowledge from their second year of high school.

With a confident expression, Chen Shu hardly needed to consider anything and quickly completed the entire exam paper.

"Genius, truly a genius!"

Looking at the filled paper, Chen Shu couldn't help but sigh. He was confident that his performance in the humanities subjects would be flawless.

Just when he was feeling bored, a new set of options appeared before his eyes.

[Option 1: Submit the paper early and showcase your abilities. Reward: Moderate Beast Power]

[Option 2: Honestly lie down and sleep, waiting for the exam to end. Reward: Chaos Potion]

[Option 3: Destabilize the mentality of the other examinees. Reward: +1 Charge Skill]

After a brief contemplation, Chen Shu chose the third option.

Based on his knowledge, skills and talents were the most important.

The next moment, Chen Shu suddenly flipped over the exam paper.


As everyone focused on their own papers, they heard the sound of Chen Shu flipping through his paper, and their hearts inexplicably panicked.

This exam was harder than they had imagined, after all, it was meant to select students for the intensive training class in the third year.

Shua shua!

The sound of flipping papers became more and more frequent, as if most of the students had already started working on the other side of the paper.

In reality, only a few top students in the class managed to reach the second side.

Shua shua shua shua shua!

Chen Shu had a mischievous smile on his face, with one hand supporting his head and the other flipping through the paper, while his eyes observed the expressions of the others.

"Reward obtained: +1 Charge Skill."

Huh? It happened so quickly?

Chen Shu was taken aback, realizing that the mentality of the examinees in this batch was not up to par.