
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 30: Do You Feel That You're Quite Humorous?

"Xiao Ming, turned to stone in an instant, is this the legendary brotherly bond?"

"How much money do you need, Big Brother Pi?" Xiao Ming asked.

Although he was timid and often bullied at school, his family background was quite good. His parents ran a herbal medicine shop and specialized in selling various precious medicinal materials, including those from other dimensions.

"Why talk about money? Do I seem like that kind of person to you, Xiao Ming?" Chen Shu replied with a sly smile. "I want to discuss a business deal with your family."

Xiao Ming was slightly taken aback. "Big Brother Pi, what kind of business do you have with my family?"

"Don't worry about that. Just introduce me to them when the time comes," Chen Shu said.

He currently worked as a pharmacist at 666 Potion Company and had access to extra-strength potions every day. However, the slimes he had couldn't absorb any more, so he had to sell off the surplus potions and exchange them for other materials. This required a reliable store to collaborate with him.

The main reason was that he didn't have a pharmacist certificate, which prevented him from purchasing materials from other dimensions. Naturally, Xiao Ming's family herbal medicine shop became his first choice.

"Alright, but whether we can strike a deal is not my concern," Xiao Ming nodded. "Also, please don't tell my parents that I've been bullied."

"You, you're just too weak in character. When something happens, you should tell your teachers and parents. They are the ones who can find a solution," Chen Shu said.

Chen Shu patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Coincidentally, he was about to confront Zheng Yi, so now he had to plan carefully. Chen Shu arrived at the playground, hoping to find an opportunity to provoke a reaction.

Wandering aimlessly, he suddenly heard noise coming from the auditorium.

"Oh right, today is the day the college entrance exam results are announced," he realized.

According to the usual practice, the graduating senior students would return to their alma mater one last time.

Chen Shu walked towards the direction of the auditorium.

Inside the auditorium, all the graduating seniors from the third year had gathered, while the principal of Nanjiang No. 2 High School was giving a speech from the stage.

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with the results of this year's batch of students, the principal continued to talk about things like "hoping everyone can achieve great success" and "remember that you are students of No. 2 High School."

"Hmm? The Zheng brothers are here?"

Chen Shu squinted his eyes and quickly spotted Zheng Nan and Zheng Yi at the back of the auditorium, seemingly conspiring about something.

"They look so sneaky, definitely up to no good."

Keeping a poker face, Chen Shu sat down in the row behind them, pretending to tie his shoelaces while eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Brother, you scored 590 in the college entrance exam this time. You'll definitely be able to get into a prestigious Beast Tamer university."

"Unfortunately, I didn't perform well in the humanities section. Otherwise, I could have aimed for a top-tier university."

In Huaguo University, the universities were divided into prestigious universities, key universities, and ordinary universities, specifically for Beast Tamer students. Compared to regular students, Beast Tamer universities had more options and higher quality.

This also indicated that Beast Tamers were the main talents of the new era.

"It's already quite good. At least you can choose a good major, and your family will definitely support you," Zheng Yi spoke up.

Zheng Nan nodded slightly. Although he felt a bit disappointed, he was quite satisfied with his own grades.

"By the way, has that kid Chen Shu caused you any trouble?" Zheng Nan suddenly remembered something.

"No, I've been hanging out with a group of people lately, so even if he wants to cause trouble, he doesn't have the ability," Zheng Yi replied, itching with resentment. He recalled the incident when Chen Shu tricked him with a urea bag, causing him to lose four thousand yuan for no reason in the black market.

"Brother, you're a Level 6 Beast Tamer. When are you planning to teach that kid a lesson?" Zheng Yi said.

"That kid is not that simple. He severely injured Wu Li," Zheng Nan explained, rubbing his chin and pondering.

"Isn't Wu Li a Level 4 Beast Tamer?" Zheng Yi exclaimed. Although Wu Li's potential as a contracted spirit was also graded as F-level, a Level 4 contracted spirit should easily handle an ordinary person.

"That brat Chen Shu is not just a Level 1 Beast Tamer. He's at least a Level 3 Beast Tamer and has been hiding his true strength," Zheng Nan explained.

"Damn, he's really cunning," Zheng Yi muttered, realizing that if Chen Shu could defeat Wu Li, it was highly likely that he could defeat him too.

As the class leader of Beast Tamer Class 3, how could he not deal with the stragglers of Class 5?

"If we're going to make a move, we need to hit him hard," Zheng Nan's expression turned fierce. Although he had just graduated as a student, he had a small tolerance and wouldn't tolerate anyone provoking him.

"That little bastard is quite ruthless," Chen Shu thought to himself as he overheard their conversation.

"Sis, I need to use the restroom," Zheng Yi suddenly stood up and walked towards the restroom.

What a perfect opportunity!

Chen Shu, sitting in the back row, silently stood up and followed behind Zheng Yi. His backpack's zipper wasn't completely closed, revealing a blue bag with the word "urine" faintly visible.

Zheng Nan remained in his seat, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Chen Shu's figure. He felt a sense of familiarity but couldn't recall who it was at that moment.

"I need to pee, feeling so good..." Zheng Yi arrived at the restroom, humming lightly and swaying his body.

Just as he comfortably started relieving himself, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye. His body trembled abruptly, accidentally peeing on his hand. But he didn't have time to worry about that. In an instant, the nightmare in his heart resurfaced.

A urea bag once again covered his head, followed by a flurry of blows.

"Damn it, Chen Shu!!!" Zheng Yi frantically struggled, trying to free himself from this wicked bag, but to no avail.

Chen Shu's body was much stronger than his, completely overpowering him. He was preparing to forcefully drag Zheng Yi into one of the restroom stalls to beat him up.

Just then, a skeleton suddenly appeared, wielding a sharp bone knife, with two eerie green flames in its eye sockets.

Although Zheng Yi was subdued, he could still summon his contracted spirit.

"Attack him!" Zheng Yi commanded the skeleton soldier.

Bang! In that moment, Zheng Yi, surrounded by darkness, felt a slight tremor on the ground, and the skeleton soldier fell silent.

"Gurgle..." A three-meter-tall golden slime, a monstrous creature, sat on top of the weak skeleton soldier, firmly suppressing it.

Creak! Creak! The sound of bones being crushed came from beneath, but the slime had a bewildered expression and seemed almost drowsy.

"My contracted spirit is injured?" Zheng Yi suddenly panicked. This was too fast, wasn't it? It got instantly killed?

He couldn't afford to worry about the skeleton soldier anymore; he himself had been dragged into one of the restroom stalls.

"Help! Help!" he shouted desperately.

"Scream all you want, it won't do you any good," Chen Shu wore a smirk on his face, looking like a complete villain.

"Gurgle..." Zheng Yi, whether confused or delusional, actually started shouting "Help!" with all his might.

Bang! Chen Shu's punch immediately silenced him.

"Hmm? Do you feel like you're quite funny?"