
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 24: Ambushing?

His worldview was completely shattered.

Are pharmacists nowadays really capable of such things?

Or did he come to the restroom specifically to collect some materials?

In an instant, his urge to use the restroom diminished significantly.

His exclamation attracted a crowd, and many gathered outside the stall.

"Hey, what's going on? Is someone concocting medicine in there?"

Many people looked at him as if he were crazy.

This is a restroom, how could something so absurd happen here?

"If you don't believe me, see for yourselves." He shook his head and said.

Instantly, many people became interested and leaped up to catch a glimpse inside the stall.

This was unfortunate for the other two individuals squatting in the neighboring stalls, who occasionally saw a head popping up and staring at them with eerie eyes.

"What are you guys doing? Gathering in groups to witness this, a gang of perverts?"

Although most people were there to witness the medicine concoction, with a casual glance, they could also see the other two individuals in the stalls.

"Wow, there really is someone concocting medicine!"

"This person is incredible, completely unaffected by the outside world. With such calm composure, I'm certain they will become a grandmaster pharmacist in the future."

"Their hands are so steady, not a single tremor. But why do I see them occasionally fishing something out of the toilet?"

Chen Shu's figure left only his back view. With the increased amount of ingredients on the ground, it naturally led to wild speculations.

Twenty minutes quickly passed, and the restroom became packed with people. However, none of them were there to use the facilities; they were all spectators.

"Finally, it's all prepared."

Chen Shu thought gleefully, with a total of twenty-six bottles of intermediate-grade Power Boosting Elixir.

As long as the Slime became a Level 4 Contracted Spirit, it could consume the elixir and further enhance its strength.

With the rewards from the system and the infusion of elixirs, even if he had a pig, he could transform it into a divine beast.


The stall door opened, and in an instant, the eyes of more than ten people all turned towards it.

"They're coming out! The Restroom Pharmacist is coming out!"

"Quick! Quickly behold the divine visage!"

Chen Shu's body trembled. What the hell is going on?

What on earth is a Restroom Pharmacist?

"Brother, are you really concocting medicine?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm?" Chen Shu looked puzzled. Did people actually see me while I was concocting medicine?

At that moment, three options appeared before him.

[Option 1: Escape in panic to avoid being recognized. Completion Reward: Increase in Contracted Spirit's obedience by 10.]

[Option 2: Nod and admit, declaring one's name and identity to gain fame. Completion Reward: Premium Power Boosting Elixir.]

[Option 3: Give an evil smirk and take a sip of the concocted elixir in front of everyone. Completion Reward: Abundant Beast Taming Power.]

Chen Shu was momentarily stunned but quickly reacted.

He spoke, "Well then, since it's come to this, I won't hide it anymore. Would any of you like to give it a try?"

Chen Shu took out a container from his backpack, revealing a pale yellow liquid inside.

The crowd already had preconceived notions, naturally associating it with something unpleasant.

"Is anyone interested in taking a sip? It's free!" Chen Shu offered the container.

The group of people immediately stepped back, wary as if facing a formidable enemy.

What the hell is this? Why does it smell like urine?

Chen Shu shook his head and then gave what he thought was a devilish smile, followed by opening the container.

"Is he going to...?"

The crowd widened their eyes, wearing expressions of disbelief on their faces.


Chen Shu tilted his neck and took a sip of the Power Boosting Elixir in full view of everyone.

"Not bad!"

Chen Shu only felt a slight sweetness, but there were no other noticeable effects.

As a Contracted Spirit, the elixir had little effect on him and wouldn't cause any side effects.

"Damn, you're too brave!" someone exclaimed, their scalp tingling and their stomach churning.

"The taste is good," Chen Shu grinned and put the container back in his backpack. He then calmly walked out of the restroom.

In an instant, people backed away and didn't dare to approach him. He exuded an aura of dominance.

"He's a real werewolf!"

"This extraordinary feat must be shared online."

Many people captured Chen Shu's silhouette while concocting medicine and chose to post it on Weibo.

"Shocking! An advanced pharmacist concocting a pale yellow elixir in a public restroom. Is this a distortion of humanity or a moral decline?"

"At a public restroom in Nanjiang City, the figure of a pharmacist emerges. Even in a harsh environment, they remain calm and demonstrate steady techniques. Is this how alchemists operate these days?"

"A pharmacist has developed a new type of restroom elixir and, under the watchful eyes of the public, consumed it in one gulp. Is this the legendary performance art?"

People added captions to their posts, all highlighting Chen Shu's elegant silhouette.

Unaware that his actions had been shared online, Chen Shu quietly left the black market.

Thanks to this choice, the abundant Beast Taming Power directly elevated him to a Level 3 Beast Tamer, no longer the tailender in his class.

In just one week, Chen Shu had gone from Level 0 to Level 3 Beast Tamer, showcasing the power of the system.

It was approaching dusk as he rode his bicycle back home.

As for Zhang Dali, he only worked as a security guard for two days before losing interest completely.

He was just looking for a life experience and had no intention of becoming a real security guard.

That's the confidence that comes from being a second-generation wealthy individual.

"It's a good day today. Everything I wished for is coming true."

Chen Shu was in a pleasant mood, humming along the way.

Soon, he passed by the same dimly lit intersection from before.

There shouldn't be any robbery today, right?

He glanced towards the alley, involuntarily recalling his previous experience.

Just then, a black figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley.


A black snake, about half a meter long, swiftly approached, its eyes glinting with a venomous cold light.

"Damn, what is that thing?"

Chen Shu was suddenly startled as the black snake swiftly lunged towards him.

Behind a large tree at the intersection stood a man with a sinister expression.

"Daring to offend Young Master Zheng, you're in for some bad luck, kid!"

Wu Li was a societal Beast Tamer, but due to his poor talent, despite being nearly thirty years old, he remained only a Level 4 Beast Tamer.

However, because he was good at pleasing the Zheng brothers, he never had to worry about his basic needs.

Even before the college entrance examination, Zheng Yi had instructed Wu Li to teach Chen Shu a lesson.

Coincidentally, today he had encountered Chen Shu in the black market and had been following him all the way, finally finding an opportunity.

"Although it's a harmonious society and we can't kill people, it shouldn't be a problem to send you to the hospital for a week or two."

Wu Li controlled his contracted spirit as the venomous black snake bared its fangs and lunged directly at Chen Shu.

Just then, in the dim night, a strikingly abrupt yellow figure suddenly appeared.


Wu Li felt as if the earth trembled, and a massive "stool" appeared out of nowhere.

"What the hell is this?"