
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 22: My Journey is Across the Vast Sea of Stars

Chen Shu was once again presented with options before his eyes.

[Accept Zhou Cheng's offer and become a specialized pharmacist in the company. Reward upon completion: Unlocking the complete Pharmacology Compendium and the Contracted Spirit disappears.]

[Gently refuse and steadfastly become a Beast Tamer. Reward upon completion: Moderate level of Spiritual Power.]

Chen Shu hardly hesitated and directly chose the second option.

Although the rewards of the first option were extremely tempting, instantly making him the world's number one pharmacist, what good would it do?

In the end, pharmacists were always in service to Beast Tamers.

"Uncle Zhou, my journey is across the vast sea of stars," Chen Shu spoke up and declined.

"...," Zhou Cheng chuckled, "Ambitious. If you ever wish to become a pharmacist, the company's doors will always be open to you."

The two men shook hands lightly, and Zhou Cheng then looked towards Xu Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, I never expected to find such talent at your school. You should interact and learn from Chen Shu, especially about pharmaceutical knowledge."

Despite being rejected by Chen Shu, Zhou Cheng still wanted to make an effort.

If he could keep Chen Shu around, it would be like having a money tree in the company.

"It's the end of work hours now. Do you need Uncle Zhou to give you a ride?" Zhou Cheng asked.

"No need, I'll walk with my friend," Chen Shu replied.

"That's fine then. Xiaoyu, you can accompany your classmate," Zhou Cheng left the pharmaceutical room.

"I never thought you would really be able to concoct potions," Xu Xiaoyu kept scrutinizing him, even a hint of admiration appeared in her eyes.

Although she ranked first in her grade and had the potential to be admitted to a prestigious Chinese institution, she was completely ignorant when it came to potions.

In fact, many university graduates don't come close to this level; they require time for practice and refinement.

"How can someone as young as you know how to brew potions?" Xu Xiaoyu was filled with immense curiosity, finding it difficult to comprehend.

"Well, I have to start from my childhood," Chen Shu began reminiscing about that day.

"On that day, dark clouds were gathering, and the sky was dim. A fierce storm was about to unleash, and I was eating spicy snacks while walking on the road."

Chen Shu seemed to be recalling the events of that day.

"Suddenly, the wind roared, and within the depths of the clouds, there was a faint glimpse of a golden dragon surging. Its mouth was large enough to swallow a football field, and it looked incredibly intimidating."

"I sensed something and suddenly looked up, locking eyes with the golden dragon. Unexpectedly, it spoke in human language."

Chen Shu intentionally paused and cleared his throat.

"And then, what did it say? What did it say?" Xu Xiaoyu's eyes displayed a keen interest.

"I remember the dragon's words for a lifetime," Chen Shu pressed the button for the first floor of the elevator.

"It exclaimed in surprise, 'Extraordinary, extraordinary! Young man, you have a spiritual light bursting out of your Heavenly Spirit Cover. You are an unparalleled genius that appears once in a millennium. Here is a priceless treasure called 'The Art of Alchemy.' I can see that we are destined, so I'll sell it to you for ten yuan.'"

Xu Xiaoyu fell into silence immediately.

What am I even expecting...

"And then, did you buy it for ten yuan? And then, did you automatically learn alchemy?" Xu Xiaoyu's frustration was evident.

"Do you think I'm foolish?" Chen Shu retorted. "At that moment, I questioned it, 'What kind of thing is selling for such a high price?'"

"Who knew the golden dragon's body would surge, roaring in anger, 'Damn it, do you take me for a swindler? We intellectuals have our integrity!'"

"...," Xu Xiaoyu rubbed her temples. My head hurts so much.

"I can prove it, it's true. I am that dragon," a voice suddenly sounded.

A security guard named Zhang Dali, dressed in a security uniform, walked over with a serious expression.

"Chen Pi, I didn't expect you to remember our childhood incident. When will you give me back those ten yuan?"

"Oh, dear heavens! Save me!" Xu Xiaoyu slapped her forehead and promptly left.

She was afraid that staying with the two of them for too long would make her seem like she had gone insane.

"Chen Pi, how did the interview go today?"

"Now you can call me by my other name, Chen Da, the Great Pharmacist!" Chen Shu coughed and deliberately emphasized the title of pharmacist.

"Truly worthy of being my best friend!"

The two of them walked together and, after having a satisfying meal in the city center, returned home.


"Mom, Dad, I forgot to tell you. This is the ten thousand yuan reward from the Spirit Enclave Bureau."

Chen Shu took out the money from his backpack. He had been so busy with the interview that he had almost forgotten about it.

"Son, what have you done?" Chen Ping, his father, frowned slightly, not displaying any joy. Instead, he asked solemnly.

After Chen Shu explained, his parents breathed a sigh of relief.

"There must not be a next time. Anyone who is worth a ten thousand yuan reward as a wanted criminal must have committed a serious crime. It's not something you students can handle."

Chen Shu nodded repeatedly, thinking his parents would gladly accept the money, but to his surprise, they refused.

"We don't need it for now. You focus on cultivating your Beast Taming power. If you need any potions, buy them yourself. If it's not enough, let your old man know."

"Not needed? Dad, am I really not a second-generation rich kid?"

Chen Shu widened his eyes. His family was just an ordinary one, and a hundred thousand yuan was already a significant sum of money, yet it was rejected by his parents.

"You don't need to worry about it. We don't need it at home," his father, Chen Ping, explained without elaborating further.

Chen Shu had no choice but to put away the hundred thousand yuan and return to his room.

Could it be that there really was a secret in the family?

Chen Shu became cautious and began to recall various clues. Uncle Zhang, a Black Iron-level Beast Tamer, often referred to his father as "Chen Ge" (Brother Chen) without the arrogance typical of a Beast Tamer. Could there be a deeper reason for it?

Shaking his head, Chen Shu decided not to dwell on it any longer. If there really was a secret, his father would naturally tell him.

He placed all the bottles of Power Potion from the system space on the table.

"So many Power Potions. I never expected wealth to come so easily."

There were a total of forty bottles of Power Potion, valued at five thousand yuan each, making it a whopping two hundred thousand yuan in total.

"I hope it doesn't disappoint me."

With a thought, a golden slime appeared in his arms.

"Goo-goo! Goo-goo!"

The slime shook its head and moved playfully in his embrace, displaying extreme intimacy.

Although the slime's potential rating was only E, its personality was extremely docile, with an obedience level to its master of over 80%.

Chen Shu opened each bottle of Power Potion and poured them all into the golden slime.

The Power Potions permanently increased the contracted spirit's power. However, the increase from one bottle wasn't too significant, probably around 0.5%.

"Goo-goo! Goo-goo!"

The golden slime opened its wide mouth and drank all forty bottles of Power Potion.

"Burp~" The slime let out a satisfied burp, hopping around excitedly.

Although its strength was weak, it could definitely eat.

Chen Shu rubbed the golden slime in his arms and stored it in the Beast Space.

With the forty bottles of Power Potion, the contracted spirit's strength was permanently increased by 20%, giving it a certain advantage in battles.

Whales never go out of style. This is the oppression from a wealthy player!