
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 20: Uncle Chen Dislikes Your Attitude

"Do you want to become a pharmacist?"

A cold voice sounded, and a woman with long flowing hair and a cold expression walked out. She had a tall figure and exuded a natural air of arrogance. Even the security guard Xiao Wang didn't dare to look directly at her and simply muttered a few words before leaving the floor.

"Well, I want to give it a try," Chen Shu continued to size up the woman.

"This is not a place for children to play. Go back," the woman turned around and left, never once looking at Chen Shu directly.

"What's going on with Xiao Yu? She keeps introducing troublemakers to the company," Chen Shu shouted.

"The interview is already over!" came the woman's cold voice as she returned to the laboratory.

Once again, options appeared before Chen Shu.

[Option 1: Remain silent and return home in disappointment. Reward: Obtain the title "Frustrated Apprentice" with the effect of -1 Charisma]

[Option 2: Take advantage of her unpreparedness and kick her in the butt, causing her to lose her composure and break her defenses. Reward: Medium-level Beast Taming Power]

[Option 3: Sneak into the laboratory quietly and look for an opportunity. Reward: Learn the skill "Charge"]

Chen Shu looked at the woman's retreating figure and, although he was tempted to choose the second option, his rationality made him hold back. If he kicked her, he would definitely lose the job and be resented by others.

"Let's sneak in and take a look first."

Seeing the woman already far away, Chen Shu confidently walked to the entrance of the laboratory.

"Oh, I didn't expect there to be lab coats here."

Chen Shu calmly picked up a white lab coat at the entrance, put it on, and then wore a mask before entering the laboratory.

His demeanor was calm, instantly blending in with the environment.

Chen Shu walked into a small laboratory where three people were diligently concocting potions.

The three of them were each assigned their tasks, currently working on a flame potion.

"Busy with your work?" Chen Shu greeted them amiably, hands behind his back.

The three individuals looked at him, momentarily unsure of who he was, but could only smile and nod.

"Keep up the good work. The company can't do without dedicated individuals like you."

With hands still behind his back, Chen Shu left the laboratory.

"Take care, leader," one of them hurriedly said, mistaking him for a high-ranking executive from the company.

As Chen Shu was walking, he stumbled unexpectedly, realizing that he had been mistaken for a leader.

He immediately gained confidence and confidently began to survey the area.

"Hmm? Finally found the Power Potion," Chen Shu's face lit up as he entered the laboratory.

However, there was no one inside, likely due to some reason.

"Should I wait?" Chen Shu felt bored inside the laboratory.

A few minutes later, he saw various medicinal herbs on the table, and there were even five fully bloomed Power Flowers, the most precious among them.

Chen Shu's curiosity was piqued, and he directly picked up the herbs.

In the system's pharmacology database, the Power Potion was shown as available for synthesis. Would he like to synthesize it?

With curiosity in his mind, Chen Shu chose to synthesize it.

At that moment, he felt himself entering a strange state, as if his body had been taken over by the system.

His hands were steady, like a machine, constantly picking up various refined herbs and putting them into the container in certain proportions.

Soon, the container contained a white potion emitting a faint sweet fragrance, exactly the Power Potion sold on the market.

"Low-grade Power Potion successfully synthesized. When synthesized ten times, unlock the medium-grade Power Potion! 1/10"

Chen Shu was slightly stunned, not expecting the system to be so user-friendly.

The medium-grade Power Potion could be used for Contract Spirits ranging from Level 4 to Level 6. The herbs used for synthesis were the same, but the main ingredient required two Power Flowers. The difficulty of synthesis also doubled, and naturally, the selling price doubled as well.

"I wonder how many bottles I've synthesized."

Chen Shu poured the potion into standard-sized vials.

Before long, a total of thirteen bottles of Power Potion were placed on the table, equivalent to over 60,000 Huaxia coins.

And his cost was less than 20,000, truly a lucrative industry.

Of course, the real profit didn't come from the Power Potion itself but from his system.

Depending on the skill level of a pharmacist, they could synthesize five to ten bottles of Power Potion.

An average pharmacist could only synthesize five bottles, with a possibility of failure.

Since Chen Shu was using the system for synthesis, he naturally achieved the highest level of ten bottles.

In addition, with mastery at the Control level, he could reduce the materials by 30%, resulting in an additional 30% yield. That's why he had thirteen bottles of potion.

"Isn't it too conspicuous to produce thirteen bottles at once?" Chen Shu couldn't help but think.

Just then, footsteps approached.

Reacting swiftly, Chen Shu quickly stored seven bottles of potion in his system space.

The laboratory door opened, and two individuals wearing white lab coats walked in.

"Hmm? Who are you?" Xu Qingxue frowned, her eyes filled with hostility.

Oh no! Why is it her?

Chen Shu's heart sank. He didn't expect it to be the cold-faced woman.

"The layout of the lab is well done," Chen Shu nodded with his hands behind his back, acting as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the exit.

"It's you!" Xu Qingxue instantly recognized him. "That student!!"

"Wow, you can recognize me even in this disguise?" Chen Shu was surprised and took off his mask.

"Do you dare to enter the lab without permission?" Xu Qingxue's eyes filled with anger. The audacity of the other person astounded her.

"Sister, I really came for an interview. Why make things difficult for me?" Chen Shu said.

The two locked eyes in a standoff.

"Huh? These potions?"

The person accompanying Xu Qingxue suddenly looked at the lab table and saw six bottles of Power Potion placed on it.

He approached, took a sniff of the fragrance of the Power Potion, and exclaimed, "These are genuine Power Potions!" Clearly, he found it hard to believe.

Xu Qingxue also realized what was going on and looked incredulously at Chen Shu, saying, "Did you make these?"

"I told you, I can really synthesize Power Potions," Chen Shu shrugged helplessly.

A high school student being able to synthesize Power Potions, and even producing six bottles, meant that his skill level was higher than that of most pharmacists. This astonishing fact left the two in a prolonged silence.

It turned out that some people really lived up to expectations...

After a long while, Xu Qingxue swallowed her saliva and asked, "Do you have a high failure rate in potion synthesis?"

"Basically, I don't fail," Chen Shu replied.

"On behalf of the company, I hope you can become a pharmacist in our department!" Xu Qingxue said solemnly, feeling a bit regretful at the same time.

A fog had enveloped them, not expecting the talented individual to be right in front of her.

"I really didn't like your attitude before, Chen Shu," Xu Qingxue remarked.

Chen Shu raised an eyebrow, shook his head slightly, and looked at Xu Qingxue with a hint of mockery.