
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 19: Stir-Fried Tomatoes and Tomatoes?

Chapter 19: Tomato Stir-Fry?

Chen Shu and Fang Si chatted for a while before ending their conversation. While he had plenty of free time, Fang Si had very little to spare. As the most prestigious institution for Beast Masters, the competition at Huaxia Academy was intense.

Chen Shu opened his contacts and selected Xu Xiaoyu. "Xiaoyu, I have a job interview tomorrow. Can you give me some inside information in advance?"

There was no reply for a while, so Chen Shu couldn't help but ask again, "Xiaoyu, are you busy?"

"I'm eating melons," Xu Xiaoyu replied.

Chen Shu's face showed curiosity. Was there another internet sensation or gossip going on?

"Whose melons are you eating?" he asked.

To his surprise, Xu Xiaoyu quickly replied, "Hami melons."

Chen Shu: "???"

Was she really talking about eating melons?

A few minutes later, Xu Xiaoyu finally began to respond to his messages. "Are you talking about the position of a pharmacist? If you have a strong understanding of materials science in high school, you might be able to become a pharmacist assistant."

Xu Xiaoyu's words were clear: for a high school student to become a pharmacist was simply a fantasy.

"Also, don't call me 'sister.' Just call me Xiaoyu. I just turned sixteen..."

In general, awakening ceremonies were held in junior high, but Xu Xiaoyu awakened in her first year of high school and was transferred to the Spirit Class.

"What if I can proficiently refine a certain potion?" Chen Shu asked. In terms of his knowledge of alchemy, he had reached the mastery level with the Powerful Potion. Not only was his success rate 100%, but he could also reduce material consumption by 30%.

"A cold remedy potion?" Xu Xiaoyu questioned.


"Anyway, just give it a try. Perhaps you'll catch the attention of a pharmacist," Xu Xiaoyu said, lying on her bed with a strange expression on her face.

A high school student proficiently refining a potion? If it were that easy, the potions used by Beast Masters would have been popularized long ago.

No longer trusting Chen Shu's ideas, Xu Xiaoyu turned off her phone and focused on practicing her Beast Mastery.

"It seems she doesn't believe me anymore," Chen Shu shook his head and turned off the lights to read a novel.

At 1 a.m., when Chen Shu was ready to sleep, options appeared before his eyes once again.

[Option 1: Practice all night, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Completion Reward: Obtain the title 'Super Diligent Talent,' equipped effect: 20% increase in training efficiency.]

[Option 2: Go to sleep immediately and lie down. Completion Reward: A small amount of Beast Mastery.]

Without hesitation, Chen Shu chose to go to sleep and immediately laid down. Suddenly, a surge of Beast Mastery energy appeared within him, roughly equivalent to two days of training for a talented Beast Master.

The next day arrived quickly. The sun was shining brightly, piercing through the curtains. Chen Shu, still half-asleep, instinctively reached for his phone to check the time.


How could it be so early? It felt like it was just midnight.

Chen Shu's consciousness was hazy, and he was about to drift back to sleep. Suddenly, his spirits jolted awake. Where did the sun come from in the early morning?!

His eyes snapped open, and he quickly checked his phone.

"Oh my god, did I sleep until noon?"

He exclaimed in surprise, not expecting it to be this late. No wonder the holiday time seemed to pass by quickly. It turned out there was no morning.

After quickly freshening up, his parents had already left for work. Chen Shu arrived outside Zhang Dali's house.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Dali! Zhang Dali!"

After a while, there was no response, so Chen Shu had to shout loudly.

"Fire! Fire!"

Soon, a group of people with fire extinguishers rushed over in a panic.

"Where's the fire? Where?!"

Chen Shu was taken aback. He didn't expect to attract so many people.

"Uncle Wang, Aunt Liu, I was just trying to liven up the atmosphere..." Chen Shu said awkwardly.

"You rascal!" The group of people breathed a sigh of relief, scolded Chen Shu a bit, and then left.

After a while, Zhang Dali, still half-asleep, appeared at the door.

"Chen Pi, why are you shouting in the middle of the night? Wow, the moon is so big, but why is it so dazzling!"

Zhang Dali shielded his eyes from the sunlight with his hand.

"It's already noon!" he exclaimed.

Chen Shu looked speechless. It turned out he wasn't the only one who thought it was still early morning.

"Why is your house so dark?"

His gaze turned towards the inside of Zhang Dali's house, where there was no trace of sunlight, only deep darkness.

"My dad's contract spirit ability, it's called 'Nightfall.' It improves the quality of sleep. Pretty cool, right?"

Zhang Dali stretched lazily and casually turned on the lights in his house.

"Let me tidy up a bit."

Ten minutes later, the two of them left the residential area and headed towards the 666 Pharmaceutical Company.

The high-tech zone in Nanjiang City was home to various major corporate companies, and the 666 Pharmaceutical Company was one of the top enterprises, specializing in various potions for beast tamers.

The two of them took a luxurious taxi ride and arrived at the high-tech zone.

"Let's have some food to energize ourselves before the interview."

They arrived at a Chinese restaurant with few customers and randomly ordered a few dishes.

"Boss, what's the specialty dish here?"

As Zhang Dali was about to start eating, he suddenly had a displeased expression on his face.

"It's Tomato Stir-Fried Tomatoes, nothing wrong with that!" a waiter approached.

"But why is it only tomatoes? Where are the other ingredients?" Zhang Dali toyed with his chopsticks.

"The tomatoes are also included." The waiter said in a serious tone.


Both Chen Shu and Zhang Dali realized it at the same time and instantly made a sound of realization.

"Tomatoes stir-fried with tomatoes? What kind of dish is this?"

The corners of their mouths twitched, feeling like their understanding had been shattered.

"It's actually just plain stir-fried tomatoes. The boss wanted to make it sound more colorful to increase the word count." The waiter laughed and revealed the truth.

"Never mind, let's just eat."

Chen Shu shook his head, choosing not to dwell on it. Despite the misleading name, the dish was indeed well-cooked.

After finishing their meal, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the 666 Pharmaceutical Company. They looked at the imposing office building and walked in with uncertain steps.

"May I ask who you are looking for?" the security guard at the entrance asked politely.

"Senior, senior! I'm Zhang Dali, a classmate of Xu Xiaoyu. I want to work as a security guard in the company," Zhang Dali said.

"So it's you. Miss Xu has already instructed us."

The head of the security guards spoke, his eyes filled with a smile, showing no intention of making things difficult.

Clearly, Xu Xiaoyu had informed them in advance. After all, the two of them had saved her life, so they would naturally do their best to help.

"Xiao Wang, take this classmate to the potion department," the security captain instructed, and another security guard came forward to lead Chen Shu into the company.

As for Zhang Dali, he stayed in the security department.

With Xu Xiaoyu's connections, Zhang Dali would surely be able to become a security guard. As for Chen Shu's job, it would depend on luck.

"Young man, it won't be easy for you to become a pharmacist's assistant," Xiao Wang, the security guard, looked at Chen Shu with a strange expression. It was unusual for a high school student to become a pharmacist's assistant.

"I'm not here to be an assistant. I'm here to practice alchemy seriously," Chen Shu casually replied, continuously surveying the exquisitely decorated interior of the office building.

"Alchemy? Heh, brother, you have a sense of humor." Xiao Wang chuckled a few times.

The two of them took the elevator and arrived at the tenth floor of the office building.

A sturdy glass door appeared, revealing a layout of small laboratories. Each laboratory housed varying numbers of people, all dressed in white lab coats.

"Do you want to become a pharmacist?"