
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 11: Uncle Chen Approves of You

Chapter 11: Chen Shu Approves of You

At one of the stalls, various exotic flowers and plants were displayed, looking exceptionally unique.

"Boss, how much for the Great Strength Flower?" Chen Shu inquired.

Suddenly, options appeared before him.

[Option 1: Confront the boss loudly and ask why it's a fake. Reward upon completion: Medium-level Beast Taming Power.]

[Option 2: Don't expose the boss and give up on purchasing. Reward upon completion: 10% increase in Golden Slime body size.]

[Option 3: Angry expression, say, "Isn't it too much to use paint to impersonate the Great Strength Flower, and it's not even dry paint, for heaven's sake!" Reward upon completion: Wind attribute potion of medium quality.]

Chen Shu was speechless, realizing that the items in the black market were so deceptive. As he contemplated which option to choose, a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

"Boss, I'll take it! I'll offer 10,000!"

"Huh? Where did this idiot come from?" Chen Shu was taken aback. Who would buy something painted with pigments?

He turned around and saw Zheng Yi from Beast Taming Class Three. Zheng Yi's face was still bruised, filled with hatred.

"Chen Shu, you shameless scoundrel! How dare you ambush me!"

"What are you talking about?" Chen Shu looked bewildered.

"I remember you. You'll pay for this someday," Zheng Yi glared at Chen Shu fiercely. "If you want the Great Strength Flower, wait for your next life."

The Great Strength Flower was a crucial material for creating the Great Strength Potion and was rarely seen in the market stalls. Only large stores had a small amount in stock, but the prices were exorbitant.

"Well, I'll offer 15,000."

"Huh? You have 15,000?"

"None of your business."

"20,000!" Zheng Yi gritted his teeth and spoke.

A single Great Strength Flower could produce five bottles of the Great Strength Potion, making it worth around 25,000. Purchasing it for 20,000 wouldn't be a bad deal.

"30,000!" Chen Shu, calm and composed, leisurely spoke. Although he appeared carefree, he exuded confidence.

While his pockets were empty, he had an unwavering demeanor. If the boss forced him to buy, he would expose the truth. It wouldn't be right for someone to pay 30,000 for a fake flower.

The stall owner was on the verge of going mad. It was his first time in the black market, and he had heard that people here were foolish and had money to spare. He didn't expect it to be true.

Zheng Yi's face turned green, showing signs of hesitation. He felt pressured by the other party.

"No way! No way! Even a rich second generation needs to think twice before buying a flower. Where's your strength?" Chen Shu shook his head, expressing regret and mockery on his face.

This sarcastic and peculiar expression instantly ignited Zheng Yi's competitive spirit.

"I offer 40,000!"

"Great! You indeed have courage! Uncle Chen approves of you!"

Chen Shu decisively turned around and left the place directly.

Zheng Yi had a bewildered expression on his face. Why was the other person so straightforward? He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

However, he was someone with status and reputation. Although buying the Great Strength Flower for 40,000 was a bit of a loss, he could still afford it.

"Oh, by the way, Captain Zheng, if you need paintbrushes, feel free to find me anytime. I'll give you a special discount!" Chen Shu suddenly turned around and said, leaving Zheng Yi utterly confused.

The stall owner was getting impatient and quickly completed the transaction before hastily leaving the black market.

"Chen Pi, I didn't expect this Zheng Yi to appear out of nowhere. What bad luck," Zhang Dali remarked, feeling annoyed at Zheng Yi's animosity.

"Let him be. He's in for a rough time when he gets home. 40,000 yuan is not a small sum," Chen Shu replied with a pleased expression, even whistling.

"Oh, by the way, how did he find out so quickly that I was behind the attack? I hope I never find out who betrayed me," Chen Shu muttered, clearly displeased with the informant.

"Of course, it was me!" Zhang Dali slapped his thigh suddenly, a proud expression on his face as if claiming credit.

"Chen Pi, you're already a celebrity in our grade now, but no need to thank me!"


"Yes, you just told me earlier, and I immediately shared the news in the grade chat group. I don't know how many people are discussing you now," Zhang Dali explained.

Chen Shu took out his phone and indeed saw numerous mentions in the group chat.

Lone Wolf (Zhang Dali): Zheng Yi, the person who beat you up is my brother Chen Shu. If you dare to retaliate, feel free to come and find me, Zhang Dali. I don't mind playing with you.

Zheng Yi: @Chen Pi, so it was you who attacked me. I remember you.

Wang Yugang: Chen Pi, you're too ruthless. You're truly an exemplary figure.

Teacher Fang Ke: Chen Shu, come to my office tomorrow.

Zhou Buwei: This is the Mange Fu group. Isn't it us Beast Tamers who should leave?

Wu Kai: As a Beast Tamer, he chose to attack physically. Is someone like that even worthy of being called a Beast Tamer? I've done it too, so it's no big deal...


"Chen Pi, look at this! The group chat is buzzing now, everyone is discussing you," Zhang Dali said with a silly smile, completely unaware that something was amiss.

"Dali, from now on, we don't need to be so flashy. Being low-key is the most impressive way to show off, understood?" Chen Shu said with a serious tone. He had calculated everything, but he never expected Zhang Dali to "betray" him.

"I understand, I understand," Zhang Dali suddenly realized, nodding repeatedly.

"Let's go, let's see if we can find any Great Strength Flowers," Chen Shu said. The two continued to wander around the black market, but unfortunately, they didn't see any Great Strength Flowers at the stalls.

These resources were extremely scarce and mostly purchased by large corporations and the authorities. After all, the Great Strength Potion was a common potion, and the vast majority of contract spirits needed to enhance their strength.

"Let's check out the shops over here," Chen Shu suggested. In the end, he had no choice but to enter one of the shops in the black market.

There were only a few shops here, but they had a wide range of goods. Moreover, as long as you had money, you could buy them without any qualifications.

"20,000 for a Great Strength Flower? No thanks!" Chen Shu stepped into the shop and was speechless in an instant. The shops in the black market were simply too expensive. With the additional materials, the cost would be around 25,000. Most alchemists could only produce five bottles, which meant they didn't make any profit. It was a lonely business.

Well, Chen Shu was not cut out for it anyway.

"By the way, do you guys hire store clerks?" Chen Shu suddenly thought of something. With the second year of high school coming to an end and summer vacation approaching, he wanted to find a part-time job. Not only could he earn some Huaxia currency, but he could also broaden his horizons. The more people he interacted with, the higher the chance of triggering system options.

"Hire? We do. There's a notice posted outside," the shopkeeper replied.

Chen Shu quickly went outside and indeed found a recruitment notice.

Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

Hiring shop clerks (internship).

Job description: Mainly responsible for organizing and categorizing various goods.

Working hours: 9 AM to 9 PM.

Salary: 400 per month, doubles upon becoming a regular employee.

Note: Accepting summer workers, salary halved.

"Oh my god! What the hell is this?! Seriously!" Chen Shu couldn't help but feel speechless. The shops in the black market truly lived up to their reputation as black shops. Even the Wolf of Wall Street would shed tears after seeing this.

"Young man, interested? You have an impressive appearance. I can directly exempt you from the interview and you can start working anytime," the shopkeeper said.