


My heart races relentlessly in my chest as I pull up to Jana's house, my fingers tapping on the steering wheel and my bottom lip between my grinding teeth. I watch as she flees through the front door and hurries into the car, her tight, black dress catching me off guard. /"We aren't actually going to the party,/" I tell her and pull back onto the road.

/"I know, I just want to blend in,/" she says while pulling her seatbelt on and glancing over at me, /"and I see you don't./"

/"I'm more focused on getting the flash drive. God, I hope he hasn't smashed it or thrown it away. Just thinking about it...It makes me all anxious. And the fact that we're going to his party isn't helping either. The last thing I need is flashbacks./"

/"You'll be fine,/" she encourages me. /"You've healed so much the past few months./"

/"You think so? Because I told Daniel that I've gotten worse./"