
A Guy In A White Shirt

I just had the scariest dream.... It felt to realistic that it scared me. The part where I start to remember was unclear since it felt like I've been in that dream before already... The start of my dream was I'm at a convenience store. What I remember clearly is, it was me being with my father but when we got out I was already with a different man, and came from a different store. And I do kinda recall that I had a dream entering that convinience store with a person. Seems like the one with my father is a different dream that I also have... So when I got out with the man that seems like my "boyfriend" (I don't know cause I remember saying "its ok bae let's just go eat somewhere else.. my treat!!" to him) we saw a group of guys in white T-shirt at the parking lot near the car where me and the guy I am with (the man that is like my bf

... I just feel weird calling him that tehet) is heading to. I can see on my peripheral vision that the group of guys are looking at us but I didn't look back I just kept my gaze at the car until I got in. The man I'am with assisted me on sitting in the passenger's seat then go over to the driver's seat. A part of my clothes got stuck at the car door that's why I need to open it again and there I saw the guys in white shirt is standing in circle around our car. Dead ass I know even if it's a dream I'm scared for my life in that dream. There's a specific guy that's also in a white shirt, standing in front of the car, leaning towards the car hood and looking at the boy I'am with; who's at the driver's seat. While smiling that looks like a smirk at the same time that really looks creepy. They're just standing around the car when I saw my brother with his friends walking. I called him to say hi then he waved back. I'm really scared for some reason that I told my brother to get in the car. Then the guys in white shirt started to make a distance from our car. Then after that I just remember the car moving away from the creeps and me telling that I was scared for my life at the situation while laughing. (I mean who's not going to get scared when your car is getting surrounded by like 15+ strangers who looks like in a gang that's ready to do something you would never expect that you would experience??)

After that my dream gets weirder... In my dream I had a dream... and I know its a dream and in the real life I also know its a dream. Like having a dream in your dream and you know that both situation you're at is a dream.. It's like that feeling when you can't wake yourself up but you know you'll end up waking with a cliffhanger.

In my dream that I had in my dream.. I was at the top of a bunk bed that's pretty high and I know that there's also a person below me. Let's just call her Reena (I know that person irl she's my classmate and I don't know why she's in my dream lol) so I know she's there below me and I'm awake at that dream but I'm pretending to be asleep (reminder that I know its a dream in my dream) I kept on reminding myself that's it's just a dream cause I'm at really high bunk bed in a big old and dark room of a big abandoned haunted house. From where I am I see some weird things or creature going in the room (but since I kept reminding myself that its just a dream I didn't got that scared but the creepiness and nervousness is there). The first one is like a big man covered by grease as in black grease holding something while his head is like an unexplainable thing. I know I saw it but kept quiet then the second thing came I don't know how it got there cause I remember seeing the first one entering ang exiting the room. But the second one its just there standing facing the bed (but as I said the bunk bed is pretty high and my pov is higher than the weird things so its like I'm seeing it from the top view). It's a tall figure with black halo body and white mask that had only eye holes in it. Then the third one even if I know its a dream in my dream, the increase of my heart pressure while I'm sleeping is solid and I felt that somehow it made my senses awake but I can't fully open my eyes. It's a black sheep with horns. And it has that aura that something you would be scared. It just went straight to Reena the person below me and I can hear her screaming... I just remember telling myself "it's just a dream" on repeat until the black sheep unexplainably got on where I am. But I already expected that I'm next so by saying "its just a dream" I'm kinda prepared when the sheep got to be on where I am. Then I fell from the bunk bed then the sheep attacked me... Here comes the creepy part where I saw Reena with another black sheep covered in blood and the sheep that's in front of her took its head off then I saw her ex's face smiling at her... I really remember it up until now that I'm writing this, how I can't move my body even if my senses is already awake... it's like I'm paralyzed and I'm desperate to wake up and wanted to cry because I know its a dream but I can't seem to wake up.... And my body on my dream moved on its own made me look at the black sheep that attacked me and I know that there's also someone inside the black sheep in front of me. It took off its head and then there I saw the man in the white shirt from before.. giving its creepy smile at me.. I felt the goosebumps in my sleeping body in real life. From there I woke up from the dream in my dream I saw the guy who I am with at the convinience store and he asked me if I'm ok and he said I look pale there I passed out from the dream. It felt really real but I know it's just a dream. Out of the pitch black I saw a video of the man in white shirt with a creepy smile again. He's showing his creepy smile at the camera and showed some photos that really creep me out up until now cause I can clearly remember that in the photos he showed, he's with me everywhere. He's sitting at the back of my bus seat, he had a photo of me in a school corridor, at a restaurant, while sleeping, etc. There's a lot but the last thing I remember is a video clip where I passed out in my dream after waking up from the black sheep thing... he's holding me while whispering something in my ear before I passed out. It was a video posted somewhere and something forced me to like the video after I liked it I kept waking up as someone else... Its like I'm in a dream after a dream of a different person.. Until I finally wake up... I woke up with a tear in my eye... That dream really is something else that's why I wrote it right after recovering from that dream.... I remember the creepy guy's face... but there's something in the face I can't describe. I just hope that dream already ended.... It just really felt so real even though I already know its just a dream...