
Chapter Nineteen


Junior Year of High School

“I can’t believe we put ourselves in the situation.”

I was pacing back and forth waiting for Lauren to come out of the bathroom. She’s been in there for a long time and it’s starting to scare the shit out of me. I should have convinced her to get on the pill. I hear about condoms breaking but I never thought it would happen to us, and since it's been a few weeks I had forgotten all about it until Lauren said her period was late.

“It’s negative,” Lauren announced as she came out of the bathroom.

“Are you sure?”

She handed me the three tests that she took but they didn’t put my mind at ease.

“We should do another one in a few days in case it’s too early.”

“My parents can’t know, Jack. My father will do everything short of killing you, even if I’m not pregnant.”