

Su Anya arrived at school at 7 a.m. She noticed Shen Yue standing near the school gate.

"Are you okay, Su Anya?" Shen Yue rushed toward her and voiced her concerns

Su Anya has a warm fuzzy feeling that only comes from being in the presence of genuine kindness. She softly touched Shen Yue's head and murmured. "I'm sorry for worrying our Yue Yue."

"Anya, I'm not going to ask you about your problems. However, if you are stuck on a problem that you cannot solve on your own, you can rely on us. We're friends, and we've got your back." Shen Yue said, her eyes moistened.

Su Anya was relieved that they had never questioned her. It's not as if she didn't believe them. She didn't want to cause any problems. It had become a habit after living alone for so long not to expect anything from others, not even their support.

Su Anya walked to her seat and saw that her desk drawer was full of letters. Some of which had spilled onto the floor.

She frowned and picked up one letter.

The letter stated, 'Cheater get lost.'

Coldness flashed in her bright, dark eyes.

Chen Zhihui walked into the classroom and to his seat when he noticed the letters. "This must have been done by that class A student."

Su Anya said nothing. She walked to the back of the class, grabbed the wastebasket, and threw every single letter.

Teacher Wu came in to check on the students' morning reading and looked at Su Anya. "Su Anya, please come to my office."

After Teacher Wu left, all eyes turned to Su Anya.

"What made Teacher Wu call her?"

"I believe it is true that she cheated."

"Perhaps she cheated in a previous coding competition."

Chen Zhihui could hear their gossip and tried to keep his rage at bay.

"Do you believe we have to cheat to win this competition?" Chen Zhihui became enraged. "I thought we were different among Class B students." But I was mistaken; you believe in strangers rather than your classmates." He scowled angrily.

Su Anya stood up from her seat, ignoring the gossip around her, and walked out of the classroom.

When she entered Teacher Wu's office, she noticed Mr. Li there.

"Good morning, Mr. Li." She greeted him and turned to face Miss Wu. "Why did you call me, Miss Wu?"

Miss Wu looked at her and sighed heavily. "I called you to talk about the competition. You've probably heard the rumors."

Su Anya's eyes were cold, and she looked into Miss Wu's eyes and said indifferently. "Please, Miss Wu, make it clear."

"Leave this to me, Miss Wu." Mr. Li turned to face Su Anya. He felt some guilt when he saw her indifferent expression. "Su Anya, why don't your team change your project."

Su Anya arched her brow and smirked sarcastically. She ignored him and turned to Miss Wu, saying. "What are your thoughts, Miss Wu?"

Miss Wu paused for a moment before looking at Su Anya's clear eyes. "I disagree with you, Mr. Li." It will be unfair to her if we ask them to make changes to her team project. It hasn't determined whether or not their team cheated."

"I haven't said that their team has cheated, Miss Wu. I merely want her team to make changes to the project." Mr. Li explained.

"Mr. Li, by saying my team will change the project, you have implicitly agreed that we must steal Chen Yiren's team project." Su Anya spoke to him in a cold tone.

"Student Su, That is not the case. We are under some pressure from above. Mr. Zhang had requested that you make changes to the project."

"Mr. Li, by saying my team will change the project, you have implicitly agreed that we must steal Chen Yiren's team project." Su Anya spoke to him in a cold tone.

"I'm glad you're already here." They noticed Mr. Zhang and the Principal He standing beside the door. "Little girl, you should be grateful that you are allowed to compete," Mr. Zhang said as he walked into the office. "You are still young and have a chance to make amends for your mistakes."

Su Anya's calm eyes flared with wrath as soon as she heard this. They truly wanted to blame her for everything. In a previous life, she was a naive girl, but in this life, she will never allow anyone to rule her. Her aura underwent an abrupt shift. "Do you believe, Mr. Zhang, that you have the authority to order my team to modify the project?"

Mr. Zhang briefly felt intimidated by her icy aura and didn't even realize he was breaking out in cold sweat.

'How could I be terrified of this little girl?' He was furious at her. If you want so, there is no need to give you a second chance." He turned to face the principal and stated. "I want her team to be disqualified from the competition, Principal He."

"Who gave you the authority to disqualify her team. Mr. Zhang?" Lu Rayansh's cold voice pierced their ears. They noticed him as he entered the room.

Lu Rayansh looked around and noticed a cold aura surrounding Su Anya. He started to walk toward her.

Su Anya raised her head and stared at him, her eyes cold. "What brings you here?" She inquired.

Lu Rayansh said, looking at Mr. Zhang. "I should be here as an investor." With a smile, he said.

"Little girl, leave this to me." He spoke softly.

"Do you realize, Mr. Zhang, that we can sue for false allegations?"

He mockingly looked at him and said. " Have you read their project report that leads you to believe they cheated? Let me clear up your confusion: both team projects may appear similar. But they're different from each other." He smiled coldly at Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang frowned. There is a skeptical expression on his face. "Are you certain, Mr. Lu, that both projects are distinct? Then I'd like to look over their project report." He wanted to be sure.

I'm afraid I won't be able to show you my project report, Mr. Zhang." Su Anya made it clear. "It is now a highly confidential project. As you can see, I've already agreed to terms with Mr. Lu. Mr. Zhang, rest assured that both team projects are different."

Mr. Zhang was relieved to hear that. "Miss Su, please ensure that no plagiarism occurs during the competition."

He turned around to face the Principal. "Principal He, the problem has been resolved. I will take my leave."

"Mr. Zhang, wait for a moment." Lu Rayansh ,stop him. "You owe an appology to Miss Su. After all you have accused her, which may harm her mental state."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang's face turned very ugly. How could he apologize to such a young girl?

"Mr. Zhang, I believe he is correct, and you should apologize to her." Principally He concurs with Lu Rayansh. "As you can see, their mind is sensitive at this age, and your harsh words can have a significant negative impact on her."

Mr. Zhang had no other option. He clenched his teeth and turned to face Su Anya. "I apologise, Miss Su."

"It's fine, Mr. Zhang." She spoke calmly in response.

Mr Zhang became even more enraged as he stared at her. By looking at her, one can tell she has a very sensitive mind. He exited the office after applauding her.

"This matter has been settled, Su Anya. You may return to your classroom."

Su Anya came out of the office saw that her team member standing in the corridor.

"Leader what happened?" Chen Zhihui rushed toward her and asked her.

"Don't worry, I have managed everything." Su Anya assured him.

"Little girl don't you know you shouldn't have taken the credit for other people's hard work." She heard a voice behind her.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

little_starrcreators' thoughts