
It's Me: Naruto Fanfriction


Doasist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 2 - Discharged

Jason who is now Naruto stared at the ceiling in irritation.

He's been in the hospital for two weeks and all he could think about was the fact that no one had come to visit him. Even Jason was taken aback!

Jason, thought, why would he sacrifice so much for people who don't care about him? What's even worse is the fact that no one realised the change in his personality since I hijacked his body.

The only people to have come and visited him were Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Tsunade came for his first treatment at which point he was on the brink of death, she had only visited two other times.

But both times, he was unconscious or at least pretending as if he was.

Then there was Shizune, Tsunade's assistant and apprentice. She only came in the first day to see if he was ok or not. After that, he hasn't seen her once.

She was most likely ordered by Tsunade!

Then there was his Sensei,

Jiraiya of the Sannin.

He was the person that trained him when Kakashi refused to do so during the month break between the Chunnin finals.

The only reason he visited was to check up on him and tell him that they were leaving the village for two and a half years for a training trip.

When Jason thought about him how useless naruto was after the time skip, he mocked in his head.

Jiraya is indeed powerful but in the three years time skip between Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, he truly wasted Naruto's time.

The only improvement that he had made was his control over the tailed beast, but even with that, he would lose control most of the time.

Jason thought, If that was the type of training I would get from him on this training trip, I am contemplating if I should even go or not.

So, It's was not surprising that, Jason rejected this suggestion, the expression in Sannin's face was quite satisfying.

There's the fact that he already taught Naruto the Rasengan and the summoning for toads. Those were the only things that Jirraya had to over,

But he already knew these from the original Naruto, so what was the point?

Furthermore, Jirraya would be a hindrance to my plans, Jason thought.


Jason lay in his hospital bed, his mind at peace with thoughts about his future.

Just as his thoughs reached its peak, the door creaked open, breaking the monotonous silence of the room.

Jason's gaze shifted towards the entrance, his eyes widening with anticipation. It was Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, entering with purposeful steps. The weight of her presence filled the room.

Tsunade's emerald eyes met Jason's, and she offered him a warm smile. It was a smile filled with genuine care and concern, Jason sneered

At her performance.

"Naruto," Tsunade spoke, her voice calm and reassuring, "I hope you're feeling better. I have some news for you."

Jason's eyes showed curiosity, his gaze fixed on Tsunade's face as she approached his bedside.

"Yeah, Granny Tsunade, I'm feeling a lot better," Jason paused "What's the news?" he continued.

Tsunade pulled a chair close to Jason's bed, her movements fast enough that he couldn't follow.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts, her expression transitioning from warmth to a more serious demeanor.

"Well, first of all, the medical team has assessed your condition, and I'm pleased to inform you that you are now discharged from the hospital," she announced, her voice carrying a sense of accomplishment.

She was the one who healed me, Jason thought reading her expression.

"Really?! That's fantastic news, Granny Tsunade!" Jason faking his excitement turned to Tsunade.

"I've been itching to get back to my ninja duties!"

Tsunade chuckled softly.

"Hold on, Naruto. There's more," she continued, her voice becoming more solemn. "As you know, your on paid leave, so I've come her to hand your monthly payment for this month."

"Whoa, a monthly payment? That's amazing!" Jason exclaimed, his voice filled with awe, but if you listened closely you could feel the sarcasm in his words.

"Thank you so much, Granny Tsunade! This will help me focus on my training without worrying about my basic needs."

Tsunade nodded, her gaze never leaving Jason's face. She thought she could see the genuine appreciation in his eyes, but she didn't realize that this wasn't the Naruto she once knew!

"You're welcome, Naruto," Tsunade replied, her voice filled with a mix of pride and reassurance.

Tsunade reached into the bag she was carrying, her movements careful and deliberate. She pulled out a small pouch, its fabric glimmering in the soft hospital light.

"Here you go, Naruto. This is your 1st payment," Tsunade said, extending the pouch towards him. "Remember, it's important to manage it wisely and prioritize your needs."

Jason accepted the pouch with a smile, his fingers brushing against the fabric delicately. He held it in his hands.

Jason nodded.

Tsunade smiled warmly at Jason, a mixture of pride and fondness in her eyes. She leaned forward, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, a gesture of support and encouragement.

"That's what I want to hear, Naruto," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of pride. "Now, take some time to rest and recover fully before you jump back into action. Your health is crucial, and we need you in top shape."

Jason nodded.

"Don't worry, Granny Tsunade. I'll take care of myself," Jason affirmed. "I'll be back on my feet and ready for any mission in no time."

Tsunade stood up from the chair, her presence towering over Jason as she straightened her posture. She gazed down at him, her eyes glimmering with unwavering belief.

Tsunade's expression softened, A question had been lingering in her mind, and she felt it was important to understand Naruto's reasoning.

"Naruto, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," Tsunade began, her voice gentle yet inquisitive. "Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, offered to take you under his wing and train you. But you declined his offer. Can you tell me why?"

Joson mocked, he knew Tsunade would figure out that something was wrong, so he faked his facial expressions before answering.

"Granny Tsunade, it's not that I don't respect Jiraiya or his skills," Jason explained, his voice calm and measured. "But I have my own path in mind, my own goals and dreams that I want to pursue."

Tsunade leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Jason's face, eager to hear his explanation. She could sense the seriousness in his tone and the unwavering resolve in his eyes.

"And what are those goals, Naruto?" Tsunade asked, her voice carrying a genuine interest.

Jason took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering as he met Tsunade's inquisitive eyes.

"I want to become the Hokage, protect the village, and bring Sasuke back," Jason answered, his voice filled with determination. "I feel like my journey is intertwined with my own experiences, the challenges I face, and the friends who support me. It's a path I have to walk on my own."

Tsunade's features softened, a mix of understanding and admiration etched across her face. She could see the strength of Jason's conviction, the fire that burned within him.

"Naruto, training under Jiraiya would have undoubtedly accelerated your growth," Tsunade remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Why do you believe your own path is better suited for achieving your goals?"

Jason's eyes sparkled with unwavering belief as he met Tsunade's gaze.

"It's not that I think my path is better," Jason clarified, rolling his eyes mentally "It's just that I have my own vision and dreams. I want to forge my own way, to become a shinobi who relies on his own experiences and instincts. I want to show the world that Naruto Uzumaki can achieve great things on his own terms."

Tsunade listened intently, a mixture of understanding and admiration shining in her eyes. She knew that Jason|Naruto's journey would be unique, driven by his unwavering spirit and the connections he had formed along the way.

"Naruto, your determination has always been one of your greatest strengths," Tsunade acknowledged, her voice filled with respect.

"Thank you, Granny Tsunade," Jason responded, his voice famed with appreciation. "Your understanding means a lot to me. I know my path won't be easy, but I'm ready to face the challenges and prove myself."

"I believe in you, Naruto," Tsunade responded, her voice carrying the weight of her unwavering faith. "Now, focus on your recovery and continue moving forward. The village is counting on you."

With those final words of encouragement, Tsunade turned to leave the room. As the door closed behind her, Naruto smiled.

His smile somewhat appearing wicked