
Twenty-Seven: Big Bro's Time to Shine

'Lights out' Is my ability. See? Told you that you'd see it. What basically happens is that large balls of inky blackness form in my hands and suck away all the light in the proximity, giving Thunder the upper hand, while evil person runs into things in their confusion. Now that there was Chat and Lady, there was more than enough people to take the enemy down.

Thunder reached out and grabbed Ladybug and Chat Noir so they wouldn't stub a toe on anything while I let out my powers. The area was soon reduced to darkness.

"Stay still," I heard Thunder advise Lady and Chat. "It'll be easier. Oh, and Chat? When Flame drops, or I say, activate your Cataclysm to get us out of here. I'll need to bring Flame home so she can rest."

My legs began shaking as I forced all of my energy into my power.

"Why will she collapse?" Lady asked worriedly.

"Her power takes up all of her energy. She won't return to the battle." Thunder explained shortly.

I felt all their eyes land on me. My thoughts became more distant, and the balls of darkness began fading away.

"Wait for it.. wait... NOW!" Thunder shouted, just as my legs gave way. He caught me, and I heard Chat call '!'

Then I passed out.

Like the useful being I am.


After I brought (Y/n) home to rest, and fed Tripp like the cool guy I am, I returned to the fight.

I could just hear my sis say,

In all honesty, I always worried about her when she used her power. She always collapsed and slept like the dead. I noticed that she was a little rusty. Probably because she was unable to use it because I was gone. Stupid, stupid...

Whatever. She wouldn't want me to beat myself up for it. I landed back on the building to see Noir sneezing and Lady trying to get close to the all mighty pigeon.

I'll have to tell (Y/n) about that nickname. She'd laugh, probably. She always laughs at lame jokes like that.

I threw my boomerang at his majesty's face, making his nose go crooked. Ooo. That looked broken. I'll have to apologize later.

Lady pulled Noir and I away from the battle.

"Okay, Thrip, since Firefly isn't here anymore, I'm the boss. Got it?" She said seriously.

That was cute. Hold up–waIT! Whoah–

", Thrip?"

I contemplated this for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay. You two flank him and try your best to keep the fight on you guys. I'm going to get that akuma out of here." Her bright blue eyes burned with intensity.

Noir and I nodded, fist bumping each other. It's something we did now. Best bros for life.

No doubt (Y/n) will be thrilled to hear that. She probably already began shipping us. Thinking that made me mentally face palm.

So, Noir and I distracted him, Ladybug cleaned the akuma, I apologized for the nose, Lady did her 'miraculous ladybug!' thing, we said our farewells, and I went home.

The end of Mr. Pigeon.