
Thirty-Six: About Time

We met back at the tower within an hour.

I brought bandages and all of that stuff.  Chat and Thunder were okay at the moment, but I had to force Ladybug to sit so I could patch her up.

She couldn't do the magical 'Miraculous Ladybug' thing because she was too weak, so we resorted to hauling whatever we could to the sides.

"So... what happened to Firefly?" Ladybug asked feverishly.

"When Sweet Tooth's shard of destruction hit me, it got through to my  kwami, Tripp." I felt queasy mentioning him, but I continued. "So he died when I became... who I am now, Silverclaw."

She nodded. "I-I'm sorry for your loss." She murmured.

"Nah, it's not a problem.." I remembered what Tripp wanted me to say. "Your kwami is Tikki, right?"

Ladybug nodded hesitantly.

"Tripp wanted me to send her a message." I said, sitting down next to Lady. "He says that he'll miss her. A lot. Very much."

I looked at the heroine, and saw that she had tears in her eyes. "I'll make sure to tell her. Thank you, by the way. For coming."

I nodded. "Sorry for being absent for so long."

She cuffed my shoulder, and I laughed, spreading my wings and flicking my tail.

I saw that several other people had joined in with the clean up. Lots of police and firemen had joined in, with some medics just in case someone stubbed their toe.

The tower had flickered, then lit up about a couple minutes ago. The area was bathed in a blanket of golden light. It made the scene eerie, almost.

I told Lady to either go home, or don't push herself too much, then got up to help.

I was helping a group of officers with moving a huge chunk of building out of the way when Chat loped up and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can you come with me?" He asked. He was completely coated in dust. His eyes glittered in the provided light of the tower.

I gave one final shove to the chunk, and turned to him. "Yeah, okay."

He reached out and grabbed me by the waist, and took out his baton. He vaulted us to the tower, landing us on the uppermost level.

Let's just say that it wasn't a pleasurable experience.

"I could've flown, y'know." I muttered, my heart racing.

"But then I wouldn't get to hold you," He whispered, facing me. He placed both of his hands on my waist, then slammed his lips onto mine in a chaste kiss.

When we pulled away, I could only mutter out three words:

"About damn time."