
Nine: Wake Up

A heartbeats silence.

It was almost deafening.

I stared. I didn't know what to do. Everything was numb.

Within seconds, the doctor was there, with a couple other people.

Everything crashed back into reality.

"No." I whispered.

"(Y/n)?" Mari choked.

"No. No, this is a cruel joke." I muttered, rushing over to the bed. I grabbed my moms arm, which was already losing its warmth and colour.

"Wake up." I whispered. "Don't you remember what we've come here for? Don't you know... Don't you... You can't leave me now! You can't."

"My dear..." The doctor grabbed my shoulder. "She's gone."

"No, she's not." I couldn't accept that. "She's right here... She's asleep... I just need to wake her... I just..." I struggled to find the words. "She's only sleeping!"

Nobody argued.

"Mom!" I said. "Wake up. Wake up! He's still missing! We've got to find him! Come on, come on!" I shook her. "Mom, he's out there, he's just... Mom..." I was trembling. I wasn't crying, though.

"Darling," One of the nurses said.

I ignored them. "Mom, stop kidding around! Wake up! Seriously!" I growled in frustration. "Get up! !"

"(Y/n)..." Adrien said from behind me.

"! You needed to tell me something! What was it? Tell me! Tell me.."

"She's in shock. And denial. We need to get her out of the room." The doctor said.

I shook her again. Why was this happening. Was I dreaming? I had to be. This was just a cruel nightmare. Everything will be okay when I wake up. Right? Mom will be there, dad too. And... and.... hell...

I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I didn't fight. I let them drag me from the room. They sat me down against the wall.

"(Y/n)." Adrien murmured. I gazed at the three behind him. They were crying. Why were they crying? I was just a dream, right? Everything was fine.

"That was your mom, wasn't it?" Alya whispered.

I didn't feel so sure about the dream theory anymore. I nodded slightly.

"H-how are y-you so calm!?" Marinette cried, pushing Adrien aside. "Th-that was your m-mom!"

I shuddered. Why was I so calm? I stared blankly at her. Then it hit me. Not like a brick. Like a tsunami. Ten million of them.

I'd just left school because of a phone call saying that my mom had survived a car crash and needed to see me. I came inside this hospital and into her room and she...

Tears formed in the edges of my eyes. How was I so calm?

A nurse came from the room and crouched down in front of me. She began to explain that I should go home and rest, then in the morning some people would pick me up and bring me to an orphanage. She said that I was to pack my things, and be awake at 6:30.

"I've got school tomorrow..." I protested.

"Yes, but you'll skip this week. I need you to understand why."

She explained that I'll begin to grieve. That I'll get depressed, and so on and so fourth. She said that they'll try everything in their power to make me feel better.

Hah. First good joke I've heard in awhile. I didn't smile or laugh, though.

"Go home, dear." The nurse urged.

I stood up, getting surprised looks from the small group. Maybe they'd expected me to hesitate. Or protest. But I simply stepped away from them, then whirled around and walked away.

I walked home.