

Mila Wright, the ultimate bad girl with a razor-sharp tongue, has just lost her boyfriend due to her unfiltered remarks. Determined to win him back, she dives headfirst into a whirlwind of outrageous schemes, Mila stops at nothing to reclaim her love while protecting her family from eviction. But as the home opener approaches, time is running out, and Mila's plans threaten to implode in her face. Meanwhile, Liam Benjamin longs for a stable and respectable relationship, doing everything he can to avoid his always horny, crazy, and rude ex, Mila Wright. But when Liam finds himself blackmailed and trapped, he realizes he's jumped from the frying pan into the fire. To escape, he must track down his unpredictable ex, who may hold the key to his salvation. In the midst of their personal chaos, strange happenings unfold within the basketball team, adding another layer of mystery and intrigue to their lives. "It's A Hard Life" is a hilarious and fast-paced tale that explores the lengths Mila and Liam will go to rediscover themselves amidst love, rivalry, and the relentless pursuit of redemption. Brace yourself for a wild ride as this story delves into a world where unpredictability reigns supreme, and the pursuit of happiness takes center stage. Will Mila's audacious plans lead to triumph or disaster? Can Liam find solace and love in the midst of chaos? Join them on this exhilarating journey of self-discovery, where anything can happen and chaos reigns supreme.

Chelsie_Louis · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter Six: Burning Bridges And Broken Hearts 2

"Nothing wrong with you? You said you were glad my mother died so I could use the inheritance money to buy you breast implants for your birthday!" he shouted, his voice shaking with anger.

"N-No, that's not what I—"

"I heard you!" he cut her off, his voice sharp as a knife. "When you were lying next to me, talking on your phone, I wasn't asleep."

Panicking, Mila tried to defend herself, but her words faltered. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It just slipped out. Sometimes I say things I don't mean. You know that. I can't be held responsible for every little thing I say. I talk all the time! I never meant to hurt you."

But Liam didn't seem satisfied, his angry scowl persisted. In that moment, Mila wished she could hold him and comfort him, to erase the pain she had caused. She blamed the grief over his mother's death for making him latch onto her one little comment and blow it out of proportion.

Shaking his head, Liam crossed his arms in front of his chest, seemingly torn between conflicting emotions. "I can't forgive you for what you said; it just doesn't make any sense to me. What kind of a person would say that? Deep down, you're just a nasty person with an evil spirit who doesn't care about anyone but yourself. It makes me sorry I ever loved you."

Mila felt like a puppet on a string, her emotions pulled in every direction. One moment, she felt hopeful she was getting through to him, and the next, she wanted to lash out at him. "Really? Is that what you really think?" she glowered, refusing to back down. She was tired of taking all the blame. "Considering how you reacted, I don't think I was out of line at all. What did you do the very same day you cashed that inheritance check? You bought this fancy car. And after that? You fight with your girlfriend so you can justify sleeping around with sleazy women in cheap hotel rooms. Oh yeah, what a way to honor your dead mother."

As the words hung heavy in the air, the tension between them became unbearable. Mila could feel the bridge between them burning, and the pain in her heart matched the wreckage in her words. It was a moment of heartbreak and regret, with their love spiraling down in flames.

Gritting his teeth, Liam's hand poised to hit Mila, but he ultimately pulled back, clenching his fist tightly against his chest. Then suddenly, he had a vulnerable expression that betrayed a mix of shame and sorrow, like a wounded animal cowering before Mila's unwavering gaze.

"Give me a break, okay? My mom just died. I don't know what I'm doing. When something catastrophic like this happens, people act out to compensate for the loss. It's a defense mechanism to protect me from the pain," he quibbled, trying to justify his behavior.

"That's not how it works," Mila pressed, not willing to accept his excuse. "If you're able to understand your behavior, you're capable of changing it. Don't hide behind an explanation you found in a psychology textbook. Take some control and do what you know you need to. Let's just get through this together."

Their words hung heavy in the air, the night enveloping them in its somber embrace. They stood in silence, their eyes locked in an unspoken battle of emotions. The fading sound of a car racing up the street echoed like a distant cry, and the glow from the restaurant's menu board bathed them in an eerie light.

Finally, Mila thought she had reached him, that her words had pierced through the walls he had built. "Come on, the Honey Wagon is right here waiting for us. The air mattress is full, and there are blankets. We don't even have to go anywhere tonight," she said, extending her hand toward him with a hopeful smile.

For a moment, Liam seemed torn, his inner struggle evident. But then, with a visible shiver, he withdrew back into his car. The rejection cut through Mila like a knife, leaving her feeling utterly alone.

"I can't forgive you. You're just not the right kind of girl for me. Goodbye," he stated, his words cold and final, as he opened the car door and slid into the driver's seat.

And as he drove away, it felt as if her heart were being torn out, leaving her standing there, stunned and bewildered. She placed her hand on her head, trying to make sense of what had just happened, but the pieces didn't seem to fit together.

A few moments later, an unexpected sound broke the stillness. The mannequin next to the McDonald's menu board emitted a static-ridden voice, startling Mila. "Boy, that wasn't what you wanted at all," an adolescent male voice crackled through the speaker. "I hate my life."

Mila's head snapped in the direction of the voice, her eyes wide with astonishment. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was like a strange twist in an already bizarre night. What was going on?

In that surreal moment, Mila couldn't help but let out a shaky laugh. It was a mix of sadness and amusement, a release of pent-up emotions that had been building all night. It seemed that even the universe was playing tricks on her, offering a bizarre commentary on her failed attempts to save a crumbling relationship.

With a heavy heart and a wry smile, she turned away from the enigmatic mannequin, knowing that her journey had taken an unexpected turn. But despite the pain and confusion, she couldn't help but feel a sense of determination rising within her.

Mila knew that life wasn't always a straight path, and sometimes it led you through dark alleys and strange encounters. But she was a fighter, and she wouldn't give up easily. With newfound resolve, she decided to embrace the uncertainty, knowing that even in the midst of heartbreak, she would emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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