
Rival Destinies

"Oh, well I'm from Goldenrod city actually but my parents moved here in Pallet." Ren explained. Yoake then nodded and continued on with the conversation but Leaf had a suspicious look onto the other trainer.

"I see, so I'm guessing you also like to be a Pokemon trainer?" Leaf suddenly asked her.

"Yes. I always wanted to become one, ever since I was a kid, I always have my fascination towards Pokemon." Ren stated. Leaf then nodded, and let the two trainers have their talk while she was having doubts about her claims.

"So, who's your Pokemon?" Yoake asked Ren while they began to take a walk alongside Leaf. Ren noticed the little Ralts on his shoulders, and so she decided to press the button of her Pokeball to reveal hers.

A purple ghost appeared behind her, it was a spherical core with a pink mist surrounding it, it was a Ghastly. Ren then introduces her Pokemon to Yoake and Leaf.

"A Ghastly? cool." Yoake complimented Ren's Pokemon, "Thanks."

"A Ralts, and A Ghastly, that's an equal counter." Leaf stated as she noticed the typing of both Pokemon can counter one another. Yoake also noticed the coincidence but he decided not to continue on that route of a conversation.

"Yeah, coincidence, huh?" Ren bluntly claimed. Leaf then gave a small giggle, and so did Ren but Yoake was confused by this even though he has enough knowledge about Pokemon.

"Yeahh too coincidental." Leaf chuckled. Yoake raised his eyes between the two but he decided to compete against Ren in a Pokemon battle.

"Hey, how about we take on a Pokemon battle?" Yoake asked Ren.

"Sure! A One on One battle?" Ren stated as her eyes looked at Ghastly then to Yoake. Ralts then looked at the trainer as she wasn't sure about the battle but she decided to go along as her trainer's wish. Leaf noticed how Ren was very prepared while she barely sees Yoake's practice on training a Pokemon or even a battle.

"Hey Yoake, can I ask you something?" Leaf ushered to the trainer.

"What?" Yoake asked her. She then grabbed his arm, and pulled him near to her as her mouth was near to his ears.

"Do you know how to battle?" Leaf ushered to the trainer. Yoake then pushes her and gives out a protest as he feels like she doubts his potential.

"I know how to battle, I've been doing it for years." Yoake protested to Leaf.

"A computer generated Pokemon isn't the same as a real one." Leaf sighed. Yoake takes a small breath, and rolls his eyes as he looks back to Ren and continues to take on a duel.

"Give me your Pokedex." Leaf asked Yoake as she wanted to ensure some information about him. Yoake was confused by this but he took out the Pokedex from his pocket and handed it over to Leaf.

"Here." Yoake handed, "So, where should we battle?"

"Hmm, I know somewhere." Ren stated, "Cool, where?" Yoake asked her.

"Hey Yoake, where's your starter Pokemon?" Leaf asked him as she was in an utter confusion. Yoake scratched his head and explained it to her.

"Well… Professor Oak said that there weren't any starters left so he gave me an alternative one." Yoake explained. Leaf then nodded and continued to read about his Pokedex.

"Here, follow me." Ren told them. She led them to a field where it was near the Viridian City gym. Leaf noticed the familiar building and her skepticism slowly rose as she felt something was wrong about it. Instead of telling it to Yoake, she decided that they should battle first before she tells them about it.

Ren then walked to her place in the battlefield while Yoake went to his. Since there wasn't any referee, Leaf volunteered to be so there's an order in the battle.

"So, Ghastly against Ralts?" Ren asked him. He then nodded as he assisted Ralts on placing her to the battlefield. Ghastly appeared behind Ren, and flew to the battlefield.

"Is anyone ready?" Leaf asked the two trainers as she was preparing to start the battle. Yoake and Ren nodded while Ralts wasn't sure about the battle, Ghastly was excited.

"POKEMON GO!" Leaf explained as the battle began between the two trainers, Yoake Katsuragi and Ren Mirai, both from Pallet City.

"Ghastly, start of with a curse.", "Ralts, Growl!"

A large purple nail appeared from the sky, and it touched the ground as it slowly dug to it. Ralts then felt something was wrong and so, she growled at Ghastly.

"Well, let's see how far Ralts can go. Ghastly, Ice Punch.", "Ralts, dodge it with Double Team."

The purple mist in Ghastly slowly formed a hand on which it slowly froze, the hand then flew to Ralts as it was about to give a punch but Ralts immediately made a clone of herself but instead of spreading through the battlefield, it went upward as the battlefield began to form platforms to assist the elevating clones.

"What the…'' Leaf was speechless as she saw platforms slowly made a staircase for each Ralts clone. Yoake then noticed a nail appeared on Ralts, it slowly dug to her and received a hefty damage

"She's vulnerable now Ghastly, fire punch to destroy the foundation of the staircase.",

"Ralts, hang on! use Confusion"

Another hand was formed from the purple mist, it slowly formed an orange flame as Ghastly slowly floated to the base of the staircased platforms. Ralts gave a response with Confusion, a powerful beam then appeared from her horn, and it hit Ghastly with immense damage. However, Ghastly managed to punch the foundation, and all of those platforms slowly crumbled and fell to the ground, leaving the Ralts on the top slowly filling with it.

"Ralts!" Leaf shouted with concern as she saw the little Pokemon fall from a tall height. Yoake then took out her Pokeball, he pressed the button and it immediately withdrew Ralts from the battlefield, as she returned to her Pokeball, he then threw it back to the field to continue on the battle.

Ralts jumped out from her Pokeball as she safely got back to the ground with Yoake's weird maneuver. Both Ren and Leaf's eyes were wide open as they were surprised with this maneuver that Yoake made, it was bizarre and very unconventional and possibly, against the constitutional rules of Pokeballs and Pokemon.

"'What have you done…' Leaf uttered in her thoughts as she looked at Yoake with a shocked face, Ren on the other hand decided to ask him about it.

"Woah, That's a very weird move, how did you do it?" Ren asked him as she was mesmerized about the move. Yoake was about to open his mouth but Leaf interrupted them.

"Let's call it a draw, I have to talk to Yoake about this, Ren, go ahead to the train station, the train to Pewter City leaves around two." Leaf stated. Ren, very surprisingly, followed Leaf's orders and left while Yoake was in an utter confused state.

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" Yoake angrily asked Leaf as soon as Ren left. He then picked up Ralts, placed it on his shoulders and walked to Leaf.

"Do you have any idea on what you have done?"

"You could have killed Ralts."

To be continued in, First of the Many