Two strings are intertwined and were lock tight by destiny. One brought Glory, One brought Vain; One shall be guided by the Overwhelming past, and One shall be guided by the Unknown future. These two strings will pull the curtains as the stage sets a new play and a new adventure in the world of Monsters
A Thousand years ago, at a riverbank, there was a civilization. A peaceful, and powerful nation. Its people were having a good time near the river banks. It was a peaceful place, a dream for many, a dream where everyone's need is at arm's reach. But one day. this powerful and peaceful civilization was attacked, not by any foreign invaders but a blue serpent that appeared from the river.
Everyone was surprised by this sudden appearance of this serpent, and they weren't prepared for what it has stored for them. In less than a minute, the waters of the river rose and a flood began to appear. Many houses were sunk, and so many lives were taken by this rapid growth of the floor. The leaders of the civilization decided to take a diplomatic approach to beg the serpent to stop his doings but it wasn't enough.
The flood continues to rise to the point, the people run to the mountains but the waters are catching up. The nation's navy tried to attack the serpent but it made a powerful storm and these boats were wrecked by the powerful force.
People tried to survive, running is their only hope but the inevitable extinction is happening. With the people's survival is at risk, the leaders decided to find a way to stop the serpent, they know that it wouldn't listen to them, and their technology isn't good enough to combat the serpent but there is one last hope to resort this conflict, awakening a being that is equally as powerful as the serpent but they know little about the said being.
One of the daughters of the leader of this great nation, decided to find the said being so her people can be saved from this disaster. Knowing that her father wouldn't allow her, she decided to bail and ran away from him. She brought enough food and water so she can survive in the wild, and she brought a map that the elders gave her so that it can guide her to find the said being.
She climbed many mountains and hills, walked through forests and biomes, just so her people could be saved from the inevitable doom, and in the end, she finally found the place where the being is held. The leaders weren't aware that the location of the being that can help them was held by the elders, and none of them gave it but instead to the daughters that saw her worth to the being's eyes.
She found a cave, and she decided to enter the said cave just so she can finally find the being. It was a pitched black cave, and she sparks a torch to light her way. After lightening the torch, she can hear a growl at a distance, she gulps and quickly prepares herself if there are any animals who will attack her.
"Who dares enter my sanctuary?" a raspy old voice echoed through the dark caves. All of a sudden the cave lights up, and everything is visible, at the center of the cave lies a pile of treasure and gold. On top of the hill of gold, there was a lion, it had a black body, a red maine, and red ruby eyes.
"And who are you supposed to be mortal?" The lion asked her. She gulped as she began to shiver in fear, she tried to hide her fear as her people needed her.
"My name is Anasthasia, I am the daughter of the great leader of Saklem, and I have come here to ask for your help." She formally introduced herself to the lion.
"Saklem? The nation that was built near the riverbanks of Kinithoa? Why am I not surprised with human stupidity?" The lion stated as it sighed with its raspy voice. She was confused on what was the lion rambling about and she decided to ask him.
"Why? Is there something wrong?" She asked impatiently. The lion growled as it states the answer.
"Those banks were the home of Sikrim, that serpent was having an eternal slumber but your actions make him wake up, and I'm guessing that he's been tormenting your people?" He asked him, on which she nodded.
"I'm sorry mortal but that was your country's mistake, and I cannot help any mistakes done by mortals." He claimed. Anasthasia then begged for him to help her people but he ignored her.
"PLEASE, MY PEOPLE NEED YOU! JUST THIS ONCE AND WE'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE AFTERWARDS." She cried as he was the only hope but he kept on ignoring. She teared but he dismissed her.
She tried to convince him but he didn't listen. This leaves her no choice but to leave in burden, she only prays that her people's safety as their only hope is gone. She mourned with despair as she finally reached her nation, and only to see it in ruins but there was one last sanctuary, the palace. She rushed to the palace and saw her people, crying alongside their families as they knew the inevitable doom had finally come. The place was filled with tears, despair and ruins...
But Anasthasia didn't lose hope, she quickly went to her father and told him of their hope, a counter-attack. They know nothing about the serpent but all they can do is to attack with all they got.
Her father was a bit mad at her but he decided to put his feelings aside and told many of the officers to prepare their counter attack. They launched their boats, their vessels, and their hopes.
"YOU'VE SEEN THIS MONSTER KILLED OUR FAMILIES, OUR BELOVED, OUR LANDS, OUR INCOME, OUR NEEDS, AND OUR PEACE, AND NOW THE TIME HAS COME FOR HUMANITY'S LAST STAND! TODAY IS THE DAY THAT MAN WILL CONQUER THE BEAST! TODAY IS THE DAY FOR HUMANITY'S COUNTER-ATTACK!" One of the admirals shouted to his troops, and they all prepared their stations as they battled the rough seas that the serpent made. They know that if they fail, the future of this great nation would disappear, the future of their children is wiped forever.
"TARGET LOCKED!" One of the admirals said as they finally found the serpent. All of the ships turned course as they set their cannons pointing toward the serpent.
"THE MONSTER IS AT SIGHT! MAN THE CANNONS!" The admiral shouted, his words were signaled across to the hundred of ships that were preparing their attack.
"FIRE!" He shouted as the ships began to shoot to the serpent. Many missed but some managed to hit the serpent, the serpent was slammed by the metal balls but it wasn't enough, the serpent began to berserk and the storm worsened, the waves slowly became stronger, and many ships were getting out balanced and sank.
"DON'T LET THEIR DEATH BE IN VAIN! FIRE!" The admiral continued as they continued to bombard the serpent with their cannons but it wasn't enough.
The serpent had enough and made a wave that has a height of a hill, and many ships couldn't keep up, and broke. Every ship of this nation fell, and their doom began to knock their doors.
But little did they know, there was one last survivor, Anasthasia. She sneaked her way to the ships and she was lucky that she picked one that can survive from the waves.
The storm continued to the roar to the ruins of the ships, and the waves continued to get higher and higher but she held firm. She was gripping on a wooden platform as things became worse. The serpent noticed her, and looked at her.
"I know that man will never reach us beings but I am impressed." The serpent stated as she despises her. She doesn't know if she can see a tomorrow for her people but all she knows is that her country fought well against a powerful being.
"Leave her alone Sikrim." A raspy old voice said. Anasthasia turned around and saw the lion, and behind him was a black mist.
"Ahhh... the beast that betrayed his own kind, why am I not surprised." Sikrim mocked the lion.
"Helping your mortal friends?" Sikrim continued as he despised the lion and the mortal beside him.
"I have my hate towards mankind but we have our commons, having disputes with the ocean." The lion growled as he slowly walked toward the serpent with his feet forming small lands that are enough for him to float. Anasthasia quickly went to one of those lands for her safety and watched the two beasts stare at each other.
"You will just become a pawn for them someday." Sikrim hissed to the lion.
"We'll just see." He growled.
The lion jumped with its feet making more land, and the black mist followed him as he approached the serpent. Both beasts fought at that moment, the seas fought the land, the skies fought the ashes, the red fought the blue, and the white fought the black.
It was at that moment that made Anasthasia realize that humanity has no place in the world of the beasts.
To be continued in Memory