
A Decayed Corpse

Though dead, it was still alive. It tried to continue living but the world is ever changing, it moved on from it, it may have left a mark but time swept its trace. It was the remains of a glorious empire, an undying and was thought to conquer the world but it was built upon salt and sand. It tried to prevail and retake its former glory but the new empires rose and were ready to capture such indecency.

Team Rocket. A name of the past, the skeletons in Kanto's closet. It's been 7 years since their last blast and nobody knows what came about. The populace only knows that three kids and half of the Pokemon league rebelled and overthrew them, finally monopolizing Pokemon for their own affairs. It was a constant power struggle and once they were gone, they left a can of worms to solve. Was the league really Pro-Pokemon? Or was it using its title to launder the fact they also sell Pokemon in the black market? So many conspiracies but many pointed out by the fact that the league allowed a 13-year old boy to be the champion, opening to exploitation and advantages that is unprecedented. As such, different NGOs rose to power and began to question the status quo, though for a good reason, some took advantage of it. Factions rose and monopolized their movements from others, and one particular from Unova stands out…

"Team P-?"

They were interrupted from decoding a message and a news sprang out of the vagrance.

"Ma'am, they're finally here. Here in Johto."

"The Twins?" A tall woman looked at the figure and was shocked to hear about the news.

"Yes Ma'am. They're finally here, what are we gonna do?"

"We have to wait for his message, for now, keep an eye on them." She stated. She is a commander of the remains of a possible revolution a couple years back - allowing Team Rocket to return but it was futile.

"Do you think he'll finally return?" the figure asked.

"Of course, we finally killed the Patriarch of the Katsuragi household, his biggest nemesis; our achievement would draw his attention and so would they." She assured him as she was trying to formulate a plan.

"It's a double-edged sword, you know the current matriarch, right?"

"She's nothing more than a nuisance. Her and her little brother's futile Battle Bond has nothing on us; we just need the time." She was confident and smirky; she knew it was a coping mechanism and if it failed, everything ended here and there but a miracle occurred.

"Begin Project Daybreak, They're Coming." a message was finally decrypted and a small logo appeared on the screen, it was a shield and was splitted into two, one side has white while the other has black. It was splitted by a big letter P and it was dyed in blue and behind it was a letter Z with the same color.

"That logo… I've already saw that logo…" She murmured.

"Ms. Ariana, this logo came from a small movement in Unova and it's gaining traction." An assistant stated.

"Oh? What's the name?"

"Team Plasma. They wore medieval knighthood armor as a uniform. Their agenda is…"

"Is to create a facade to protect Pokemon but all they care about is to monopolize power and exploit the status quo. I see now." Ariana, the last remaining executive of Team Rocket, finally saw the perfect answer to counter-attack against the last two remaining Katsuragis.

"It's a new era and it requires an answer to the power vacuum. We must delegate and collaborate with them." She stated.

"Contact them." She continued as she turned around and looked at the logo once more. Desperation turns into Infatuation and an opportunity rises.

"Liberating Pokemon against humanity? Such a familiar quote." She muttered as she remembered the infamous quote from the former glory.

'To Infect the world with devastation!

To Blight all people in every nation!

To denounce the goodness of TRUTH and LOVE!

To extend our wrath to the Star's Above!

We're Team Rocket, circling EARTH all DAY and NIGHT!

Surrender to us NOW or you will surely lose the FIGHT!'

Such a false dream