
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
166 Chs

Parents Day

"So how did it go?" Issei asked as Akeno and Rias who were bare naked got in the bed with him.

"We won. We're now in the top 25 rankings now. One day we'll be number 1!" Rias smiled determinedly. Akeno yawned and cuddled Issei.

"Let's not talk about that for now. I need my beauty sleep." Akeno whispered and kissed Issei's chest. Rias giggled and cuddled up with Issei too.

"Goodnight, Issei." Rias whispered and kissed him cheek. Issei smiled and kissed their foreheads.

"Goodnight Rias, goodnight Akeno. Sweet dreams."




One day before Parents Day....

" So you want me to go to Parents Day in place of your actual parents. Did I miss something in your explanation, Issei? " Gyatsu asked Issei who was kneeling on one knee in front of him. Issei nodded.

" Yes you did. My parents took a so called 'vacation'. It's been four months now and I haven't heard a single thing from them. They don't even send pocket money to me anymore. Some parents I have." Issei grumbled. Gyatsu frowned.

" I'm sorry..... my boy....." Gyatsu apologized. Issei shook his head.

"You don't need to apologize for something that you didn't do. They're the ones at fault here." Issei replied stoically. Gyatsu sighed and nodded.

"Very well, I will go to Parents Day as your guardian. And remember Issei, if you need any help, I'm always here for it." Gyatsu added. Issei smiled and bowed his head.

" Thank you, Master Gyatsu. "




One Day later, it was Parents Day. Issei's homeroom teacher had revealed that they will he having open classes. Not only will their parents or guardians be watching them study, the middle schoolers will do the same too.

"So are your parents coming Issei?" Matsuda asked Issei while sitting on his desk.

"Nah, they're om vacation. My guardian will ne coming." Issei answered him. He looked at Asia who was happily conversing with Xenovia and Kiryuu.

" She seems excited. " Motohama commented.

" That's because it's her first Parents Day. " Issei whispered. Matsuda looked at him.

" What'd you say bro? " He asked him. Issei coughed awkwardly into his hand.

" Nothing bro. " Issei answered. Xenovia approached him. Matsuda and Motohama smirked slyly at Issei and walked away.

"Issei. I just wanna say sorry about saying those things the other day. I acted rashly without considering your feelings. " Xenovia apologized sincerely. Issei shrugged.

"It's alright, Xenovia. I've gotten over it by now. I forgive you." Issei forgave her. Xenovia smiled at him.

"And so that's why I think we should use these to practice first." Xenovia took out some condom wrappers and showed it to Issei. The whole class was watching the interaction with shocked faces.

"Damn!! He rizzed her up already?!" Motohama shouted dramatically. Issei chuckled and grabbed the wrappers.

"Don't take those out in front of everyone. There's a time and place for everything, Xenovia." Issei scolded her calmly. He then smirked mischievously.

"Besides, I prefer doing it raw. You wanted to get pregnant, remember?" Issei threw them away. Xenovia blushed at his words. Asia curiously picked them up and looked at them feeling confused.

"What are these, Xenovia-san? Is it candy?" Asia asked while dangling the condom wrappers in front of her. Issei snickered to himself. Kiryuu smirked and started whispering in Asia's ear.

"Wh-what!!!" Asia looked at the condom wrappers and blushed up a storm. Issei gently grabbed them away from her.

"We don't need this, Asia. Like I said, I like it raw and you will too." Issei grinned at her. Asia started stuttering.

"Wh-what are you saying?" Asia stuttered out her question. Issei chuckled.

"It means I wanna have sex—

" Alright, that's enough out of you bozo." Matsuda pulled Issei away, leaving a deeply confused Asia. Kiryuu whispered in her ear once more. Asia blushed up a storm once again.

" Issei-san! You perv!!!"



"Why are we doing Papier-Mâchē competition in fucking English class?" Issei grumbled as he stared at the Papier-Mâchē in front of him.

'Well whatever. I guess I'll make whatever pops in my head. Rias..... Sona... Akeno....Asia.... Xenovia..... Koneko..... You know what, I'll make all of them.' Issei decided in his thoughts and raised his hands.

"Yes, Hyoudou-kun!!" The English teacher enthusiastically replied to him..

"Can I get more Papier-Mâchē? I'm afraid what I'm making is not gonna be enough for just one block." Issei explained. The teacher grinned and took out some more blocks of Papier-Mâchē.

"Use all of them if you want, Hyoudou-kun!" The teacher grinned at him. Issei smirked back and went to work. He looked back at Gyatsu who was wearing a suit while holding a video recorder. The old man was smiling at him while recording Issei.

Issei chuckled and went back to what he wanted to do. He close his eyes and thought about the girls.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes again and smiled. In front of him were Papier-Mâchē statues of Rias, Akeno, Sona, Asia, Xenovia and Koneko made to perfection. All of them were naked and in seductive poses of course.

"W-wow....." The English teacher whispered while looking at Issei's creation. Issei smirked and looked at his classmates who were in awe to say the least.

He looked at Asia who was blushing a little while looking at the statue Issei made of her. After a while, the competition is over. Issei won obviously, as none could match his. Asia came second as she made a statue about an almost lookalike of Issei.

Everyone came to Issei's seat as they looked at the statues of the girls. The boys were trying to buy them, except for Matsuda and Motohama. They weren't about that anymore.

"Nah. I'm keeping them all to myself. No amount of money can make me sell them to you." Issei grinned and grabbed the statues. He then put them in a plastic bag the teacher handed to him.


The bell rang, signalling that it was recess time. The students went to meet their parents who were standing in the back of their classroom the whole time.

Gyatsu approached Issei who was busy conversing with Xenovia and Asia. Issei looked at him and smiled.

"Master Gyatsu! " Issei went to hug him. Gyatsu laughed and hugged him back. Issei released the hug and looked at the girls who were confused.

"Issei, who is he?" Xenovia asked him. Issei smiled.

"Girls, this is Master Gyatsu. Master, this is Xenovia and this is Asia. Master Gyatsu was the one who made me the man that I am today. " Issei introduced proudly. Master Gyatsu blushed, feeling embarrassed.

" You're too kind, Issei! You did that all by yourself. I just merely guided you." Gyatsu tried to downplay Issei's compliment.

"If it weren't for you inviting me to your dojo I wouldn't have changed my lecherous ways." Issei argued. Gyatsu sighed and looked at Asia and Xenovia.

"So, which one is your girlfriend, hmm?" Gyatsu smiled at the girls. Asia blushed up a storm. Xenovia blushed and crossed her arms.

"Uh... How do I explain this.....ummm....." Issei rubbed his chin.

"They're not the only girlfriends that I have, Master Gyatsu. " Issei whispered in his ear. Gyatsu spat blood in shock and started coughing violently.

"What! You're telling me, you have a goddamn harem?" Gyatsu looked at him, hoping it wasn't true. Issei chuckled nervously and nodded. Gyatsu groaned and palmed his face.

"How are you still alive right now, son...

To be continued....

(I don't care if I'm stalling the good shit. This is a part of the story and you're gonna deal with it. And a dick that is 6 inches in the real world is gonna send a woman to the emergency room. So wake up to reality, bozos.)