

Well, love they say is a beautiful thing but at the same time life is not a bed of Roses We don’t get all the beautiful things in life, well maybe half, some are lucky or life is just unfair to some and fair to others. He thought me the real meaning of love, I felt what it was to be loved, it was indeed beautiful I got all the goodies that accompanied love and of course the bad days too He was a true lover boy with a heart of gold, I tolerated his anger issues cause we all have our flaws I mean no one is perfect Yet there’s a limit to what one can tolerate, but like they say when you love someone you always make excuses for them even when they are wrong I used to be huge fan of love stories especially those that ended well, for tragedies I’ll cry so hard that you’ll think there’s another reason behind my tears Well that’s just cause I’m overly emotional and every little thing gets too me Too bad I can’t handle it most times while I claim tough girl other times Most people are of the opinion that love is beautiful while others have had their fair share of heartbreak and strictly believe it’s not In the case of love I think you can only conclude with the experiences you’ve had I was young and naive with no experience at all So you can’t blame me totally We were both at fault and should take full responsibility for our actions I still believe love is beautiful, everyone deserve to be loved What do you believe?

Duru_Sharon · Realista
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4 Chs


Growing up I always loved to cook and yeah I was good enough. Even as a child I'd cry so much till my mum lets me help in the kitchen

I would spill oil all over the place and on my body too.

According to my mum I'll always say, mummy I'm sorry I won't do it again but there was always an again

I loved the kitchen so much that I almost got drowned in a bucket filled with water while I was little, my mum had to discard all the buckets and replace them with big cans cause she couldn't stop me from entering the kitchen

Part of the things I loved to do most was cook and apart from my personal page on Instagram and Facebook I also created a food page where I posted some of the meals I prepared, yeah I was also creating content

I once contested in an online food competition that was organized by golden penny and I won the first position

All we had to do was cook a meal with any of golden penny products and post the picture online

I was scared but with the help of my roommate Ama I conquered my fears

She accompanied me to the market where we bought vegetables and chicken

It had to be a superb pasta so we bought all the nice ingredients and more

After I finish cooking we had to take the plate of food and our table outside in the sun just to get a good picture, it was really necessary.

We put in so much effort to get out there and win something

My vegetable pasta and chicken was so yummy that I wished the judges were there in person to taste it ,I called home and sent them pictures too

Although I wasn't expecting the first place but then I was so excited when I got my money prize and some golden penny products too

After that I had the courage to register for other cooking competitions

I wasn't able to do much cause most of them required that I travel and camp in with them

I couldn't leave school so those ones were ruled off

My roommate was usually not around cause she would visit her boyfriend most times, I was a typical example of a Lone Ranger

I was used to it already so it wasn't much problem at all

I got myself occupied reading books, watching movies, just relaxing

Most times I'll just fold my clothes again just to pass time

I stayed at the first floor and my hostel was a three story building so it was a nice view from my room

In the evening I'll just sit at my balcony and enjoy the view

I was usually online when I had enough data, mostly when I'm alone, really bored or needed distraction

One evening I received a message notification from Instagram on my personal page

I was so engrossed in what I was watching that I didn't bother to check who it was from.