
Chapter 23: Captured

Chapter 23: Captured

~Albus POV~


"Your new here?"


"What you want?"

"Here to pay for information from the Spider."

"Wait here."

In the end I finally came here to the Spider bar where I know Lil' Miss Malachite drinks here thanks to my Ultimate Eye but there was a reason though.

It was to find information about the timeline of events happening in the world and locating the people I would need to find quickly as I then followed the people as I finally meet the boss herself.

Lil' Miss is a heavy-set middle-aged woman with light skin and short blonde hair kept in a bob haircut. She has a spider in its web tattooed on her left shoulder, a beauty mark under her right eye, lipstick on her upper lip and purple nail polish on her fingernails.

The top of her dress is white and backless, with long sleeves and details, such as beads and straps, in purple. Below is a purple corset, and a long pleated skirt that is yellow on its top layer, purple in the middle one, and white in the lower layer. Her shoes are brown and decorated with a green ribbon.

When I meet with her face to face I calmed my heart and waited till she finally speak first, "Why hello there customer. What can the spiders do you for?"

Hearing her I began to reply to her in a formal tone in my voice, "Thank you miss. I came to buy information."

She raised her eyebrow at that as she motions her fans as I continued to speak, "What I wanted to know if you know where Roman Torchwick is at."

She glares at me at that as I got all the information I needed as she began to speak to me about Roman, "Roman… what would you need to find out about Roman the traitor?"


Guess that means events of Roman Holidays are active at the moment meaning he already left.

Hearing her response I began to reply to her in a fake voice of hate laced, "I want him dead. He screwed me over and I want to search for his sorry ass."


At that she laughed at me so did the rest of the people in the bar as I stood there in humiliation as she began to reply, "Haha! Sorry sonny but that rat is way out of your pay grade! Even we don't know where his at."

Hearing this I guess that makes sense as I expressed a fake look of despair as I slumped down as I began to pay her the Lien down for the info knowing that as I left out while Lil' Miss spoke out to me, "Sorry boy but try again next time. Also thanks for the info even if it's a little pointless to know."


To you yes it would be worthless info but…

I know Roman has a bounty on his head and I intend to take it.

And with my Ultimate Eye I would always know just with a glance I just need to locate him and attack with all the ferocity I can muster.

He has aura and skills but I have versatility in magic but would it be enough though?

He has experience on his side and I have none of that…

Shaking my head I began to ask about another question then if this planned of mined failed so I asked, "In that case would you be kind enough to find the two people I want to meet. Mercury Black and Cinder Falls?"

Like that Lil' Miss stopped laughing as she began to smirk at me about the question, "And you want me to find Mercury Black and Cinder Falls?"

"Of course my lady."

"Hmph. Ain't you being, respectful."

Nodding of course I returned again to the bar as I met with Lil' Miss as she looks at my Lien and frowns at this as she spoke, "Afraid what you have ain't enough boy. Sorry but that's just business I'm afraid."

Hearing that I frowned hearing the news that I won't be able to find the two as I was a bit disheartened to hear that idea going up in flames.


Guess I'm going to need to do this the old fashion way as I asked Lil' Miss about something else instead, "Sigh… well in that case what can I get with the amount of Lien in your eyes."

She smiled at that as she shakes her head further as she began to point behind me, "Why nothing I'm afraid but someone else to worry about."

She nudges at the entrance as I raise my eyebrow at that as who I saw next turned around unaware what happened next surprised me.

"I'm sorry but this is what my mistress wants."



Quickly avoiding at just the right moment as I felt the pain of my face being partially smashed as I avoided the hit I couldn't help but be nervous with the person in front of me.

Hazel why here and why now?

Don't I have enough issues to worry about?

If I had to put my money, I guess Salem must have sent him after me.

Figures my magic would attract her as it would be connected to the Grimm I killed off.

Getting ready to defend myself I tried -



Suddenly I felt someone attacking me from behind as it was one of the goons of the Spiders attacking me as Lil' Miss began to speak, "There. Just like you paid for mister. Help capture the man you wanted."


Falling down on the ground as I was blacking out I began to hear more of the lingering conversation as it appears to me that Hazel requested their help to capture me.

Well fuck me in the ass huh?

Using Cursed Restoration to slowly restore myself and act knocked out I decided to let Hazel capture me for now.

Too many enemies I could make just by attacking Hazel with magic and with a known criminal organization knowing what I can do is the least likely thing I would want from them.

Feeling the big guy picking me up like a sack of potatoes he thanked the Spiders as he began to tie me up as I didn't resist till we were away since I don't need to be caught in the spot light like that.

I swear just starting out my journey only to have it be derailed over and over again as well as being careful what I do is certainly annoying enough.

Now an immortal wanting to meet me sent out her dogs to play fetch with me as I was now being pulled inside an unsuspicious truck as I was placed inside of it with Hazel closing the door as I he then placed…


"There that should stop you if you have aura and magic."


Yup he thought I have aura when in reality I don't even have aura at all but the cuffs did cut me off from my Mana as I tried to call it but no response.


This changes my plans by a large margin and I do mean by a lot.

I thought I was safe going to Vale for awhile but nope seems like everyone wants to tear me a new one today.

What is it get your free isekaied guy on sale or something?

Whatever the case maybe at least I have my Alchemy to help me out at least that was the reason why Hazel placed these cuffs on me to begin with to stop my deconstruction of my right arm.


Jokes on him this the power of Alchemy not aura nor magic although I would kill to have it right now though.


Shaking my head helplessly I felt the truck turn on as Hazel began to take me somewhere as I still acted tired out for awhile since I have plenty of time to think things through of what to do next.

Do I fight or run?

Considering everyone with Aura is practically superhuman and learning through my Death Battle they can surely take hits it would just mean I would have a harder time to fight back hell their force field of auras will block my or take my deconstruction alchemy head on.


Let's see if I can use my magic Shamak seems more likely the scenario then I run away as fast as I could.


Why isn't my Alchemy activating?!

Taking a look at my Transmutation Array it didn't work as I looked at it to find out why?

Shit looks like the markers I used to paint the Transmutation Array is clearly show signs of smudges might when Hazel grabbed me.

Glancing at a window in front of me I see my view isn't as bleak as it seems to be and losing my items starting from zero again.

Seems to me I'm still at Mistral but now back to Mistral Path with the road works and everything happening.

Can't return back to Mistral City with the Spiders there and might be greedy enough to ask Hazel for more Lien to have me returned so that's a no show.

Argus seems to be the most promising honestly considering my options right now.

However I need a place to train possibly for years considering my lack of fighting is seriously crippling me right now.

And without my alchemy I can't even transmutation to destroy without some proper resources.

To make matters worse though even if I managed to get out this place I'm still fucked over if Raven or Grimm began to charge at me since I lost my means of fighting easier now is gone as I grimaced at the realization.

I'm fucked.

There really is no other explanation about it.

The end of my ropes and now I kind of regret not taking Ghira offer and my mentality in question.

Here I thought by traveling around I could possibly go around meeting the cast early but no it seems reality is a bitter pill to swallow for me.

Even if I used my Cursed Energy to escape I'm up against Hazel who is probably more stronger and more experienced than I am in a fight I would lose hands down.

What I have is Mana, Cursed Energy, Alchemy, and my future knowledge of the world being isekaied here but in return I never trained a day in my life and being sent here is consider to be a death sentence.




Thinking hard and fast I know what I must do

Even if I hate this last resort.

I can't believe I have to do this.

I know a way that I could survive this somehow but the cost though…

Without the stone to pay for the toll I have to pay something in return.

Can't believe it's come down to this.

What will TRUTH want from me in return because what I want right now is the use of obtaining Alchemic Knowledge and to bypass the use of Transmutation Circles but for that I'm going to need to obtain something from TRUTH.


Biting the tip of my thumb drawing blood I began to use it to draw the human transmutation circle as I can't believe I'm doing this and this will surely nerf me but give me something greater in return.

Truth is cunning and merciless but fair and wise.

It believes in the upholding of alchemy's laws and rules by any means necessary and disobedience of them to result in harsh punishment. Truth always does what it believes is fair in trade and will forcefully take from offenders.

Truth holds no bias, options or prejudices as it sees all who break the rules of alchemy as equal in their offenses and thus receiving of equal punishment by losing what they value. Truth shows no favorites of victims and no mercy or exceptions.

Despite his ruthless personality, Truth is trying to uphold the laws that bind the universe and thus punishes any trying to perform acts that cannot happen.

As shown in the end however, it is shown that Truth's brutality has a reason: It wants to teach humans that alchemy isn't everything, that alchemy can in fact be devastating and crippling to those who are not good enough, that they mustn't let themselves get arrogant no matter how genius they may be, to learn to accept life and death as it is and to continue on with their lives via the loved ones they still had.

While it brutally punishes those who tried to acquire his power, it is fair enough to actually give them the knowledge and power they wished in exchange for the punishment.

Finishing drawing the transmutation circle I began to pray for this and hope for the best.


The circle lit up as flashes of alchemic sparks flared up just as the truck stops but I was already beginning to deconstruct entering through the Gate seeing the eye.

I'm desperate as I don't want to become Salem brooding mare if she needs magic users or her next Hound project.

Fuck her ancient pussy I need to get 'that' item from truth as I'll pay the cost for it.

Seeing the shadowy tendrils getting near me as I see the gate of EYES OF GOD in the center I was being dragged in and prepare for the worst.

If all else fails I'll create a new stone to get back what I owe TRUTH.

I vanish.