
Isekai Shinobi!

"Look! Look!!" "It's the lolimancer Sei!!!" "Kyaahh! I want to see my shota!!" "The lolitas were over there!! Quick!!" "We sure have lots of fans~ hey, smile~" _____ "Run!! Run!!" "They came back!! The underworld lolitas came back!!!" "What?! Run for your life!!" "Hey! Calling us lolitas is just wrong! We have guys over here!!" A shota said as he eat the heart of the one who said the word 'Underworld lolitas'. On one side they were cute harmless kids, on another side they were killers. Which one was true? And what's the identity of the lolimancer behind them? ____ cover isn't mine, if you are the artist and you want me to take it down please dm me. 1 chapter every 2 days or something like that.

Eiwaf · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The fortieth boyfriend?!


A shout that came from a female envelops the entire district.

"You're telling me that you entered the forest alone?! Why did I even give birth to an idiot!" A woman in her thirties was scolding a twelve years old kid named Sei.

Her, The mother couldn't help but smack her head from anger, if Sei wasn't a kid but a teenager she would totally smack his brain off his head.

"Your mother is right, How can you enter the forest and bring my lovely blade! it's been with me ever since I was a kid!" meanwhile his father was angry as his butcher's knife was lost inside the forest.

"I...." Sei couldn't find any word to refute them.

The two let out a sigh to calm themselves down.

"Don't do such a thing again..." His mother said.

"....Not until you grow up" his father continues.

Sei took a full minute before he understands what they just said.

"You mean...." His eyes sparkle.

"Yes, you're a stubborn child, me and your mother know that no matter what we say won't discourage you to become an adventurer..."

"so instead of dissuading you, we will wholeheartedly support your decision but..."

His father stops there.

After a few seconds of silence, his mother broke the silence "I left the stove open!"

She hurriedly ran to their kitchen.

"Also, stop being delusional, there's no way you saved the viscount's daughter in the forest," His father said.

"But it's true" Sei said as he stares at his father's eyes to prove that he wasn't lying.

Mr. Sasagawa also looks at his eyes, realizing that he wasn't blinking rapidly like when he was usually lying, he started to believe the kid a bit, just a bit.

as a normal civilian, his child saving a noble's child was something he would never dream of, not even in his wildest dreams.

"....I'm proud of you"

therefore he can't think of what should he say when that happens.

"Hmh" Sei replied delightedly.

The father and son duo suddenly punch each other on the chest, of course, the father holds his strength back to the point that Sei would only feel a slight sting.

meanwhile, Sei punched him with all of his strength, Mr. Sasagawa spits out a few salivae.


Then laughter came after that.

"What are you two laughing at?! Our food for today was overcooked!" The voice of his mother could be heard from behind his father.

"What?! The food today was my favorite food!!" Sei cried.

"Who do you it is who makes me so worried that I forget that I'm cooking?"

"Dad, How dare you make mom worried!" Sei shouted at his father.

"She's talking about you fool!"

"No way, you're the trouble maker here!"

"How can you say something like that about your own father?"

"You're my father that's why I could...."

"Oh? You unfilial son...."

the two quarrels for a long time until the mother intervenes in their argument.

"I'm talking about both of you!"


The two were shocked but the neighbors who gather around while eating popcorn weren't surprised.

The two finally enter their house and as they did the crowd that gather immediately dispersed, those who just came with popcorn on their hand cried in regret.

The next day early in the morning, someone aggressively knocks on their door angering the sleeping mother.

"Who the f*ck knock this early...."

As she open the door her mouth instantly stop when she saw a pretty teenage girl wearing a luxurious dress.

Behind her, were two men acting respectfully.

One word, Noble.

Only nobles could afford expensive clothing like that, and even if they weren't noble, they must be the child of a merchant or a powerful adventurer.

She can't anger the child of any of those three or else her family will surely suffer.

"Ara~ May I know what my lady wants in my humble household?" She asks nervously, her attitude did a 360-degree turn but it's understandable.

Then a thought suddenly pass her mind.

'Did Sei.... tried to flirt with this beauty and now she's here to punish us?! Why else would a noble come to our house with bodyguards on her side?!'

But those thought immediately vanish when she saw that the girl does not look angry.

"I'm here for Sei, Sasagawa Sei"

'She's here for Sei! but she doesn't look angry!! What would be the reason then?'

Sweats drip down from her forehead as she doesn't know why would a noble come and find her son.

In the end, She decided to call Sei to understand.

As she called Sei, She also woke her husband up.

"Hmm... Maybe the girl took a fancy on Sei? Being her thirtieth or fortieth boyfriend would still be beneficial for our child" This Is what the father said when he learn the matter.

"That's... I mean she's pretty and must be rich" The mother nodded in agreement.

Okay, wait... the guess had already entered their house and was staying at the living room.

The girl didn't say anything but the servants that stays behind her cast magic that envelops the girl's whole body.

She stares at the guy who cast the skill but didn't say anything again.

Sei who was called by her mother goes to the living room yawning, he was widely awakened by the sudden appearance of a pretty girl.

"...Am I still dreaming?" He rubbed both of his eyes but the result was that they were still there.

"No" She answers indifferently, it that was said to other girls they will surely blush as it means that you dreamed about them.... unless you're an ugly monster then they will think you're a pervert... oh! so that's why when I...

"I came here to personally give you the rewards, my father doesn't want me to do that but I insisted so here it is"

"The reward... can I exchange it for a chance to become your boyfriend?" Sei curiously asked.

As he asks those questions the two servant looks at him maliciously.

"No" She answered without any hesitation,

"I see..." He knows that he will fail but at least he tried.... though if it's a different noble such question could lead to his death.

An average-looking poor man like him wants to become the boyfriend of a pretty noble? Impossible!

Maybe if he could raise godly kids then he might stand a chance but can he?

"So the reward..." Sei shamelessly asked.

"I won't be giving it to you," She said.

"Ah..." That's the only thing he could say,

'why did I even ask such a foolish question? Now I won't even get the reward'


"Let's go, madam," The man said.

"Wait" She stopped them.

"Boyfriend? It's a big no-no but..." she paused a bit.

"We could be friends" She flashed a smile and the whole world seem to brighten... Cut! Cut Who the f*ck open the spotlight?! that cost so much electricity!!

The room stopped brightening

as the girl and her servants already left.