
Isekai Life, An Adventure That Shaped Sword And Magic

The story revolves around Juan, an isekai'd old man from earth who regain his youth. He arrived suddenly in an eerie grassland alone to survive on his own. Drift in the river, got caught by a villager. Meet new people and start a-new in this strange place. Still his life seems bound to change more things than he initially thought. There are many truths and magical realism in this world he could only look at before in anime and his imagination. Would he reach out on them and try searching for immortality? Or will he settle down and live a slow life alone once again this time around. Come and follow him as he start a low-key beginning of a legend the whole land will sing and remember in the future. ... I'm the Author hello to my readers. I don't know if you took a liking to my book but please do tell me your opinion. I'm just starting and still a student, so if you like it. Please so add to collection or offer some power stone. I'll add more chapter if you do so. Thank you very much.

I_Am_Wholesome · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 48: Recovery

"Husband, I'm sorry, I forgot... I'm just too happy."

Looking at how Ceth was looking at him were a face full of emotion he had never seen before from her always calm.

Juan sigh in wonder, emotions can truly make the world lose their rationality. But this also shows what people really feels inside them and who they really are.

'Alright, you can be forgiven. However, some punishment cannot be gone unnoticed. I'll record this for now and collect it after I recover. Hehe.'

"Husband wait for a bit, I'll go call mother and father."

Taking a deep breath, smiling gently and tenderly this time to him.

Ceth's restless heart also calmdown and seems to have become more relax after Juan's awakening.

Juan nodded in response. This action, he can still do albeit a little slow.

Seeing this, Ceth mind also relax and much more lively. Even her eyes seems to see more colors at this moment.

Truly, happiness brings life and joy that colors ones vision of the world in wonderful self fulfillment.

Soon, Ceth left and walked out of the room. Immediately, her voice came ringing in the house.

"Mother, Father, my husband has woken up...."


A few seconds later, Ceth came with Garu and the madam in a hurry after hearing Juan has woken up.

Looking at Juan who's eyes were opened and seems to be tired and dazed from time to time.

Garu sigh in relief seeing this. At least, a big stone weighing in his heart was thrown off the ground after this.

"How is it? Can you talk?"

Juan shook his head.

'Not yet, I feel like moving my jaw and voice right now is quite hard.'

"I see. Then well postponed the question's I want to ask. For now, take a good rest. Right, you haven't eaten for three days straight. You must have been hungry."

Juan was a little shock, at the same time surprised. He was lacking in strength right now so his reaction also lessen for a bit.

'Three days? I actually slept for three days. I almostt can't believe it. Yet, I actually did it. Well, speaking of food, I'm really hungry.'

Turning around, Garu looked at his wife and said.

"Wife, heat up some soup for Juan to warm his stomach. Also, make him a porridge."

The madam nodded and replied happily.

"Hmm, I'll go do it immediately."

Suddenly, Ceth came to her mother's side and said seriously.

"I'll help too."

The madam nodded again and smiled gently. She then took Ceth with her to the kitchen. Thus leaving the two men in the room.

Garu didn't said anything after that, instead he was just observing Juan's bandaged body to see if there's any bleeding somewhere.

At the same time, he started talking about the happening during this days Juan was asleep.

"Three days ago, we found others like you. With burned skin, charred flesh parts, and other injuries in their bodies."

"Like you, they also lost their hair. Thankfully, no one died. However, they might not return to their previous lives after this."

"As for you, your injuries aren't light and could be said to be said to be the grievous among them all."

"However, your also the one with the fastest to recover and also the first one to woke up and move a bit immediately."

"Judging from this, it can be seen that you being young has a lot to with it. And because of this, you might have no problem returning to your good health once again."

After hearing this, Juan gain understanding of what had happened to the others who got pulled like him to that strange place.

'I'm the only one who's young huh.'

"It's just, your appearance might become a problem. With no hair above and your fave. Almost half of your face and whole body covered in burned marks."

"Can you....still accept yourself after that?"

Garu calmly said, waiting for Juan to answer the question.

Hearing that, Juan was a little restless in his heart however that restlessness was just a fleeting feeling and nothing more.

'I'm just an old man by heart. As long as I can live long with no illness, and diseases. A man can still live without problem just because of this little disfigurement.'

'However, there is a problem. I may be able to accept it because it's myself. But....'

Juan's eyes involuntarily gazed outside the room, out of the door. His mind sensing spreading where his wife and her mother was cooking.

Seeing such look in Juan's eyes. Those worries, guilt, and also fear. Garu immediately understood where those emotions were from.

"Son, I tell you this. My daughter Ceth, truly loves you. She won't leave you just because of your appearance. She already knew, so don't worry."

Upon hearing this, Juan's heart was moved! However, he wouldn't believe that easily.

'I want to see it for myself. Even if she wants to leave me. I won't. This might be selfish but as my first woman, how could I let you go?'

'I'll just make her accept me by then and shower her with happiness. Still, if she still accepts me while like this from what Garu said.'

'Then this time, I'll wont make a promise. But I'll will pour her my everything and make her life more colorful and fun. Let her experience those romance unseen in this time.'

Juan nodded, his actions in agreement to Garu's question.

Seeing this Garu finally show a smile after all this time.

"Ha ha ha! Good! Good! Good! I accept your resolve, son! That's how a man should act! Ha ha ha!"

'I almost forgot you like to laugh almost everytime. Ha ha ha.'

Juan also followed and laughed in his heart. This time, he also felt relax as though the stone that had been weighing him all this time was taken down.


After a while, Ceth and the madam came back with a steaming bowl of vegetable soup and porridge made from wheat and oats.

When they arrived, they were greeted with Garu laughing and talking with Juan some funny and happy things that happened during this three days.

Although it was a one sided conversation, Garu seems to not feel it was not. Maybe from his eyes, Juan was also responding to him with his eyes and occasional nod.

"Alright, food's here let me help you first. It's not good to eat while lying down. Son, can you bear it? This might be painful."

Juan nodded, responding that he can. Receiving that affirmation, Garu walked near the bedside and bend down.

His hands went behind Juan's head and back, thus helping him sat up.

Although Juan was feeling uncomfortable all over, he can only grit his teeth and endure.

"Wife, put the clothes and pillows behind Juan to lean on. Take those in our room to add more here."

Garu told her wife normally.

"Hhm, okay."

The madam goes off to work. As for Ceth, she sat on the other side of the bed, waiting for the time she will feed with her carefully nourishing food for Juan.

A minute later, with Garu and the madam's help. Juan can now sit with the help of the piled clothes and pillows behind his back to support him.

"Eat slowly, you haven't eaten for days. It's easy to get stomachache. I will you leave you to Ceth now. I still have work to do."

After saying that, Garu left followed by the madam.

"Ceth, take care of Juan. Just call me if you need anything. I'm just outside, okay?"

Ceth nodded with a smile on her pretty face. It feels good to have ones parents always there to support her back.


Seeing her parents has left everything in her care. Ceth turn her attention back to the food in her hand and to Juan.

"Husband, open your mouth okay? I'll blow the heat for you so you won't feel hot."

Scooping a wooden teaspoon of steaming hot soup. Blowing some air on it to cool it down before sending it next to his half opened mouth.

"You know, I mainly cook everything. Mother was just helping me by the side."

Juan was silent and can't give her the praise she wants. And seemingly knowing this, Ceth blush a little seeing Juan's piercing gaze.

"Uh..um.. does it taste good?"

Juan nodded a little which made Ceth sweetly smile and her earlier shyness dissipated a little. Time flew by and the food were already gone yet Ceth still remained.

She placed put all the bowls and other things on the other chair before sitting nearer on Juan's bed. Laid down and took hold of Juan's wrapped up palm.

Three days later.

Juan left the bed and the bandage wrapped around him like a mummy were taken off.

Now sitting on the bed and wearing a new set of clothes, Juan turn to the side and gave everyone a helpless look.

"Although your voice has returned and you recovered enough to move. I still recommend for you to continue lying down on the bed and rest more."

"Your injuries deep inside you hasn't yet recovered. Even your burnt skin shouldn't have cool enough for the scorching pain to disappeared. How about it?"

Garu sat on the chair and said while looking worriedly at Juan who looked on helplessly while being wrapped in more clothing by the more worrying Ceth.

"Honey, the sun won't bake me. And Father, Mother, I'm not going out of the house. It's just taking a walk out of this room and let my stiff body relax."