
ISEKAI: Leveling Service

Chronicle Legacy is an MMORPG game that has a lot of players, it was the best game of the era with 9.1 stars according to the reviewers. As it has the best graphics as well as the game-play mechanics. Still, there’s a reason why it only gets 9.1 stars. The missing 0.9 stars were regarding the leveling system of Chronicle Legacy. Why? Player was required to spend a lot of times just to level up their characters, there’s no booster pack to boost experience points at all. Yet there is another method for players to be able to level up their characters without wasting a huge amount of time in the game. The method was Leveling Service - It focuses on providing professional leveling to the player. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [MTL] [PG-17] [UPDATE SCHELDULE ON BOTTOM] *This was an MTL novel [Scheldule] 10 PM EST- Daily (One per day) [Mass Release] 100PS - 4 Chapter on Sunday

ShovelingKnight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
198 Chs


"Well, if you say so... I guess I had to believe your words then. As you have known him longer than me." Lyon said. 

Miya then said, "Your friend certainly has very good combat skills... Kinda makes me wonder who he is." 

Hearing Miya says that makes me a bit nervous, to be honest. Because if Miya decided to dig out about Lyon's history... for sure she would find it a bit weird. Well of course it would be weird because all of the stuff was just a makeup story that I created for him, none of them was true. 

That's why I should make a good cover-up so Miya would have any suspicion at all. 

"Oh, that's because he's a traveler and from what I know about Shiki... he learned how to fight at a very young age and that's why he's very skilled in fighting." I simply said that to both of them. 

"I see but how could he obtain such a rare shield?" Miya asked that question.