
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Cap#13 trip to Castia (2)

They have been traveling for two weeks, the road has fallen relatively calm. Only bandits and a few monsters. There are still another two days until we reach the capital of Castia, today we will stay in a town called Torbill, it is small, although it has an adventurers guild building.

We stayed in an inn for the night while the horses rested, the receptionist was a woman in her thirties, her daughter attends to the clients and her husband takes care of the kitchen. To avoid attracting attention during the trip I don't wear the adventurer S rank insignia, although Ilia and Elizabeth are wearing theirs, before going to bed I went out to explore a little, I ended up in the adventurers' guild, it was only two floors, the first was a classic bar. At the reception a man in his 30s.

Satō: Good night.

Receptionist: Good evening, do you want to place an order?

Satou: No, I'm an adventurer, I wanted to have a drink.

Receptionist: I don't see his badge.

Satou: It's clear sorry.

Take out the badge and put it on me. The receptionist poured me a glass of liquor without saying a word while his hands were shaking. That's why he didn't wear it to me. In that a group arrived.

Adventurer: Hello willi, let us have a round of drinks, we got the ogre mission.

Receptionist: Congratulations, many had failed you.

Adventurer: hey you, this is the place for strong adventurers like us, not for rookies who barely know how to drink.

Satou: I'm not a rookie, and I'm sure I'm capable of drinking more than the four of you combined.

Let's see if I have some fun.

Adventurer: haha, here my friend Carl is the best drinker in town, so don't even bother.

Adventurer: You know what, Willi, get the booze out, we're going to tear this rookie apart.

Satou: let's have fun, whoever loses pays everything.

Adventurer: Prepare to go broke.

We started the competition, two hours later only Carl and I were left standing. We decided to leave it in a tie and let the others pay when they woke up, we left the bar singing the perfect song for the occasion.

Carl, Satou: THE COCKROACH, THE COCKROACH.... HE CAN'T WALK ANYMORE, BECAUSE HE MISSES IT, BECAUSE HE HASN'T...oooaaaa. we fell on a heap of straw on the side of the road, we stopped and each one went to his respective destination.

Once in the past.

I walked through the door, the butt was about to close.

Hostess: sir, your companions are already in their rooms, you want something else.

Satou: Haha, haha, hahahahahaha. What a good joke.

Hostess: What joke are you talking about?

Satou: I'm not saying you, but the joke that chair just told me.

That's the last thing I remember, I woke up with a bucket of cold water falling on my face, it was the innkeeper's husband.

Husband: good morning sleeping hair, they are waiting for you downstairs, they are ready to go.

Satou: aaa, my head.

Husband: haha, in a certain way I admire you, willi told me that you managed to draw with Carl, you are the first person to achieve it.

Satou: look where I'm not so happy.

I left the room, everyone was ready to leave, the girls didn't speak to me for much of the day, I thought it was because of drinking, but it turned out that I still smelled so much alcohol upstairs that they didn't want to get close to me inside the carriage, I had a bath before going to see Cara, I was still studying, he gave me a letter from the King, he asked me not to cause excessive problems in Castia.

Satou: Well, I think that putting a father to eat dirt for having an idiot son is within the measure, since he is the king is mere chance.

At last the gates of the capital are finally seen.

Satou: Lilian, it's about 10 times bigger than your city.

Lilian: Yes, Castia is a country that specializes in trade, it is feared by others for having more than 100 paladins and 50 dragons in its main army, as well as a special squad that is said to surpass paladins.

Satou: We've been traveling for almost 20 days and now you're telling me.

She just shrugged.

Finally we arrived at the gate, traveling in a real car we were charged half the toll, 10 copper coins per person, apparently here it is twice as much as before, I asked the file to take us to the urban part, and if he knew he could show me a place where you can buy a house.

Don't judge her, it's just that she doesn't appeal much to me to sleep in an inn, there's less nocturnal deliberation.

After entering the city we passed through the poor district, although it is called that, it is fairly acceptable, at least in the quality of the houses, streets and that there were only a few begging in the streets.

Next we come to the residential part, here there is even a mass of shops, the noble part has its own chair, clearly of better quality, although it is impressive by itself.

We were in front of a large 6-storey building, we were received with great courtesy.

Receptionist: Good afternoon, how can I help you?

Satou: Yes, I would like to buy a house that is close to the market, 6 or 7 rooms with a bathroom, it is spacious, with a garden and with whatever they want.

The girls told him some details and then he showed us various prices, they ranged from 3,000 to 6,000 gold coins, a gigantic sum compared to my house, considering that I bought it for a noble son, who cares.

Satou: Fine I'll buy it.

Receptionist: thank you very much, if you accompany me I will take you to my superior to finish the paperwork

We did some paperwork and they took us to the house, they handed over the keys after receiving the payment and that's it, new house.

Satou: Girls, I'm going to explore a bit, I must be late, don't worry, I won't drink more for a long time.

He still hasn't got me back.

The girls went out to explore too, each in different directions, I went to the area where the merchants meet, I'm looking for weapons with runes or spells.

I spent several hours searching until I found a store where they were sold, their price is exorbitant, up to 100 gold coins a sword with a spell edge, which was not even of good iron, I kept looking, I came across the guild of this city , it has 5 floors, instead of one there are 4 receptionists and in all of them there is a row..

I want to see what kind of jobs there are in this area, it could be fun..

I wait my turn.

Receptionist: Good that I can help you sir!

The last word was said by her looking at the rank of my chest, there are supposed to be some S in the capital who didn't become paladins either so she shouldn't be so surprised.

Satou: I am looking for a job according to my rank.

Receptionist: I am very sorry but the only one of your rank has already been taken.

Satou: what are you going to do, see you.

I left and went to eat something at one of the next tables.

At that I was interrupted by a group of adventurers.

Adventurer: Hello, I am the hero summoned by Castia to fight against the Demon King.

Satou: Aha, I'm Satou.

What kind of presentation is that, she is crying out for me to hit her.

Hero: Offers you the honor of participating in my party during a very important Wild Dragon Disclosure Motion, this is an S rank quest.

It will be bastard, he was the one who took the mission, I heard that from time to time the God of this world granted the possibility of summoning heroes who will fight against the Demon King. I was sent by his brothers to screw him over, so as a thank you I'm going to do it. Besides that this idiot has an attitude to do it for free.

Satou: of course.....not.

Hero: How dare you refuse the offer of the hero who will save this world from the demons, I come to this world with the strength of an S rank.

I don't think so, he even speaks in the third person and tells me about his life.

Satou: Excuse me, I didn't know that.

Hero: haha, now you see them.

Satou: Look where I see it clearly. Nope.

hero: what?

Hero's Companion: Mr. Satou, could you please accompany them.

This was said by a blue-haired girl who was not very gifted but somewhat cute.

Hero: don't bother Camil, this being doesn't care if humanity falls to the demons.

Satou: Of course I'll help you Camil.

Hero: but you just refused.

Satou: No, I refused to go with you, I didn't say anything about the beautiful ladies accompanying you, I must prevent them from getting hurt.

Hero: insolent.

He tried to pull the sword out of him but Camil stopped him.

After that we left, the hero's other companion introduces herself as Catia, she is a chest, Camil is a Magician.

We came to a cave, it was in a mountain near the city, as soon as we got closer a voice was heard.

??? Because mere humans disturb my rest.

That's weird, the dragons I've seen so far don't speak.

Hero: haha, come out creature, I the hero will face

A Dragon came out of the cave, it was 30 meters tall, three times bigger than the one in the dungeon. Camil and Catia began to tremble, they had terror on their faces.

Hero: so... It was just a dragon, but... but you're too big, it doesn't matter, I the hero will defeat you

Dragon: you are strong human, if you can be called that, I would like to talk calmly with you.

Apparently this dragon can measure the strength of enemies. I wouldn't mind having him as a pet, I'm sure Cara would.

Hero: hahaha, Agora charged you before my immense power...

Satou: Sure, if you want I have meat here.

The dragon and I went in the same direction, he picked up a log and lit it on fire, I put demon pork meat on a big metal stick and started randomizing the meat. The hero's group looked at us with a doubtful face, they didn't understand why the dragon didn't pay attention to them. They wanted to take advantage and attack him from behind, they launched a fireball, a rain of arrows and sword cuts, it was unfortunate, breaking a rock with a piece of toilet paper, they did not even serve as a massage.

Dragon: Excuse me, they are your friends.

Satō: No.

The dragon looked at them with murderous intent and these fainted alley.

Satou: Well, what brings you here?

Dragon: my daughter went on a trip, she was kidnapped and brought to this continent to be tamed. That's why she came to destroy the country that has done it, but before that I need to recover the energies of traveling from another continent.

Satou: I am not in favor of the death of innocents but I would do the same if they kidnapped mine, which seems like a deal to you.

After that we reached an agreement, he could see with his dragon eyes that I was strong, but he didn't know how strong, if I was capable of giving off an aura that affected both he and his daughter would be my subordinates, clearly I would help him to find her safe and sound.

Later he explained that he is not a Dragon, but a lordragon, a superior race, a single adult lordragon is stronger than 200 dragons, but that the young ones are like simple dragons until their maturity where they awaken their lineage.

Then he taught me a magic that allowed me to master the emotion of aura.

Satou: ok, ready?

Lord Dragon: yes

With an aura so thick the trees creaked, the lordragon fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. And that I did not do it with force.

After a while he woke up, I told him to stay away from the city, that I would take care of his daughter, since he agreed to be my subordinate a psychic bond was formed and now we can talk mentally regardless of the distance.

Satou: It's time to go back to the city, see you in a while.

When I was getting to my house I remembered the unconscious hero and companions, well, I don't think anything will come close with that lordragon there.