
Isekai King

A man never being able to die, always going to new worlds, will this become a blessing or a curse, will he ever break the cycle? Why does he keep meeting truck-kun?

Smols · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

[S0 Ep1]


The deafening sound of Casey's alarm rings through the house, waking up everyone but Casey.


Mabel groans as she angrily gets out of bed, pillow in hand. She starts smacking her brother repeatedly in the face in annoyance and anger until he jumps awake.

"If you're gonna wake us all up with that alarm at least make sure you can wake up too, lazy"

She stomps out of his room as Casey sits up in bed and stares at the wall thinking.

'I'm sorry I'm a heavy sleeper.....what do I have to do today.... It seem's like it will be a pretty easy day, I got all my work that was due today done yesterday, it's 5:30 so mom's probably making breakfast, I might watch some TV and get dressed while mom cooks, I'll clean up instead of helping today.'

As soon as he made the decison his mom's voice projects through the house.

"Casey! What's the plan?"

"I'm on clean up!"

"Got it! Mabel come help me!"

"But mooom, I woke up Casey, why do I have to?"

"Because I said so, now come help or no breakfast"

On slow mornings like today, he's thankful he's the oldest and gets to choose. With dad being on night shift they had to divide chores differently last night, and he ended up staying up later than he usually does because of it.

After putting on his school uniform, Casey sits on his bed and watches his favorite show "Sunlight Reality" After the episode is over, he leaves his room and come sits at the dinner table where his mom and sister are setting the food down.

"mmmmm, thank you mom, you make the best French Toast" Casey smiles

"I know" His mom chuckles.

"You have that presentation due today don't you?"

"Technically, but I was able to get done early so I turned it in already"

"Thats great, so today's an easy day?"


"How about you help your sister with math when you get home then? She needs a tutor"

"Moooom" Mabel chimes in. "I dont want, him, teaching me anything why don't yo-"

"Mabel, don't argue, your failing, and you need help, take the help or stay back. Up to you"

Mabel reluctantly agrees. "Fine, but you cant expect me to know everything"

"Yes, yes, I know Mabes, thats why you need my help in the first place" Casey laughs and flicks a tiny ball of his napkin at her.

"grrrr." Mabel glares and finishes up her breakfast then leaves to get ready for school.

Casey and his mom turn up the news and watch the rest of breakfast.

"Its sad, there have been a lot of hit and runs recently, please be careful when your walking"

"I know mom, don't worry, I'm always alert." Casey smiles reassuringly at his mom.

"Thank you, honey"

Casey starts cleaning up the dirty plates and rinses them in the sink, then places them in the dishwasher.

"I've gotta get going, I'll see you after school, I love you mom"

"I love you too, have a great day"

"Love ya Mabel!"

"Yeah, Love ya too!"

Casey leaves and walks toward the bus. While he's walking he's thinking.

'I haven't missed a day of school yet this year, I don't think they still call if I'm missing either...I might go to the State Park and hang out with some friends'

Casey stops walking and pulls out his phone and goes to the group chat.

[Casey] hey anyone wanna go to the state park

[Jackson] Sure, I'm down

[Tyler] nahhh bro, cant, got that test today, mby next time


[Casey] its all good, i understand, jackson can you pick me up, ill be at the gas station near my house, i have gas money

[Jackson] I got you, be there in 10

This is the backstory as to how it all started

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