
Isekai Gamer: Monster Girl Harem Master

I reincarnated into the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world with the Gamer's powers. On the bright side, I can actually travel the world of MGE and make my own harem. The downside is that I can't level up, so now I'm at risk of being captured and enslaved by just ONE Monster Girl. Author's Note: 18+ scenes begins at the second chapter. [Goblin (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)] [Femdom] [Gender Role Reversal] [Isekai] [gamer - Freeform] [Gamer Powers] [Embedded Images]

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9 Chs

Magical Armor

Special thanks to Varja for helping me, the guy did a lot of work helping me with the English version of this chapter.

Before I start, I would like to send a shout-out to the people at QQ, I love it when people there discuss the Lore and Mechanics of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia setting.

And as I had told, on this chapter we have the result of whether or not any goblin will join the protagonist's Harem. A quick but very important vote for Fic.


"He-he." I chuckled awkwardly at my situation. "I confess, I forgot about the magical armor."

"You'd forget your balls if they weren't stuck under your dick."

Though Tyss was right, I still got pissed at her phallic jibes.

"Keep joking like that, and I'll bust your ass."

"Oh no, how dreadful," Tyss retorted in a sarcastic and dramatic tone.

The goblin sisters were so focused on milking my dick throughout the week that I completely forgot about the magical item.

"Just a moment," Tyss says, approaching the large wooden crate with a crowbar.

My heart pounded against my ribs, an unfamiliar mix of fear and anticipation running through me. With a dramatic flourish, she pried open the lid between us.

"Tada!" exclaimed the goblin as she opened the box.

"I won't lie, I'm dying to see you in a dress." Tyss giggled cheerfully, her voice echoing in the dark basement.

Both the speech and the laughter of the little goblin went unnoticed by me.

In front of me was the promised magical armor, but something was different, someone was sitting on the box wearing it.

"Jason?" the goblin asked, having noticed my lack of attention.

My eyes widened at the figure before me. It was a translucent woman, shining with an ethereal blue light that matched her hair and eyes. She wore the silver armor that clung to her curves.

I was captivated. She had a regal and noble beauty, yet her face seemed expressionless, her dead eyes conveying a message of profound, melancholic sadness. It was as if I were looking at a warrior queen burdened by the weight of a thousand battles.

The air felt charged, heavy with a solemnity that sent shivers down my spine. An instinctual part of me wanted to bow, to acknowledge the tacit command her presence implied. But it was her beauty, terrible and sorrowful, that kept me rooted.

Her eyes, those piercing, sad blue eyes, seemed to look not at me but through me. It was as if she was witnessing some invisible tragedy unfolding far beyond this place. There was a strength in her, an unyielding spirit forged in a crucible of loss, that left me breathless.


My fingers twitched, an instinctive desire to reach out, to offer... something. But what could I give to such an ethereal being, so imbued with a power I barely understood?

Words nearly stumbled from my tongue, but thankfully, I managed to speak.

"Are you alright?"

Her head turned towards me slightly. Her eyes finally seemed to focus. Surprise flickered across her expressionless face, a subtle shift in her spectral form.

"Are you capable of seeing me, commoner?" Her voice was light, tinged with disbelief.

I swallowed, my nerves warring with a strange sense of pride.

"Y-yes," I replied, almost stuttering.

"You are the first to notice my form since I was first aware of the world around me," she spoke calmly. Her gaze landed on me, her form becoming less translucent, a bit more solid. "You are different. There is a spark in you."

Now it was my turn to be surprised.

"A spark? I'm just…" I hesitate, searching for the right word. "I'm just an ordinary human."

Her eyes locked onto mine, showing a slight interest in me.

"You are not just anyone, completely distant from mediocrity," she replied as she stood up, her body becoming more distinct.

"What the hell is this?!" Tyss asked, shocked and confused.

The armored woman stood up and took a step closer, causing my breath to catch in my throat.

"What is your name?"

"Jason," I reply, breathless.

"Jason," she repeats as if testing my name on her tongue. "No last name?"

"I'm not noble or from a clan. My parents are poor farmers with nothing."

She took another step closer, so close that her breath touched my skin. Without warning, she reached out and touched my face with her hands.

"My Lord," she said, staring into the depths of my being with those pale eyes. "Your soul is noble…"

"Thank you, you-."

"Even though you're a mongrel with nowhere to call home or a ditch to drop dead in."

"Hah!" Tyss exclaimed, falling to the ground laughing.

Did I hear that right? She was praising me and then suddenly dissed me.

"So… what did you mean by that exactly?"

Shetilted her head, looking at me with confusion, then let go of my face.

"My apologies if I wasn't clear, my Lord," she said, bowing.

"Phew," I sighed in relief. "For a moment there, I thought-."

"Despite your origin in the peasant's pigsty and your complete lack of monetary and social support, I dare say you still have a glimmer of hope of achieving some success in your life, my Lord."

Shocked by the polite and elegant manner in which I'd been insulted, I couldn't respond to the blue-armored woman in front of me. Tyss, on the other hand, was still on the ground laughing at my misfortune.

"I understand that my lord comes from a family of farmers, but why do you allow this goat into your residence?"

Tyss stopped laughing immediately and stood up, furious.

The tension between Tyss and the armored woman was palpable, like a powder keg about to ignite. I knew I needed to intervene before the situation escalated further.

"Let's stop there," I began, trying to keep calm and diplomatic. "Tyss is the owner of the house, and until yesterday, I was her employee."

The armored woman looked at me with a mixture of surprise and disdain.

"You choose to defend such a creature, my lord?" She looked me up and down before continuing. "Intriguing, serving you will surely be a unique experience."

Tyss huffed, clearly unsatisfied with the response.

"I don't need anyone to defend me, especially not from a lazy, fat ghost who thinks she can insult me!"

"Silence, filthy goat!" The armored woman exclaimed, her voice suddenly stronger but still maintaining her emotionless face. "It's not your place to speak of my lord like that, even if he's just a wretch with nobility only in spirit."

I placed myself between the two again.

"That's enough," I said firmly. "We're not here to argue about titles or lineages."

The armored woman studied me for a long moment, her expression softening.

"This goblin is named Tyss. She thought you were a magical armor, not a living being."

The blue woman stared at the goblin without breaking her serious expression, but it was evident that she was annoyed.

"You were given to me in exchange for a week of manual labor."

The armored woman's eyes widened at my statement, the first expression to clearly show on her face.

"But I won't take you."

"What?" They both questioned my decision.

"It's wrong to treat her like an object, Tyss," I replied, turning to the Goblin. "Every living being is unique and special, deserving of respect and dignity."

The little redhead looked at me, wide-eyed and agape, as if I were speaking the biggest nonsense in the world.

"Are you sure about this, Jason? If I look around, maybe I can find some artifact that can bind her to you, maybe even enslave her."

The idea made my stomach twist.

"I refuse!" I angrily replied. "It's not fair, nor right, to treat her this way."

Tyss turned, looking at the huge number of boxes and bags filled with goods, and sighed tiredly.

"I think I must have some armor, but nothing fancy like that armor, let alone magical."

"Thank you, Tyss," I say, smiling in relief.

The goblin waved her hand in my direction and went to look for the promised equipment.

"My Lord," calls the blue woman. "Does my form displeases you, that you are so quick to discard me?"

I was caught off guard by the woman, who now had a melancholic look.

"What are you talking about, woman?" I questioned her. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."

"Oh, Heavens," she murmurs in response, covering her mouth.

"But as I told Tyss, I won't drag you along on my journey against your will."

The woman took another step toward me, looking curious.

"What kind of journey is this that my Lord is embarking on?"

Don't say Harem! Don't say Harem! Don't say Harem! Don't say Harem!

Especially after that spur of the moment speech.

"Basically becoming an adventurer, seeing the world, exploring ancient ruins, and helping those I can along the way."

"I see..." She replies, pondering my words. "Perhaps I have been hasty in my judgments."

I turned to watch the goblin opening crates, but the sound of the metal armor moving caught my attention.

When I turned back, the blue woman was kneeling before me.

She raised her head, her eyes shining with the kind of determination I hadn't seen before.

"My Lord," she began, her voice firm and clear. "I do not possess a name or a past. However, in this solemn moment, I entrust my future to you." The words she spokes carried some kind of power that reverberated through my body. "I swear on the steel of my form and the honor of my spirit to be your guardian on your journey, the fortress that safeguards your dreams and the blade against those who dare to oppose you."

She reached for my left hand, and gently kissed it.


A knightly woman had just sworn allegiance to me, and now she was staring at me with those big blue eyes, waiting for me to say something.

But what could I say?

The biggest responsibility of my previous life was paying my bills on time and remembering to buy toilet paper.

Even on her knee, this blue woman is still an imposing and mysterious figure. Though I don't know her very well, it's not hard to notice that she's a noble and dedicated knight.

"R-rise, noble kn-knight, your Lord commands you."

She gave a soft, almost imperceptible smile and stood up, satisfied.

"But it's kind of inconvenient that you don't have a name… can I give you one?"

Once again, she widened her eyes, but then relaxed and nodded with a slight smile.

"I grant thee the name…"

My beloved father, help me, I need a name worthy of a stoic and noble knight.

"... Artoria." The name of the iconic saber from the Fate series slipped out.

The blue woman, now dubbed Artoria, placed her hands over her chest, smiling gently.

"My name is Artoria," she said, with closed eyes. "Thank you, Lord Jason."

We stared at each other in silence, savoring this strange but precious moment between us.

"Does this mean I don't need to look for another armor?" Tyss asked from inside a box, breaking the moment.

I sighed tiredly as Artoria clenched her fists, holding back her frustration at the chatty goblin.

"You'll have to look for armor anyway. She chose to come with me."

She went back to searching, grumbling irritably.

"In fact, there's a way for you to use me as armor, master."

"Oh really? How?"


"Jason…" The name of the human that won't leave my head.

Any moment now, he will head out to become an adventurer, leaving me behind… I will never see him again.

I didn't want that, I didn't want to be away from him. I wanted to see Jason every day, touch him with my fingers, smell him. I wanted more than anything to be able to love and be loved by him every day for the rest of my life.

But every time I thought about talking to him, a wave of anxiety washed over me.

'What if he laughs at me? What if he says there's no place for a useless, clumsy goblin like me in his adventures? I don't know if I could handle being rejected, not by him, not when I feel like this… this could be the start of something great.'

I walked to Jason's room in silence .

I hadn't seen him all morning, as he and Tyss were in the basement, sorting the equipment for their trip and soon after he went up to his room, probably to prepare.

I stopped as soon as I reached the bedroom door.

Shyness paralyzed me and anxiety made me doubt my abilities.

But I couldn't give up! I needed to gather my courage and find a way to get closer to him. I wasn't completely useless, I could help by carrying equipment and maintaining his weapons and armor.

Gathering all the courage within myself, I reached for the door. Cold sweat ran down my palms as I pushed the door open. My heart beat frantically, like a war drum echoing in my ears.

"Jason." I whispered through the crack in the door. "I need to speak-."

"Yesss!" A low, feminine moan cut through me.


I leaned further into the crack, trying to figure out what was going on.

And then I allowed myself to listen.


The wet sounds were forever burned into my mind, so I recognized them right away.

The sound of Jason fucking a mamono.

"Please, my Lord, don't stop!" Begged the blue woman in armor being fucked on all fours by Jason.

A feeling of envy welled up inside me at this Scene. Where did this mamono come from? And how could they already be having sex?

"You are the best!" She exclaims, moaning with pleasure.


"Aah, aaaah!" She moaned softly, as if she was trying to contain herself as her entire body trembled in pleasure.

They got faster.


"You're amazing Artoria!" Jason grunts with pleasure.

Jason's firm, powerful voice made me gasp as he pounded the now identified Artoria's ass.

"You are mine now, forever." Jason said, holding the woman's waist.

"Y-yes!" She whispered, almost fanatically.

His long, powerful cock was invading her with brute force, as if Jason's member were a battering ram pounding against the entrance of a fortress.

Jaune's body twitched slightly, something I recognized right away. He was going to cum.

"Do not stop!" The blue mamono begs. "Let me have your seed, my lord! Grant this honor to your servant."

As if he was fulfilling her request, Jason thrusted hard inside her, releasing his cum.

"Aaaaaah!!!" the mamono moans, shaking.

Jason pressed his body against hers as he rode her into orgasm.

Tired, Jason laid on the bed as the blue mamono crawled towards him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you, Lord Jason," She lovingly whispered.

"Don't thank me," Jason replied, still panting. "That's weird."

"Weird?" questioned themamono.

As soon as Jason caught his breath, he pulled the stranger closer, forcing her to lie down next to him.

"It's not like I was doing you a favor," Jason explained, stroking her hair. "You're helping me too."

She smiled and hugged Jason's chest, snuggling even closer to him.

Despite the lovely scene, I felt something in my chest. My heart felt like it was being crushed by an invisible hand.

It was a strange feeling, this mixture of helplessness and anger, of sadness and confusion. It felt like a part of me was breaking, shattering into tiny pieces that were unable to rebuild themselves. I didn't fully understand what I was feeling, but I knew it hurt. It hurt deeply, as if all the hopes I had placed in Jason were being trampled before my eyes.

I felt foolish for having allowed my heart to cling to something so uncertain, something that now seemed so far away and unattainable. Maybe it was time to face reality and accept that our destinies will never be. We were never fated to intertwine in the way I dreamed. But still, it hurt. It hurt more than I ever imagined it could hurt.






It felt like I hadn't seen this window in years, when in fact it's barely been a week. But when Artoria requested that I fuck her, I knew she was going to gain me a level by having sex with a new species.


Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 8

HP: 110

MP:  100








LUCK: 14

FP: 6

XP: 05%


My Mamono Bestiary had also updated, but I went straight to the new power I had gained.


- Living Armor:

Attribute Bonus = +2 VITALITY +1 STRENGTH +1 WISDOM

Tough as Steel = Reduce damage you would take by 20%.

Hard as Steel = Your penis can be harder than the toughest metals.


The bonuses to Vitality and Strength were very welcome, but I wasn't so happy about Wisdom, as it didn't seem to affect my MP. The defense increase was good. Now, the thing about my penis being harder than metal… I needed to test it in the near future.

As soon as I closed the last level up window, intending to spend the rest of the day hugging the hot mamono next to me, which I found out is a Living Armor, a window appeared, catching my attention.





"Harem Master?" I whispered so as not to wake her.

With a mental command, I opened the description window.



Harem List= With this feature, the Harem master can check the status of all the members of his Harem, regardless of whether they are in his party or not.

Party = This feature allows the Harem Master to assign Harem members to the party [4 Mamonos MAX].

Party Summon = With this ability, the Harem Master can call upon his party members to join him instantly, regardless of where they are.

Item Share = The Harem Master can distribute items and treasures among his party members, regardless of whether they are close or on a different plane.

Exp Share = Experience gained in battles is evenly distributed among all party members, helping everyone level up and grow stronger together. [The harem master does not gain Exp with this feature.]

Mamono Evolution = This feature allows the Harem Master to evolve any mamono in his Party, if he has fulfilled the prerequisites.


It's a fusion of Dragon Quest and Pokémon... I loved my life.

But why was this happening so soon? Did I have a Harem already?




Species: Goblin

Class: Handymonster Lvl 3

Status: Confused/Desperate


Species: Living Armor

Class: Vanguard Defender Lvl 47

Status: Asleep/Happy


I gaped at the mamono who was 29 levels higher than me, sleeping next to me with a satisfied smile on her lips. The difference in power between us was scary, as well as Zyss being such a low level and being much stronger than me.

I paused for a second when I realized that for some reason, Zyss was in my Harem, but her sisters were not. I only had sex with Artoria once, and if that was enough for her to join the Harem, why don't Tyss and Kyss join?

While thinking it over, I looked back at the window and noticed Tyss' status.

"Confused and desperate?"

I clicked on her name and another window opened.


Name: Zyss

Class: Handymonster Lvl 3

Status: Confusion/Desperate

Unique Trait: Goblin Tinkerer





A simplified version of my status window appeared with Zyss's stats, I wanted to take a closer look at her, but I clicked on her status, trying to get more information. Nothing happened.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Nothing useful appeared.

"Aha!" I snapped my fingers.

If I put her in my party I could summon her.


[Free Slot] 

Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution

[Free Slot] 

Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution

[Free Slot] 

Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution

[Free Slot] 

Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution


Without thinking twice, I clicked on one of the available spaces. A list appeared, displaying the two mamonos in my Harem, and I placed Zyss in the space and then pressed summon.


Harem Master Summons [Zyss] 


As soon as the last window disappeared, a purple light with a light pink core appeared in front of me.


Alone in the woods near my house, I crouched with tears streaming down my face. I couldn't understand why I felt this way, but it hurt so much. The image of Jason with that blue mamono occupied my thoughts, they were having sex so happily and vigorously, only to later lie down hugging each other like newlyweds. I felt devastated, like my heart was being torn to shreds.

I didn't know what to do. I've never felt this way before. It was a mixture of sadness, anger, and a feeling of emptiness that seemed to consume my soul. Why did it hurt so much to see Jason with someone else? Why did that make me cry so much?


"Ah!" I screamed, startled by the sudden noise that echoed from all directions.

I looked around for the source and noticed a strange blue window floating in the center of my vision.


The Harem Master is summoning you

[Accept] [Decline]


"But what's this?" I whispered. "Have I gone crazy? Who's the Harem master?"

Even though I was apprehensive and still hurt, I couldn't contain myself and pressed the button to accept.

A purplish light completely enveloped me, as if I was being swallowed by a magical vortex. My body felt light, as if it was weightless. My mind felt disoriented as I was transported through a whirlwind of purple and pink lights.

When the light finally dissipated, I was no longer in the forest.

"Zyss!" Jason exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

'Have I been transported to Jason's bed?' I thought.

My heart raced with surprise and confusion.

'How did I get here? What's happening?'

But instantly, I felt enveloped in a comforting warmth. Jason's arms held me gently, like a shield against the outside world. His warmth, his familiar scent, it all made me feel safe in a way I never thought possible.

His touch felt magical, dissolving all my doubts and uncertainties that haunted my heart as a feeling of peace took over my being.

It was like we were in our own world. His arms were my refuge, a place where I could forget all my worries and simply be myself.

As I rested in Jason's arms, enjoying the comforting feeling of his presence, I heard his husky voice whispering my name.

"Zyss... Where were you? I was worried."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I looked up to meet his tired eyes, now focused on me. There was a mix of confusion and relief in his gaze, as if he was trying to understand how I ended up there.

My mind raced for an answer. I swallowed hard, trying to find the right words.

"I… I don't know. I was in the forest alone when a strange window appeared, I pressed accept and I felt like I was being taken by an invisible force. And then, suddenly, I was here, in front of you."

Jason frowned, suspecting something, but his expression softened when his eyes met mine. He reached out and gently caressed my face, as if to reassure me that I was safe now.

"It doesn't matter how you got here," he said, smiling gently. "I'm just glad you're here."

As calm and serenity enveloped the room, I felt a new wave of determination rise within me. The courage that once seemed to slip away now strengthened, buoyed by Jason's comforting presence.

Summoning all my courage, I held his hand and looked into his eyes with determination.

"Jason, there's something I need to tell you," I started, feeling my heart pound in my chest. "I want to be part of your group, travel with you."

There was a moment of tense silence as I waited for his answer, my eyes searching his for any sign. Uncertainty hung in the air as he processed my words, and my stomach twisted with anxiety.

Finally, a tender smile spread across his face and my heart filled with hope.

"Zyss, if it's up to me, you're already part of my group," he said, his voice soft and comforting. "It will be a pleasure to have you with me."

A wave of relief washed over me as I took in his words, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. In his eyes, I saw only acceptance and affection, and I knew that I made the right choice in sharing my desires with him.

With a beaming smile, I thanked him, feeling more confident and determined than ever. Because now, with Jason by my side, I knew I could face whatever challenge fate had in store for us. And with that in mind, I hugged him again, knowing that together we were stronger than we could ever be alone.


The air was thick with the smell of anticipation as we stood in front of the Yss sisters' house, preparing to embark on our journey.

I was dressed in leather armor, carrying some of the equipment Tyss had given me.


Unfortunately, Artoria's plan hadn't worked out, so I was wearing leather armor.

After sleeping with her, I could "use her" as armor. At least that was what the living armor had planned, but it seemed I was too weak to use her.

Now in front of the house, Artoria remained stoic. She had no attachment to the goblin sisters, and truth be told, she could hardly wait to get away from this place and never return. Meanwhile, the goblins were saying their goodbyes.

"Zyss," Tyss said, her voice tinged with concern. "Are you sure about this? Leaving home with Jason… it's dangerous out there."

Kyss nodded, her gaze shifting between Zyss and me.

"We just want you to be safe, little one," Kyss explained. "You'll have to deal with bandits, evil mamonos, members of the order, and wild beasts."

Zyss shifted nervously, but there was a determination in her eyes that I hadn't seen before.

"I know," she says, her voice surprisingly firm. "But I've made my decision."

Tyss and Kyss exchanged glances, their expressions softening slightly. They may have been skeptical of our partnership, but they understood the bond that had formed between Zyss and me.

"Very well," Tyss finally said, her voice gentle. "Just promise us one thing, Zyss. Promise that you'll look after each other, no matter what happens."

Zyss nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I promise. We'll take care of each other, always."

As soon as they finished saying their goodbyes, we set off.

We walked for 4 hours among the trees of the forest until a question arose in my mind.

"Where are we going?"

They both stopped instantly and looked at me in astonishment.

"My Lord is quite jocular," Artoria said, shaking her head. "Surely you didn't set out on a journey without even deciding your destination."

"He-he… so about that..."

The warrior came towards me with firm steps and quickly grabbed my face with both hands.

"Look into my eyes, Lord, and answer the following question." Her gaze was as cold and threatening as her voice. "When we left the goblins' house, did you have a plan?"

"Look… plan is a strong word-. Ow! Ow! Ow!" I couldn't even answer Artoria because she started squeezing my face.

"A thousand apologies, my Lord," says the warrior, not at all apologetic. "But it seems that what you have in nobility you lack in common sense and intellect."

Before I could defend myself from her accusations, Zyss stepped between us.

"We are closer to Jason's village than my home," explained the little goblin. "If we go there, we can take one of the roads that merchants use to get to other cities."

Artoria, surprised by Zyss's suggestion, simply nodded in agreement.

Funny how life is, who would have thought that the first stop on my journey would be my hometown.

"Then let's head straight to Goatsville."

"What an epic name for the beginning of our epic journey," Artoria drily commented.



Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 8

HP: 110

MP:  100








LUCK: 14

FP: 6

XP: 05%



Maximum Length: 20 cm [7,87 inch]

Maximum Girth: 03 cm [1,18 inch]



Goblin [Goblin Layer/Goblin King]Living Armor



Dark Insignia: [Locked]Hieromancy: [Locked]Elemental Magic: [Locked]Necromancy: [Locked]Nymphomancy: Genius Potential / 0 spellsPharmacomancy: [Locked]Teletomancy: [Locked]Theriomancy: [Locked]




Species: Goblin

Class: Handymonster Lvl 3


Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution


Species: Living Armor

Class: Vanguard Defender Lvl 47


Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution

[Free Slot] 

Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution

[Free Slot] 

Summon - Item Share - Exp Share - Mamono Evolution



E ai gurizada?

Lots of Br comments this time. Isso ai porra!

Thanks to all 150 who voted, 65.16% (101 votes) voted for one of them going with the protagonist and 34.84% (54 Voices) voted against.


Amei o fato das orcs serem meio gordinhas, podemos ter uma no harem? De preferencia uma que seja comilona (sim, você sabe o que ela vai comer)


I like women of all types, but between skinny and chubby… I prefer chubby.


As vezes eu esqueço que tú é brasileiro.


That's why I write "E ai gurizada?".


Então as orcs só serão um sexo leve?


Ha! That's a good one.


Man, poor old Zeca Santos. Will he ever recover from the crushed pride he now keeps? Well, I dunno, but it makes for a good plot of entertainment lmao. Anyways, a Cursed Sword is a pretty interesting choice there for a harem member.


Fun Fact: Zeca Santos is a name that I use for unimportant NPC in the RPG games I narrate. The problem is that my players (from several groups with different people) end up pulling this "unimportant NPC" into the center of the adventures. So I kind of did it here too.


This is basically everything I wanted on a MGE fic.


That's High Praise!