
Isekai Friends

Blake and Ethan were 16-year-old teenage boys who had been killed by falling off a bridge on a cold winter's day. They found themselves transported to a magical medieval world where they were given a second chance at life. In this new world, they have been given barely any special powers which made them useless. They were tasked with a great mission - to defeat a powerful demon queen who threatened to plunge the world into darkness. The two then formed a party with two women. One was a healer named Charlotte and the other one was a mage named Lucy. The four of them were all incompetent...

PenLife · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 43: Another Continuation

Lucy ran through the forest, she felt the weight of Charlotte's body on her back, but her adrenaline kept her moving forward. The forest was dense with tall trees that towered over her head, casting a cool, dim light on the forest floor. The leaves rustled and swayed in the breeze, and shafts of sunlight streamed through the gaps in the canopy, illuminating patches of the forest floor.

Lucy's long black hair whipped around her face as she sprinted through the trees, her heart racing with the urgency of the situation. She could feel her muscles burning with exertion, but she pushed herself to go faster, to get Charlotte to safety.

As she ran, she could see drops of blood trailing behind them, staining the forest floor. Charlotte's medium-length white hair was matted with sweat and blood, and her face was pale and still. Lucy could feel the warmth of Charlotte's body against her back, and the steady rhythm of her breathing was a small comfort in the midst of the chaos.

With every step, Lucy's heart pounded in her chest, and she scanned the trees for any sign of danger. The forest was quiet except for the sound of her breathing and the rustling of leaves as she ran.

"She'll die if I don't find someone or something to heal her." Lucy thought to herself as she teared up.

Lucy emerged from the dense forest and blinked at the bright sunlight that flooded her vision. Her eyes adjusted to the change in light, and she looked out at the magnificent mountain range that stretched out before her. The mountain peaks soared high into the sky and she noticed that they were close to her village.

Lucy retrieved her staff, which she had fastened to her back. After gripping it tightly, she ran her fingers over the sleek wood. With the remaining scraps of magical energy, she gathered her strength and ignited the flame within her. As she rose from the ground, she stoked the fire magic with all her might, but the feat exhausted her mana completely and resulted in minimal progress. She stumbled and collapsed to the muddy terrain, landing on her face.

Lucy wiped the mud off her face and stood up, grabbing Charlotte once again. She began to run, her feet pounding the ground as she pushed herself towards the mountain.

Time passed slowly as Lucy trudged through the night with Charlotte still unconscious on her back. The moon shone brightly in the dark sky.

As Lucy approached her village, she could see the warm glow of the fires and torches that lit the streets. The village was bathed in red and orange hues, creating a welcoming and homely atmosphere.

The buildings were made of sturdy wood, each one intricately designed with golden highlights. The streets were busy with villagers going about their business, all of them with dark black hair and wearing the same red clothing as Lucy. As she moved through the crowds, she could hear the sounds of laughter and music filling the air.

Despite the lively atmosphere, Lucy's heart was heavy as she carried Charlotte through the village. She could feel her friend's weight on her back, and Charlotte's skin felt clammy to the touch.

Lucy dashed through the village, her eyes scanning the buildings for the healer's house. Her heart raced as she finally saw a wooden structure with a red and gold sign bearing the words "Healer's House" above the entrance. The building emitted a welcoming radiance, and Lucy observed shadows stirring within.

Upon entering the healer's house, a woman with short black hair, glasses, and a broad chest greeted her with gentle eyes. The woman's gaze fell on the unconscious Charlotte, and she gestured for Lucy and Charlotte to accompany her.

The healer led Lucy to a small room with a bed in the corner. She laid Charlotte down on the bed and quickly went to work. Lucy watched as the healer's hands moved in quick, precise motions, muttering incantations under her breath.

"'She should be fine but I don't know how long until she comes to. It could be hours months days or years."

"Why are you fucking telling me this you mindless succubus."

"Lucy I know you've been jealous of me since we were kids and all but could you be nice to me for once? I mean I just healed your friend for free and all."

"Fine- fine thank you so very- very much for doing your job as a healer." She said her voice laced with anger."

As Lucy sat beside Charlotte's bed, an older couple walked into the healer's house. The man had salt and pepper hair and was dressed in a simple red tunic, while the woman wore a flowing red dress with golden embroidery. They both had warm, comforting smiles on their faces.

Lucy immediately recognized them as her parents and let out a deep sigh, placing her hand over her face. "I should've left earlierrr."

Despite her reluctance, Lucy allowed her parents to wrap their arms around her, feeling their tight embrace. However, her face was not a picture of joy or relief. Instead, it was tense, and she looked away from them, wishing to be anywhere else but there. She couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment that washed over her when her parents were around.

Lucy's mother's eyes were filled with tears, and her voice was choked up with emotion. She had a worried expression on her face, and her body shook with sobs. "Honey, why didn't you visit us for so longggg?"

"Yeah, Lucy you should visit us for at least a week. Also did your friend tell you we met him?" Her father said.

"Yeah- wait what?"

"You know the one who you sent to train under your grandfather."

Lucy buried her face into a pillow and let out a muffled scream. She felt so embarrassed that her parents had met Blake.

She regretted ever suggesting that he train with her grandfather, and now she had to face the consequences of that decision. She could hear her parents talking to each other in hushed tones, trying to figure out what was wrong with their daughter. Lucy just wanted to disappear and never face them again.

"Is he your boyfriend Lucy?" Her mother said raising her eyebrows.

"No." She said immediately in a serious tone."

Lucy's father sat down on the bed next to her, his expression turning serious as he looked at her. "Lucy," he said, his tone firm, "did you get rid of your curse?"

Lucy tensed up at the question, her eyes flickering away from her father's gaze. She had hoped to avoid this topic, at least for a little while longer. But she knew that her father wouldn't let it go.

She took a deep breath and turned back to face him, her expression serious. "No, I haven't," she said, her voice low. "I've been trying, but it's been harder than I thought."

"Then just become a swordsman- well swordswoman in this case."

"No- I don't want to- it's humiliating. I declared myself as a mage- not a sword user- I also can't let a little curse get in my way!"

Then, to everyone's surprise, Charlotte's eyes slowly opened. The healer gasped in amazement and surprise at her quick recovery, but Lucy's parents were focused on Charlotte.

The healer then laughed hysterically. She slapped her hands together and threw her head back, the sound echoing through the small room.

The healer suddenly stopped laughing and went into a trance-like state, repeating the word "money" over and over again in an eerie monotone voice. Her eyes were wide open and unblinking, and her body was completely still, except for her lips moving mechanically to say the same word repeatedly.

Lucy took the healer's hand and gently guided her outside, away from the room where her parents and Charlotte were still inside. She closed the door and locked it, hoping to muffle the sounds of the healer's trance.

But even from outside the room, Lucy and the healer could still hear her voice, echoing through the walls.

"Um am I dead?" Charlotte asked.

"Honestly that would be better right now."

"Wait what?!"

"That came out wrong sorry. You have to deal with my parents now sadly."

Lucy's parents looked at Charlotte intently, their eyes scrutinizing her every move. They seemed to be sizing her up, assessing her worth, and trying to determine what kind of person she was.

Lucy's father leaned over to inspect Charlotte, running his hand over her forehead and checking her pulse. He then looked at her eyes and ears, muttering to himself as he did so. He even pulled out a magnifying glass to examine her more closely.

"So you're a healer?"

"Yes and I'm a fine one too!" Charlotte said with a thumbs up.

"According to your aura, it might seem as if your healing is painful."

"How do you know that?"