
Isekai Friends

Blake and Ethan were 16-year-old teenage boys who had been killed by falling off a bridge on a cold winter's day. They found themselves transported to a magical medieval world where they were given a second chance at life. In this new world, they have been given barely any special powers which made them useless. They were tasked with a great mission - to defeat a powerful demon queen who threatened to plunge the world into darkness. The two then formed a party with two women. One was a healer named Charlotte and the other one was a mage named Lucy. The four of them were all incompetent...

PenLife · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter: 18: Another farewell

All of their objectives had been met. The team had grown its enterprise to the point where it could thrive under a new manager, ensuring a steady flow of income even in their absence. Additionally, they had doubled their savings.

The next step for them was to move to the capital for the sake of safety.

As the group stepped out of the inn the next day, they were immediately struck by the tense atmosphere that permeated the small town.

The streets were bustling with activity, but it was not the same carefree energy that they had grown accustomed to. Instead, there was a palpable sense of unease and anxiety that hung heavily in the air.

The first thing that caught their attention was the people walking about in the streets. Many of them were carrying weapons and armor, from simple farming tools and makeshift shields to more elaborate swords and chainmail.

They moved with purpose, their expressions grim and determined.

As the group looked around, they saw that many of the shops and homes were being fortified. Wooden planks and makeshift barriers were being erected outside storefronts, while windows and doors were being boarded up.

They saw people moving in and out of these buildings, carrying supplies and tools to strengthen their defenses.

"Look's like we're the only pussies here, Blake."

"Less talking and more walking dickhead. We need to get a horse with a cart."

"Don't forget a map too." Charlotte chimed in.

"Food too!" Lucy added.

The group made their way to a local market where they were able to acquire a map and some provisions for their journey. They purchased fresh bread, apples, and a variety of other fruits. They then walked towards the town gate, where they came across a stable.

They ordered a horse and a cart to aid them in their travels. The stable hand assisted them in loading their belongings onto the cart.

As the group approached the gate of the town, Lucy turned to Blake and Ethan with a look of sadness on her face. "I can't believe we're not strong enough yet."

Blake and Ethan exchanged a glance, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "We have to think about our survival, Lucy," Blake said, trying to reason with her.

"Lucy my love. If you need a hug then I would glad-"


"Oh, oka-"


The group started to drive their carriage away, with a heavy heart as they said goodbye to the small town they had called home only a few days

. As they looked back, they could see that the streets were filled with other carriages, all loaded with families and their belongings, as they too were leaving for safety in the capital.

Ethan, ever the joker, turned to his friends and said with a smirk, "Looks like we're not the only ones running away from the Demon Queen and her army. Looks like the capital city will be a real party".

Blake rolled her eyes at Ethan's attempt at humor, "You're hilarious Ethan. But I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to a demon queen and her army."

Charlotte, who had been mostly silent, turned to Lucy "I know it's hard but we have no choice. We need to leave."

Lucy nodded reluctantly, "I know, I just can't help feeling like we're abandoning this town and all the people we've met here."

"Look on the bright side Lucy. You can use your magic once we start doing quests in the capital."

Ethan and Blake shared a knowing look. They knew that the journey ahead would be hell. They then remembered the pain that Lucy and Charlotte had caused them.

They shivered as they thought about the pain they would feel again.

"Did you guys become vegetarians or something? We don't have any meat.

Ethan shrugged and said, "I figured we wouldn't want to carry around a bunch of stinky, rotting meat with us on the road. Plus, fruits and bread are the perfect snacks for when you're on the run from demons and armies. You know, for when we inevitably end up in some crazy adventure."

Blake chimed in, "Yeah, and think of all the money we'll save by not having to buy expensive meat. We can use that money to buy even more fruits and bread!"

Lucy rolled her eyes and said, "You two are ridiculous. I can't believe I'm stuck on this journey with you."

Ethan grinned and said, "Hey, if you don't like our food then we can take your share. You're a fatass anyways so you could always eat less."

"And that's why you don't have a girlfriend Ethan," Blake responded.

Charlotte suddenly launched a piece of bread at Ethan, playfully giggling as it hit him in the face. Ethan retaliated by tossing a piece of fruit back at her, starting an all-out food fight in the carriage.

Blake, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly jumped up and started yelling at them to stop. "Are you guys fucking five years old?!", he exclaimed as he drove the carriage.

They then stopped the food fight looking ashamed.

"Wait Blake when did you learn how to drive a horse?"

"I didn't I'm just winging it and it seems to be working."

"Oh well, that's comforting to know Blake."

As the group traveled through the hills, the landscape around them shifted from the bustling streets of the small town to the picturesque countryside. Rolling green hills stretched out in every direction, the lush grass swaying in the gentle breeze.

The sun beat down on them, casting a warm glow on the landscape and bathing the group in its golden rays.

The air was filled with the sounds of nature, the chirping of birds, and the rustling of leaves providing a soothing soundtrack to their journey.

The breeze carried with it the fresh scent of wildflowers and the earthy aroma of the soil. It was peaceful and serene.

It seems as if every day there is a strong contrast between peace and war.

Lucy sat on the side of the carriage, her eyes closed in concentration as she summoned her magic. Suddenly, five small figures made of lightning appeared in the air beside her.

They crackled and snapped with energy as they hovered. Lucy then summoned another five figures, but this time, they were made of water.

The water figures floated beside the lightning figures, and at Lucy's command, they began to battle.

The water figures quickly encased the lightning figures in a cage of droplets, extinguishing their crackling energy.

"I'm so bored," Charlotte groaned, leaning back against the side of the carriage. "Is this it? Just sitting in this carriage all day, staring at the same old scenery?"

"Well, we could make out," Ethan suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

Charlotte sighed.

"So dickhead get ready because whenever we arrive at the capital then we will immediately learn magic after we settle in. Whatever magic I master you cannot use. I do not care if it's your best magic. Don't copy me or else."

"I told you already Blake. I call lightning I don't care what you say."

"I could drive us back to the town and we wait for the army to arrive."

"You'd be dying with me."

"It's not like it's the first time then. Dickhead."

After 3 days they arrived in the capital.

Ethan was sprawled out across the back of the carriage, snoring loudly, his mouth hanging open.

Charlotte was curled up in the corner, her head resting on her backpack as a pillow, a small snore escaping her now and then.

Lucy was sitting on the edge of the carriage, her legs hanging off the side, her head nodding forward as she struggled to stay awake.

Her arms flailed wildly as if she was fighting something in her dream, causing Ethan to grumble in his sleep and shift away from her.


The group then woke up, startled. Ethan's pants had a dark shade in an area.

"Just kidding but we're here."

The capital city was a stark contrast to the small town the group had just left behind. The streets were wider and more bustling with activity, lined with tall buildings made of stone and steel.

As they drove through the city, they could see that the architecture was far more advanced and impressive than anything they had ever seen before.

The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with statues, and many had multiple stories with balconies and terraces.

The streets were also well-lit with lanterns that gave off a warm glow, making the city seem even more lively and inviting.

They saw a lot of people dressed in fine clothes, some of them even wearing jewelry, which shows how wealthy this city is.

"This better not be the California of this world," Ethan said to Blake.

"Yeah it looks cool but hopefully it's not expensive as hell."

Charlotte and Lucy looked confused because they didn't get the reference.