
Chapter 4: Wisteria

It feels right, as her soft, perfect lips meet mine, grazing them like a feather falling to the ground. A gasp of breath, a moan seems to come out of my mouth, and Lyra loses what control she had. She kisses me ferociously, stealing all my breath, molding her body to mine like puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. Through my blurry mind, hazy from pleasure, I think: this is what I have been waiting for all these years. This is what I was missing all those years I hid my feelings for her. And so, I kiss her back, taking what I want, what I need from her.

Suddenly, a string of memories invades my mind, temporarily taking me back to the events that happened just a few minutes ago, though it seems like a week ago. The sadistic grin of the brown-haired guy. Tripping over roots and brambles, shards of glass and splinters of wood, trying to escape this nightmare. Getting cornered just as I reach the apartment building Lyra used to live in, fear washing over me as he leans closer, still holding onto the shredded piece of cloth that used to me my jacket. Hopelessness overtaking me, giving in to the numb, cold side of me that I know will provide comfort for what is to come.

Blood flying everywhere, splattering onto my clothes and shoes, coming from the predator about to assault me. The look on his face as he sees the knife embedded in his ribcage, nestled there like his body was its sheath, like it was meant to be there. His eyes dimming, flickering out, running out of life as he slumps lifelessly onto the ground, a steady stream of blood dripping from the gaping hole in his chest. And a stone-cold angel standing behind him, glaring at his corpse. Holding the blade that killed him.

I'm not sure why I have such a bad reaction to what happened. Actually, I get the part where I was going to get… assaulted. But why to the part where I got saved by Lyra? It doesn't make any sense! I should be feeling relief! But… I keep panicking right now, knowing I'm in the arms of a girl who murdered for me. Wait- why am I thinking this? Why am I thinking of this? Does Lyra have the symptoms that I'm thinking about? She couldn't… she wouldn't be a Yandere… Would she?

I pull away slightly from Lyra's embrace, to look at her eyes, and immediately push her away, a surge of panic rushing through me again. Golden eyes with heart-shaped irises. Pink rings around the hearts. I run through everything that they taught us at school about them. If one gets attached to you, if they like you, they will destroy everyone that you love until you love them back. If you meet one, chances are you've just sent your life away to die. Symptoms of you being a Yandere? Golden eyes with heart-shaped irises. A Mark that comes late. A tendency to kill rather than to incapacitate.

Lyra stumbles and falls onto a pile of crumpled paper. She looks at me worriedly, taking in what must be a pale face and unbridled terror. She comes towards me. "What's wrong, Min?" she asks.

I laugh. "What's wrong is that you never told me you were a Yandere." Her face blanches. "I trusted you with my heart. You could have taken better care of it. Why didn't you tell me? Was I not trustworthy enough?" My voice cracks. "Why did you have to hide it from me?"

She sighs, and sits down next to me. I'm fighting the urge to push her, send her toppling from this bench, when she speaks. "I would have told you, but I was only sure that I was one last week. My eyes formed into heart-shaped irises, and I knew that it meant that my soulmate loved me. I didn't know how to tell you. After all, my kind: who I am now: is hated by so many people. And I get it. But… it would have been hell if you didn't love me after this. That's why I kept it hidden from you." Her eyes brim with unshed tears, ones that she refuses to spill.

I abruptly stand up. "It doesn't change anything between us, Lyra. I love you, and that won't ever change, Yandere or not. Just promise that you'll trust me from now on?" I smile, it doesn't reach my eyes. She nods and clings to me like a life raft. "Come on, let's go back to the apartment now. The others will be waiting for us most likely. They don't know where we went after all." And with those words, we start walking back to the building, air full of tension and unsaid secrets. Secrets that I wish weren't there.

The others are waiting for me and Lyra when we walk into the apartment that Lyra and Katie lived in. "What took you both so long?" Mira asks us as soon as we set foot in the room, she's in. "Please tell me you used-" I clamp both of my hands on her mouth to stop her from talking more. She grins evilly, and it's all that I can do not to blush from embarrassment.

"We didn't do that" Lyra and I say in unison. Mira pouts. "Awwwwwwww… whyyyyy? I wanted my ship to sail!"

We roll our eyes. "For a ship to sail, you need wood and cloth, not the love of two girls." Lyra says, me nodding in agreement. Mira groans. "Fine, you uncultured people! I will explain what a ship is! A ship is-"

"Don't. We all know what it is." Kayla says, entering the room. "Oh, Min, you found out? I see that look on your face when it's shell-shocked."

"Found out what?" I ask her, confused.

"Well… That Lyra's a Yandere of course! What did you think I was talking about?"

I am so, so, so sorry for this week! I've been having some exams, so this week's chapter is going to be really really short. It's really hard to write apparently when you're juggling auditions and finals haha.

Thank you for reading!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mizu_No_Hanabicreators' thoughts